Author Topic: Hello, everyone, new member  (Read 1033 times)

Hello, everyone, new member
« on: September 23, 2023, 09:19:19 AM »
I recently joined having added a Strike module to my Roland VDrum kit.  I am really impressed with the module.  I?ve been an acoustic hybrid  / electric drummer since the mid 70?s and have owned and toured with wide variety of eDrums, Sundrums, Tama TechStar, Simmons, MPC and Roland VDrums / SPD-S.  I?ve owned and been a fan of Alesis products for many years and they have proven to be quite innovative? Dating back to their revolutionary ADAT digital recorders in the early 80?s.  I appreciate the support you give your members and I?ll do my best to add value as I see fit.

Offline ap

Re: Hello, everyone, new member
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2023, 08:37:19 AM »
Oh wow. Tama TechStar! I haven't heard that name in so long. I never had a set or even played them, but I used to want them so badly.

Welcome to the forum.


Re: Hello, everyone, new member
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2023, 11:34:52 AM »
Yes, the Tama TechStar riffed on the Simmons bandwagon.  It sounded very similar, was really well built (like all Tama gear) and was significantly cheaper than its Simmons counterpart.  I sold it a few years ago to a guy who was looking for that exact kit (size / color, etc) from Atlanta.  He was delighted after 20 years of searching to finally find one.  To each his own.

I appreciate it Andy and I look forward to adding value to the site.
