I’m playing an Alesis Surge kit with a Strike 8 Amp. Over my first few weeks I’ve been constantly tweaking the voices and settings for the various pads and cymbals.
I would like to create my standard set of custom kits vs tweaking each session.
How do you keep track of your custom settings and set configurations?
I’ve considered using a spreadsheet or using a picture mapping each kit (a screenshot from garage band for instance).
My goal is to sit down, select a kit and play without adjusting settings.
Obviously I can do this anytime with factory settings and with experience I will memorize which kits do what but until then I’m thinking a cheat sheet would be helpful.
Are you savings to User Kits and just need more than the 16..?
Editing & Saving Drum Kits Important:
• To edit and save your kits, you must be in Normal Mode.If the LED above the Song/Pattern button is not lit, press and hold Page/Select until it is.
• Remember to save your kits after you have entered the settings you want!
First, press Kit until NUM appears in the display.
Use the < and > buttons to select your desired kit.
Once you’ve selected your kit, you can edit its settings
To save your settings:
1. Press Save.
2. Use the < and > buttons to select the User Kit slot you want to save it to (25-40).
3. Press Save again.