Author Topic: Simmons NEW SD1250 kit!  (Read 1847 times)

Offline Hellfire

Simmons NEW SD1250 kit!
« on: October 30, 2021, 02:07:19 PM »

It looks as if Simmons has released a slightly updated version of the SD1200. The SD1250. Basically it is a fully expanded kit and they decided on a different color scheme.
There are a couple of different updates to this kit. The first is, the cymbals have been internally updated to track better than the previous kit and it looks as if the Snare trigger has a new sensing system inside.

This can be seen by the CAT5 input connection:
(this image is from user: "Lefty38-55" over at

Simmons claims it is to track the "rim shot" more accurately as there is now a specific internal sensor near the edge to help detect said "rim shots".

I have not had a chance to try this kit out but, there is a good video on youtube that shows this new kit:

Simmons SD1250: Unboxing & Initial Reaction

For more info click here: New Simmons SD1250 Electronic Drum kit

Re: Simmons NEW SD1250 kit!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2021, 08:16:17 AM »
Just stumbled on this yesterday. Another opinion: