Author Topic: Alesis DM10 Mesh head Pad Upgrade Video!  (Read 183265 times)

Offline mazzith

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2010, 05:10:20 AM »
One thing I added to your conversion is I took electrical tape and cut it in half and put it along the metal rim of the head and put it there 2 to 3 times. It has slowed down how fast the rubber pad gets chewed through when you hit it.

I sent a email to my contact at Alesis for information on what the part number and the price to order replacement pads. Hopefully they are not to pricey.
Lets go Cowboys!

Offline mazzith

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2010, 05:13:37 AM »
i wonder what the opposite would be like.  Would it feel more like a real snare with a powerdot?   Perhaps I'll try it someday...

To be honest I would not be able to answer that. I never really played real drums, and its been years since i fooled with them. I am very pleased with this conversion and as are my neighbors / roommate. I know that before cut out the inner circle of the top pad it was not as responsive on the left side of the drum for some reason.
Lets go Cowboys!

Offline Hellfire

---Billy Blast mesh head doesn't last long---
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2010, 04:46:59 PM »
Just wanted to give an update. The Billy Blast mesh head on my 10" snare pad failed today. The snare being used the most was showing signs of wear last month but didn't fail until today. Just an FYI.

So, now I'm in search for a cheap off the shelf mesh head product.

BTW, I'm aware of the DIY methods of making mesh heads. Heck, I was making them before it was the thing to do. I prefer to just buy them.

Offline Guinness

Re: ---Billy Blast mesh head doesn't last long---
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2010, 05:33:11 PM »
Just wanted to give an update. The Billy Blast mesh head on my 10" snare pad failed today. The snare being used the most was showing signs of wear last month but didn't fail until today. Just an FYI.

So, now I'm in search for a cheap off the shelf mesh head product.

BTW, I'm aware of the DIY methods of making mesh heads. Heck, I was making them before it was the thing to do. I prefer to just buy them.

Why not order another BB mesh head?   Did it not last long enough?
I remember on edrumforums someone was talking about a 2-ply mesh head.  That may be better, especially for the snare.

Re: ---Billy Blast mesh head doesn't last long---
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2010, 05:57:03 PM »
Just wanted to give an update. The Billy Blast mesh head on my 10" snare pad failed today. The snare being used the most was showing signs of wear last month but didn't fail until today. Just an FYI.

So, now I'm in search for a cheap off the shelf mesh head product.

BTW, I'm aware of the DIY methods of making mesh heads. Heck, I was making them before it was the thing to do. I prefer to just buy them.
i have just the thing phil its called phifertex and it pretty durable heres the link you could do a whole set 2 or 3 times for about 20 bucks....

and another brand that alumumin coated in  uerathane

Phifer Fiberglass Insect Screen - 18x16 Standard Mesh - (Phiferglass) - CCL
the process of a thought is only stirred on by creative ingenuity

Offline Guinness

Re: ---Billy Blast mesh head doesn't last long---
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2010, 09:55:24 PM »
So, now I'm in search for a cheap off the shelf mesh head product.

BTW, I'm aware of the DIY methods of making mesh heads. Heck, I was making them before it was the thing to do. I prefer to just buy them.

What did you do?
What about a BB mesh head, with dot?

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2010, 12:37:37 AM »
Nevermind... i just saw your review:

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2010, 11:12:06 PM »
I just ordered billy blast mesh heads.  All WITH patches, except for one 8", that I'll use for the kick.  I'm thinking that the surface area of the beater is larger and therefore will distribute the force better.  ...Won't break through as easily as a stick. 
We'll see...

Re: ---Billy Blast mesh head doesn't last long---
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2010, 11:42:59 AM »
Just wanted to give an update. The Billy Blast mesh head on my 10" snare pad failed today. The snare being used the most was showing signs of wear last month but didn't fail until today. Just an FYI.

So, now I'm in search for a cheap off the shelf mesh head product.

BTW, I'm aware of the DIY methods of making mesh heads. Heck, I was making them before it was the thing to do. I prefer to just buy them.

I can recommend drum-tec 'design' heads ( - these are quality 2-ply heads. However drum-tec are based in Germany, so shipping costs may be prohibative for folks based in the USA.


Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2010, 03:29:14 PM »
I checked it out...  $20-ish USD seems like a good price for double ply.   2x as much than Billy Blast, but 1/4 the cost of Hart.
You've used?  Pretty durable?
I can't imagine shipping being too much, as they are light in weight.  Or maybe a distributor in the US (cough, cough... bobby) can pick up this line of products?
Thanks for the info pre0ats.

Offline Hellfire

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2010, 04:07:53 PM »
I can't imagine shipping being too much, as they are light in weight.  Or maybe a distributor in the US (cough, cough... bobby) can pick up this line of products?
I doubt Bobby wants to get sued by Roland. There is a reason you can't find good after market double ply mesh heads in the states. It's called patents. Roland's patents over seas are different. That is why there is so many different after market mesh heads over in Europe. Roland's patents in the US gives them a legal monopoly for 20 years. If you want to sell a dual ply mesh head in the states you must pay Roland royalties.

...And now you know why all the dual ply mesh heads in the states cost about the same.

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2010, 05:44:10 PM »
Not be argumentative, but all a mfg would have to do is alter the design by 10%, and they'd avoid patent infringment.
But, it sounds like you know more than I do on this Roland subject, further, I haven't looked at Roland's patent.  Although, i'm now thinking about looking it up...  just for giggles.  :)
What did you end up doing Hellfire?  Billy Blast with Patch, or another route?

Offline Hellfire

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2010, 06:36:38 PM »
Not be argumentative, but all a mfg would have to do is alter the design by 10%, and they'd avoid patent infringment.
But, it sounds like you know more than I do on this Roland subject, further, I haven't looked at Roland's patent.  Although, i'm now thinking about looking it up...  just for giggles.  :)
There is a lot more than just that to it. All Roland has to do is say it is patent infringement (basically Roland's patent lawyers send you a letter that must be responded via a patent lawyer, min $5000 right there) and now you have to start spending mass amounts of money just to say you didn't. How much to you want to spend to prove it isn't infringement? $40,000 ; $80,000? It is costly if you go to court even if you are right that it isn't infringement.

So, basically it boils down to: Do you have the money to prove it is not infringement.

You can question this all you want but, at the end of the day there is no third party dual layer mesh heads in the States that you can buy for a reason. There have been several "companies" in the states that have tried to release a dual layer mesh base on what you stated and guess what happened?
What did you end up doing Hellfire?  Billy Blast with Patch, or another route?
Percussion Plus heads.

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2010, 06:50:09 PM »
Not be argumentative, but all a mfg would have to do is alter the design by 10%, and they'd avoid patent infringment.
But, it sounds like you know more than I do on this Roland subject, further, I haven't looked at Roland's patent.  Although, i'm now thinking about looking it up...  just for giggles.  :)
There is a lot more than just that to it. All Roland has to do is say it is patent infringement (basically Roland's patent lawyers send you a letter that must be responded via a patent lawyer, min $5000 right there) and now you have to start spending mass amounts of money just to say you didn't. How much to you want to spend to prove it isn't infringement? $40,000 ; $80,000? It is costly if you go to court even if you are right that it isn't infringement.

So, basically it boils down to: Do you have the money to prove it is not infringement.

Excellent point!

Offline eugenecp

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2010, 11:45:23 AM »
when i pre-ordered  the studio, i ordered these as well and were here mid feb.  however, i ended up getting the pro, so i'm short 1 10" and have 2 extra 8" :(.  and billy's out of stock of the 10" til end of march.

anyway, just did this yesterday and phil's instructions were very helpful.  i opted to just slit the foams to remove them without de soldering the wires from the jack.

the first one took me about 30 minutes and the succeeding ones about 10-15.

now, only the floor tom is with it's original head.

this is really worth the effort.  the noise level reduction is significant.  without the possibility of this conversion, i might have ended up getting a roland or yamaha :( as stick noise level is a major consideration for me.

thanks again phil.

DM10 Pro Kit, Tama Iron Cobra Jr Double Bass Pedal, Tama 1st Chair HT530E5, Tascam US-122 Audio/MIDI interface

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2010, 03:54:12 PM »
i just came back from the craft store and bought 6mm bright orange foam.  (my wife said..  bright orange?!  that's going to look horible.  LOL.  I explained it goes inside and will never see the light of day.)
Mesh heads arrived last week, so i'm about to start the project now. 
(need to watch the video again first though. :)  )
i'll post a picture.  My mesh heads have the dot, except for the kick, and I'm adding a thin piece of cotton (t-shirt material) between the foam and mesh...  for aesthetics purposes.
How much tweaking after the install did you have to do?

Offline eugenecp

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2010, 04:57:48 PM »
I did the conversion soon as i got them so never did some tweaking. After the conversion i just had to adjust for xtalk from the hi tom and thats it. Upgarded the software of the module as well.

No further tweaking done so far. 
DM10 Pro Kit, Tama Iron Cobra Jr Double Bass Pedal, Tama 1st Chair HT530E5, Tascam US-122 Audio/MIDI interface

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2010, 06:06:42 PM »
Alesis Drum Heads for sale!  Only $1.00 each!   ;D
All done with the conversion. 
A few tips...
-> Get some Spray adhesive.  The slit you cut can be glued back together.
-> Use an old Cotton t-shirt (thin material) for the top of the foam (between foam and mesh)
cut approx 1/2" more material than the foam, to wrap around the side edge of foam.  Use spray adhesive to hold.
-> place shell in first and use as a guide
-> 10" heads:  the foam above the piezo/plate does not need to be trimmed.
->  When cutting the white foam, draw two intersecting straight lines, connecting the indentations.  This will give you a center point for tracing a CD sized hole.  (using a CD is a great tip)
-> I had trouble finding thick foam for the 10".  Found 6mm in a 9x12" sheet, but none large.  However, I did find 3mm larger sheets.  So, I spray adhesived them together.  It worked fine.  (fyi, 6mm is about the thickness of a mouse pad)
-> Use sharp scissors.
I haven't played yet.... but I can tell you the kick is super quiet, while the other heads are a bit louder than the kick, especially when hitting the patch.  Now my surge cymbals are quite loud.  lol
See pics below: 
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 08:51:04 PM by Guinness »

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2010, 06:14:52 PM »
that looks great!!! are they the billy blast mesh heads?
the process of a thought is only stirred on by creative ingenuity

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2010, 06:44:09 PM »
that looks great!!! are they the billy blast mesh heads?

Thank you.  And yes, Billy Blast.

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2010, 06:55:28 PM »
that looks great!!! are they the billy blast mesh heads?

Thank you.  And yes, Billy Blast.
the black cordura patch really looks sharp maybe with the tshirt it will act like rolands 2 layer heads
the process of a thought is only stirred on by creative ingenuity

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2010, 08:29:15 PM »
They feel great, and I didn't have to change a thing in settings.  Now the cymbals are super loud in comparison.  lol
I highly recommend doing this.   No soldering required. :)
(Although, I like soldering.)
Thanks for showing us the way, Hellfire!

Offline eugenecp

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2010, 12:50:59 AM »
nice looking setup their G!
DM10 Pro Kit, Tama Iron Cobra Jr Double Bass Pedal, Tama 1st Chair HT530E5, Tascam US-122 Audio/MIDI interface

Offline Hellfire

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2010, 09:22:02 AM »
Your kit looks good Guinness. I like the look of those black patches too.

Offline Guinness

Re: Alesis DM10 Pad Upgrade Video!
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2010, 10:38:42 AM »
nice looking setup their G!
Your kit looks good Guinness. I like the look of those black patches too.

Thank you, thank you.
I just noticed that in the picture you can see all the toys and crap I shoved into the corner right past the kick.  Looks worse than it is.  LOL