Author Topic: How do you organize your custom kits  (Read 1887 times)

How do you organize your custom kits
« on: August 07, 2021, 05:47:05 AM »
I’m playing an Alesis Surge kit with a Strike 8 Amp. Over my first few weeks I’ve been constantly tweaking the voices and settings for the various pads and cymbals.

I would like to create my standard set of custom kits vs tweaking each session.

How do you keep track of your custom settings and set configurations?

I’ve considered using a spreadsheet or using a picture mapping each kit (a screenshot from garage band for instance).

My goal is to sit down, select a kit and play without adjusting settings.

Obviously I can do this anytime with factory settings and with experience I will memorize which kits do what but until then I’m thinking a cheat sheet would be helpful.

Offline Chaser

Re: How do you organize your custom kits
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2021, 12:10:27 PM »
I’m playing an Alesis Surge kit with a Strike 8 Amp. Over my first few weeks I’ve been constantly tweaking the voices and settings for the various pads and cymbals.

I would like to create my standard set of custom kits vs tweaking each session.

How do you keep track of your custom settings and set configurations?

I’ve considered using a spreadsheet or using a picture mapping each kit (a screenshot from garage band for instance).

My goal is to sit down, select a kit and play without adjusting settings.

Obviously I can do this anytime with factory settings and with experience I will memorize which kits do what but until then I’m thinking a cheat sheet would be helpful.

Are you savings to User Kits and just need more than the 16..?

Editing & Saving Drum Kits
• To  edit  and save your  kits, you  must  be  in  Normal Mode.If the LED above the  Song/Pattern button is not lit, press and hold Page/Select until it is.
• Remember to save your kits after you have entered the settings you want!
First, press Kit until NUM appears in the display.
Use the < and > buttons to select your desired kit.
Once you’ve selected your kit, you can edit its settings

To save your settings:
1. Press Save.
2. Use the < and > buttons to select the User Kit slot you want to save it to (25-40).
3. Press Save again.

Re: How do you organize your custom kits
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2021, 02:51:19 PM »
No. I guess I was unclear. I know how to create, customize and save kits 25-40. What I’m thinking is documenting the specifics of each saved custom kit for future reference.

For example, one kit will be very flat. Another with lots of reverb. One more like Genesis, another like steel drums etc.

Let’s say in kit 27, I customized  the high hat with lots of splashy open tones. Then by the time I get to programming kit 38, I’m trying to remember which kit had the splashy hi-hats.

Not a major problem, just wondering if anyone else documents their settings.