Hi everyone, first time posting and beginner with anything e-drum related. I've been scouring this forums for answers and while I have a good idea of the problem, I haven't found a definitive solution to it yet.
TLDR: how do I re-map only the open hi-hat note to a new MIDI note (and NOT the closed hi-hat note)? Is that even possible?
I've recently picked up Rock Band again and have been getting super into trying to get my Alesis kit to work with it. Currently I'm using an Alesis DM10 MKII Pro module to connect it to my Xbox 360 MIDI adapter via the MIDI Out port.
All in all, everyone works great, EXCEPT for the problem with the open hi hat note. See in Rock Band, there's no special note for open hi hat, and it's just treated as a Blue note, the same note as the Ride cymbal. So when I'm playing a song that does a string of closed hi hat notes and then does an open hi hat note, I have to quickly hit the ride cymbal to compensate. Obviously this isn't ideal and not a realistic way of playing.
To fix this, I heard that it you could, in theory, re-map the open hi hat MIDI note to a ride cymbal note. Problem is, after looking on the forums, it seems that the Alesis DM10 MKII modules (and others) don't allow for the remapping of the open hi hat sound because the open/closed sounds are tied to a single MIDI note! Seems that the sound is just determined by the CC#4 note?
Is there any way to remap only the open hi hat MIDI note and send it off to Rock Band correctly? I've never worked with external MIDI utils like MIDI-OX or others, but would I need to use those to take in the output of the DM10 MKII output, remap it on the fly, and then send it back out?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!