65Drums reports that he doesn't like metal cymbals because of their audio presence. He doesn't mention Laurin, and the metal cymbals he is talking about are quite different from Laurin Drums cymbals.
This microphone test seems to put that one to rest, at least for me, at least for now:
(65Drums, who I enjoy, but we're not always on the same page - still, I like his reports) review of the Laurin Snare has been answered verbatim by the owner of Laurin Drums:
65 Drums review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLoK4KF3ueULaurin's Answer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQeeEbmWxgkAfter scouring other options for e-cymbals I'm left with few options, none of which make me happy - not even a little. So I start looking at Used... oh, wait. That's what I have! I don't want used... I have to put these things to a beating for a few years!!!
So I start thinking along the lines of grabbing another kit - just for the pads, and let the hardware be a bonus. For the price I'd be paying Laurin Drums for the entire order mentioned above, a closely priced Full Kit would be the Special Edition Surge kit, which really doesn't look like a bad idea at all.
I may still do that, but not this time.
I've tried fixing my DM10X cymbals and, while I was successful, they still didn't behave as well as they did new. I have similar results fixing my pads. I think for that I'm going to buckle down and get better Piezo replacements - Jobecki.
Something that I've learned while looking into Laurin Drums is that they have Repair Kits. If we'd need one while under warranty, the kit is sent for free. Well in the second-gen Laurin Drums cymbals, he made the electronics replaceable as well! Two screws under the cymbal, a call to Laurin Drums... a fix is on the way!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0DZh-p9HDUAll while learning of this I kept hearing the same thing over and over... Laurin Support is Awesome. In comparison, I keep hearing that Roland has none. Alesis, I think, is excellent. I sent an e-mail, they said: "We can continue to e-mail, this is fine, and if you'd prefer to talk, give us a call" and gave me their phone number.
Not wanting to fix my ride cymbal, I called and they sold me a new one - much more affordable than buying one from a store. The wiring harness for the DM10X... bought a new one. Mesh heads, too. I have had nothing but great experiences from Alesis. But when I ordered a new Hi Hat cymbal, they've changed since I bought my kit - and not for the better. In fact, I only use that new one as a spare. And That makes the idea of buying a Surge kit for pad replacements far less attractive. When my kit came out it was the Flagship model. Surge is second from the bottom.
It's tough when we need to start looking to replace stuff - and tougher if we want to upgrade. I'm simply not in a position to be able to shell out over $1,500 for a hi hat! Seems that anything affordable is more of a downgrade to what I already have.
Laurin are made to be serviceable, and they originated from the fact that he didn't like his e-drum pads. Mr. Laurin likes them, perhaps I will too.
So I'm just going to dig in and give them a shot. If they work out, this will truly be the Best find Ever! I mean, take a look at those prices!!!
https://www.laurindrums.com/Soon to be my new snare

My new hats

My new ride

My new crashes