Author Topic: Nitro Kit- Flipping Toms vertically (Versus horizontal mount)  (Read 789 times)

Nitro Kit- Flipping Toms vertically (Versus horizontal mount)
« on: December 20, 2023, 11:15:49 PM »

I recently expanded my kit again, 11 Pieces now. 5 toms, 4cymbals. Getting crowded!

I am a life long Guitarist and singer, that took up E Drums when Covid hit. (I'ma lefty and Nitro mesh pricing dropped, had to try it!) It's trippy to me how he Toms are mounted almost flat, vs 45 Degree angle like acoustic drums.

anyone turn the mount vertical to get an "Acoustic" set up feel? I think to would buy me some knee room too.

Pics if ya got em!
