Author Topic: Strike Se Pro kit splitting  (Read 947 times)

Strike Se Pro kit splitting
« on: September 19, 2023, 04:55:11 PM »
I am trying to split Tom 3 rim to a cymbal. I set up the cymbal with the sound I want but when I turn off the module the cymbal goes back to the Tom 3 sound. I have tried different ways to save the cymbal sound but nothing works. Any suggestions? Thanks, Mel

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Se Pro kit splitting
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2023, 07:22:48 PM »
I am trying to split Tom 3 rim to a cymbal. I set up the cymbal with the sound I want but when I turn off the module the cymbal goes back to the Tom 3 sound. I have tried different ways to save the cymbal sound but nothing works. Any suggestions? Thanks, Mel

"Kit Edits"..Voices/MIDI assignments etc are on a "per kit" (Not Global) basis and can only be saved as User Kits to the SD Card as the Modules Internal Data Base is Write Protected.

You then load the User Kit.