Author Topic: Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Review Coming Soon!!!  (Read 4646 times)

Offline Dartanbeck

Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Review Coming Soon!!!
« on: January 31, 2023, 11:48:02 PM »
Alas, after over three years of Heavy Live Pounding, my pads and cymbals are getting tired - and I'm not having the best of luck making them shine again - triggering-wise.

I remembered looking at a company called Laurin Drums

Everything is hand-crafted and shipped to order - and at a very affordable cost, which helps poor old me a lot.

Just wondering, do any of you have one? Going from plastic and rubber to rubberized metal has me a little nervous. But my biggest complaint about plastic cymbals has been their lack of rigidity, which makes them behave less like cymbals when playing.

I've spoken with Mr. Lauren and he's really freaking awesome - so I hope that I buy these things and that I love them - he's such a nice person and has amazing customer support!

Currently my Cart there has
1 x 14" Hi Hat
1 x 14" Crash
1 x 12" Crash
1 x 14" Ride

1 x 12" Snare
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 12:03:57 PM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 12:32:33 PM »
65Drums reports that he doesn't like metal cymbals because of their audio presence. He doesn't mention Laurin, and the metal cymbals he is talking about are quite different from Laurin Drums cymbals.

This microphone test seems to put that one to rest, at least for me, at least for now:

His (65Drums, who I enjoy, but we're not always on the same page - still, I like his reports) review of the Laurin Snare has been answered verbatim by the owner of Laurin Drums:

65 Drums review
Laurin's Answer

After scouring other options for e-cymbals I'm left with few options, none of which make me happy - not even a little. So I start looking at Used... oh, wait. That's what I have! I don't want used... I have to put these things to a beating for a few years!!!

So I start thinking along the lines of grabbing another kit - just for the pads, and let the hardware be a bonus. For the price I'd be paying Laurin Drums for the entire order mentioned above, a closely priced Full Kit would be the Special Edition Surge kit, which really doesn't look like a bad idea at all.

I may still do that, but not this time.

I've tried fixing my DM10X cymbals and, while I was successful, they still didn't behave as well as they did new. I have similar results fixing my pads. I think for that I'm going to buckle down and get better Piezo replacements - Jobecki.

Something that I've learned while looking into Laurin Drums is that they have Repair Kits. If we'd need one while under warranty, the kit is sent for free. Well in the second-gen Laurin Drums cymbals, he made the electronics replaceable as well! Two screws under the cymbal, a call to Laurin Drums... a fix is on the way!

All while learning of this I kept hearing the same thing over and over... Laurin Support is Awesome. In comparison, I keep hearing that Roland has none.  Alesis, I think, is excellent. I sent an e-mail, they said: "We can continue to e-mail, this is fine, and if you'd prefer to talk, give us a call" and gave me their phone number.

Not wanting to fix my ride cymbal, I called and they sold me a new one - much more affordable than buying one from a store. The wiring harness for the DM10X... bought a new one. Mesh heads, too. I have had nothing but great experiences from Alesis. But when I ordered a new Hi Hat cymbal, they've changed since I bought my kit - and not for the better. In fact, I only use that new one as a spare.  And That makes the idea of buying a Surge kit for pad replacements far less attractive. When my kit came out it was the Flagship model. Surge is second from the bottom.

It's tough when we need to start looking to replace stuff - and tougher if we want to upgrade. I'm simply not in a position to be able to shell out over $1,500 for a hi hat! Seems that anything affordable is more of a downgrade to what I already have.

Laurin are made to be serviceable, and they originated from the fact that he didn't like his e-drum pads. Mr. Laurin likes them, perhaps I will too.

So I'm just going to dig in and give them a shot. If they work out, this will truly be the Best find Ever! I mean, take a look at those prices!!!

Soon to be my new snare

My new hats

My new ride

My new crashes
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 01:25:44 PM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2023, 12:46:41 PM »
I failed to mention earlier that I have recently inherited my departed friend's Roland TD6 kit with several upgrades.

The cymbals are nice, but very much the same, I think, as mine as far as performance goes. I actually think that the DM10 cymbals might even be a little better - at least with my response settings.

So when I see those in the store, um... yeah. Pricy! And knowing it's not going to make me any happier as a drummer, I started asking myself why I'd pay that kind of cash with such a high chance of being disappointed? At least buying an SE Surge kit I have a decent idea of what I'm getting. And if those SE heads are anything like the Strike heads... yeah... that's a Great Deal!!!

I see this video and I really like what I see. I know we can't always take that as gospel, but it's at least a demo of the Laurin Drums and Cymbals
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 01:29:19 PM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2023, 01:17:00 PM »
Now, I'm ordering a 14" hi hat.

When we choose Hi Hat as opposed to Crash, the difference is that it comes with a module that slips onto a hi hat stand, and instead of plugging the pedal into the module, we plug this in instead.

I went ahead and ordered that to see if I like it better. The price difference, especially on an order of this size, is minimal.

The thing is, I really Love having my pedal separate from my cymbal. I was so jazzed when Tama first introduced a cable-hat, so we could remotely mount the cymbal, the pedal operating them via a cable. The problem was that the cable system was really too unresponsive to be used as the primary hi hat solution.

This way I can run it either way. I'm hoping that the module will just sit comfortably in my parts bin, but if it makes a world of difference - I'm using it - screw comfort!!!

One way that I think it will excel over the current setup is that - perhaps if I leave the cymbal halfway closed after Sync, it will sound halfway closed when my foot is off the pedal. If this is the case - hi hat stand it is!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2023, 03:21:44 PM »
Correction: it was a Roland TD 9 kit that I inherited
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline AlanK

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2023, 09:58:16 AM »
Hey brother. Hear you on the cost to fix or upgrade woes, same boat here although I don't gig and don't get to play my Alesis often so I don't go through cymbals and mesh etc much but I did buy two Laurin drums years and years ago and they've done me well. I had some trouble getting them to work at first and Robert was so great to talk to, and he sent me settings to try that improved things and also a small repair kit with triggers, connectors and foam cones for free. Wonderful guy/company. I've since opened the two up and moved the placement of the cones a bit to see if I could get better triggering and it's worked for the most part. Rim hits can be a bit tricky and my kick head was double triggering for a while but I loosened the mesh, moved the beater placement and adjusted some settings in the software and they both perform pretty darn good and look nice (I got the brown woodgrain wraps). I almost bought cymbals but wasn't sold on them although I like the designs you chose.. I do feel the rubber rim protector is a bit gaudy but hey if it works. I've bought a few extra crashes from 685Drums in the Netherlands and they were affordable and are basically the same as what I got with my DM10X except no Alesis logo, and I also bought a couple from one of my music stores that have Pearl logos but same cymbals basically.. only one of my crashes over a decade of use is sometimes not triggering and I've toyed with settings a bit, thought it was a mute group or priority thing but not sure.. doesn't happen all the time and I don't play it much so not a biggie.

I've also been watching/following Justin on his 65 Drums channel, good reviews and a nice lad. And watched all that guy's Laurin vids too. I feel like if I were to have a bunch of money to spend I would probably get the Strike special edition before a full on Laurin set, but then if I had money i might get a hybrid. I once bought a Roland CY-5 and it choked beautifully with my DM10 and then at one point I used it for my hi-hat and it also sounded and reacted wonderfully but when I got the Pro X hihat setup it was too offset (bell was farther back if I recall) and the crappy hat top they use in that Pro X sucks so it's stored away and I've put one of my Pearl crashes on the top.
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2023, 01:46:19 PM »
Yeah, I am So on-the-fence right now.
We don't have any music shops nearby, so I never get to try things.

Back when Strike Pro SE first came out, I got the rare opportunity (for me) to sit behind one and play it. It wasn't turned on, but the feel I got from those pads never left my mind. It felt So Good to play!

The more I look around at things, I really wish I could get credit to fund a Strike Pro SE! Darn! So close, yet still very much out of reach for me. The crappy part is that the gigs could easily pay them off, but going the other way around - storing gigs to buy one - is never in the cards. The woes of living in poverty, I guess.

The thing that really got me looking hard at Laurin (besides the excellent prices) is the repair factor. I think it's cool that he offers fix-it kits for drums and cymbals. The cymbal kits aren't on the store, so I imagine we'd just contact him, but two screws replaces the triggers.  I like that.

When I fixed my Alesis cymbals, I could never get the choke working again with that ribbon thingy. I think I did 'keep' one choke working - as in, I didn't get it to stop working due to me fixing the main Piezo, but if the choke ever quit, I couldn't go in and fix it.

The toughest part about all of this:
What if I spend All that cash on some new gear and I don't like it?!!! Argh... I hate that sinking feeling! I have a lot of shows coming up!

18 shows on our summer calendar so far. More and more trickle in throughout. I love it - but I really need to upgrade my kit!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2023, 01:52:12 PM »
Something I love about my kit compared to Strike:
12" Snare and 8" Bass.

Strike Pro SE looks fantastic, but my DM10X Mesh (if I could call it that anymore! LOL) packs up so nice and sets up just as easily.
Serious. Half-Hour tear-down, Half-hour setup - and that's completely, including grabbing my 7-up with Bitters!

But from what I've seen and felt when playing it, I'll gladly deal with the revisited discomfort of a 14" snare between my legs and hauling around a giant kick!

Check out this Strike Pro SE demo from Sweetwater!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2023, 03:27:39 PM »
On the other hand, there really aren't any testimonials out there for Laurin Cymbals.
If they are a decent alternative, it would be nice to get some out there.

Personal e-mail conversations (like mailing a friend) is not common practice for customer support - that alone is truly worth something - and he does really want to stand by his product.

I really wish it was easier to bet feedback about them.

Hmmm... well I have a few days to figure this all out.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline AlanK

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2023, 10:20:42 AM »
I hear you on all those postings and topics. I still have my DM10X (but I got it back when it had Mylar so I did the mesh upgrade before I bought the Laurin snare and kick. I do like more real sized components but I don't gig, and the couple of times we play in front of anyone I just use the acoustic kit thats at my bandmate's house.

I've watched every Nick D video he does from Sweetwater and some other reviews he's posted.. and that Justin at 68 Drums or whatever its called has lots of Alesis reviews/comparisons but you're right.. not much out there about Laurin's cymbals aside from that dude who does his unboxings and stuff.. and I don't love his sound but I bet if he played the Laurin crashes using Addictive or some other vst they'd sound better (I never liked the DM10 module's cymbal sounds).

I agree with the poverty thing.. I'm too broke these days to even dream about the Strike kit or any other ekit.. I've had my Alesis for like a decade now and enjoy the mods I've done to it.. I suppose I might get $1500 if I sold it all and then would still need the same amount on top to get a Strike here in Canada.. or more after taxes. Too bad you can't find one that allows payments but I imagine they don't give it to you until its paid off.. jeez, reminds me of my first new drum set back in 79/80 that I bought here in downtown Ottawa at Steve's Music.. I paid it off as I worked as a packing boy at the grocery store, took about a year.. Westbury crappy set, liked the snare tho.. used it for a couple years gigging small clubs with my brother. Fun days... then got married after the band fizzled out, lived in apartments and lent my set to a friend and never saw it again.. took 25 yrs to get inspired to try electric (Alesis) in the townhouse I was renting.. I lost a quarter century of joy hahaha

I know you don't have a music store nearby.. too bad.. I think my Long & McQuade has a Strike that's rentable.. usually about 100 bucks for a week, so I could get the feel and sound without dropping 3 grand.. maybe will try this summer.
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2023, 11:37:47 AM »
Look up Lemon cymbals.  I use a set with my Strike.  They work perfectly and aren't expensive at all.   

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2023, 11:12:11 PM »
Yes, Lemon has a lot of replacement parts, eh?
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2023, 11:20:31 PM »
After a lot of scouring through options, I've decided to go All-In with Laurin Drums.
If it works out nicely, we should be able to film some more promotion for them. I love dealing with him behind the scenes. I feel confident that he's not going to let me down.

Kit's gonna look pretty sweet at the very least!

Another selling point for me is how easy they are to maintain and repair - I need that. I even need Readers now!!! What?!!!

So I'm going to get:

1 x 12" Snare (I just like that size so much better than 14"!)

2 x 10" Toms

1 x 12" Tom (eventually replace this floor tom with a 14", keeping this one as a spare snare)

1 x 14" Hi Hat w/Controller for Hi Hat stand

1 x 14" Ride (biggest he makes, but I'm perfectly fine with that size)

1 x 14" Crash

1 x 12" Crash

4 x V-Shaped Cymbal Stand Adapters (anti-spin)

If we look at the pictures I posted earlier about the styles for everything, the toms will be the same color as the snare, and instead of the 'regular' looking hi hat, it'll have the same graphic as the ride - "Punchy"
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2023, 11:27:03 PM »
From the Roland kit I inherited, I'll be using the 8" Rubber (tom) pads for cowbell and such. In fact, I'll probably end up getting some splitters and adding more of these convenient little pads for various extra instruments.

This whole project will also give me more time to keep my beloved Alesis DM10X mesh pads at home and fix them up.
I bought a giant pack of cheap piezos before - and I think that may be why my repairs did't turn out nearly as good as I think they should have - so I'll also be investing in some Jobecki transducers.

Full lineup of shows already. can't wait on this any longer!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2023, 11:29:36 PM »
Ha! Cool! All the wonderful items I was perusing on Reverb are now flashing in my Alesis Drummer ads!!! :)  Bonus!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2023, 11:31:47 PM »
...and Yes. I did look at Lemon. Great stuff! I'll likely be buying stuff from them in the future as well.

But I'm Really hoping that I fall in love with these Laurin Drum products. I just have a really good feeling about this... about them.

Man, I Love drumming!!! It's in my Soul!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2023, 11:53:10 PM »
If anyone's interested in knowing how I run all of this, I have a thread HERE that takes us on a journey from initial thought process to where I am today - using my DM10X Mesh kit using midi-OUT into Addictive Drums 2, controlled via Reaper.

I was never onboard with doing this. I love the sounds that can come out of the DM10 module. But truly individualizing outputs simply is not something that the DM10 module can do. Sure, we can route things to Aux and use L/R... nonsense. It didn't work well at all.

I am a very poor person. Gigs help me stay alive.

That said, I had to cough up a decent amount to get Addictive Drums 2 with plenty of kits worth of sounds (not a Lot of $$$, but to me everything is a Lot!!!) and then I already knew that Reaper was worth its weight, so I paid for a license right away - and that's really cheap - like $60USD, I think it was.

That money was Well Spent. This whole adventure (is what the link is about) changed Everything in our live performances! Boom! Thunder! Crash! Boom!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2023, 12:16:50 AM »
Oh... and I forgot to add:

The drum sounds from Addictive Drums 2 are freaking Stunning!

I had plenty of favorites in the DM10 module, but the fine folks at XLN Audio put a lot of time and money into making these ADpaks worth their weight in Gold! I bought a package that let me pick out a whole bunch of stuff - still relatively inexpensive - especially compared to some of the other options.

I love each kit that I got. I'm using the kit from Metal (Big Black Ludwig) right now because I love the toms and it comes with more of them (toms). But every one of the kits sound fantastic. I carefully chose them for which drums, but also which cymbals and such I'd get.

The package also allowed me to pick out several individual instruments - so I have a nicely rounded selection of drums - even an entire collection of legacy electronic drum and cymbal sounds!!!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 12:38:27 AM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2023, 12:35:50 AM »
In that other thread, I begin my research into Addictive Drums 2, by XLN Audio, in This Post, which has links to some of their promotional and decision-making videos.

This Post shows the different option they have and what they mean (How much stuff we get to pick out with the main software, which comes with a sample kit)

I can't speak enough about how happy I am with the marriage between my DM10X Mesh kit and XLN Audio's Addictive Drums 2 - and Reaper hooks it all up to our PA in such a wonderful way... but Aaron did that part, so I can't really detail it much yet. I'm learning though!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2023, 12:52:16 AM »
OMG!!! I can't wait to see and play on my new kit!!!

Here's a link to Laurin Drums, in case you might be wondering what they're about. And they are So Cool to deal with!!!

Oh... Oh my!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2023, 12:56:16 AM »
Another item I'll need to complete the Laurin conversion will be to get one of those beautiful bass drums. But that can wait. I'm happy with my Alesis, and my guitarist hired someone to make a big black circle of plexiglass with our band logo on it. So it isn't 'seen' anyways.

It uses clamps that fit the rack to hold it solid on the front. Looks fantastic!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2023, 01:00:17 AM »
I must say, I was seriously looking for a way to pay someone back out of gig money for a small loan and grab up a new Strike Pro SE. That kit looks AMAZING!!!

I played one when it wasn't turned on, and I loved how it felt to play. Those new heads are something else! Alesis is really upping their game! Go Alesis!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline AlanK

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2023, 09:38:38 AM »
just Love your enthusiasm! I probably wrote this in your AD2 thread but I too was never overwhelmed with my DM10 module sounds and kits and I invested a ton in Addictive Drums probably a couple months into owning my Alesis. Since then (a decade ago!) I've basically never gone back to the module, I use AD2 exclusively and I've found it reacts well or better with my settings than the module alone.. hi-hat (Pro X) has way better variability. And I haven't even really gotten into the AD2 settings that much for triggering alone, not to mention all the EQ and FX options that I could (should) toy with. Rock on brother
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2023, 11:58:22 AM »
I've heard nothing but good about Laurin gear.  I'm sure you'll love it all.


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Laurin Cymbals, anyone?
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2023, 12:25:58 PM »
Whew! It felt like this day would never come - and it really almost didn't!!!

I had to trim three drums off the order (toms) but the rest made it in. Now I'll just have to try and grab one tom per gig for the rest. Should work.

So Ex-Freaking-Cited!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist