I removed much of the crosstalk from the stock kit, following this guide, and the kit was much better for it.
Tip: Don't adjust the sensitivity and threshold once for a pad and set it to a certain value after just one try - the pad behavior and crosstalk (especially between the head and the rim of the same pad) changes with the
combination of sensitivity, threshold and crosstalk settings of
both the rim and head triggers - I found several times that the head sensor started behaving quite differently by changing the sensitivity of the rim sensor and the other way around - try several
combinations of settings.

To modify the settings I found it much easier to use a kit with more different sounding samples for the various drums - I used kit #11 - Evil Drums.
And - don't just try to change the sensitivity and various trigger settings - try modifying the rack and pads as well - changing the angle of the pad brackets to ensure that you don't hit the rim triggers right above the brackets did wonders for me..

Anyway - after
tweaking the rack and
converting to mesh heads, I found that I could greatly reduce the crosstalk settings and still be relatively free of crosstalk. When I first tried to remove crosstalk from the stock kit, I had mostly 4s and 5s for the Xtalk settings, and a couple of 6s (although 6 and 7 are not recommended).
..But - with my modified kit, here are my current trigger settings:
(Warning: Do NOT try to use these settings directly, unless you have set your kit up
exactly the way I have done, dampened the rack in the
exact same way, converted and modified the pads
precisely the same, and have the same copy of the Dm10 module as I have. As well - this is work in progress - I am
far from finished tuning the settings.)
Pad heads: Sensitivity, Xtalk Receive, Xtalk Send, ReTrigger, Threshold, Curve
Rims: Sensitivity, Xtalk Receive, Xtalk Send, Zone Xtalk, Curve
The cymbals are Surge cymbals, the snare and tom3 are 10", and the kick, tom1 and tom2 are 8".
Kick: S 35, XR 0, XS 0, RT 30, T 10, Log3
Snare head: S 22, XR 3, XS 3, RT 20, T 10, Log1
Snare rim: S 18, XR 4, XS 2, ZX 4, Log3
Tom1 head: S 20, XR 1, XS 4, RT 30, T 16, Log2
Tom1 rim: S 17, XR 3, XS 5, ZX 4, Log3
Tom2 head: S 17, XR 3, XS 4, RT 30, T 16, Log2
Tom2 rim: S 20, XR 3, XS 5, ZX 4, Log3
Tom3 head: S 22, XR 4, XS 3, RT 15, T 16, Log1
Tom3 rim: S 20, XR 4, XS 3, ZX 4, Log3
HH: S 18, XR 3, XS 3, RT 30, T 15, Log1
Crash: S 18, XR 1, XS 3, RT 30, T 10, Log2
Ride bow: S 24, XR 2, XS 5, RT 30, T 13, Log3
Ride bell: S 16, XR 5, XS 5, ZX 3, Log3
Crash 2: S 21, XR 2, XS 5, RT 30, T 15, Log2
The current problem is mostly the impact from the Tom1 and Tom2 rims as well as the cymbals - the impact from the hits go into the rack, causing the other sensors to vibrate, and the Ride bell seemed to easily pick up all other kinds of strokes. I'll see if I can't make some further rack modifications to dampen the vibrations and reduce the settings even more..

That is - with my current settings, there is hardly any crosstalk - the comments above are regarding why several settings had to be dialed up to 5..

But - do perform a mesh head conversion, if you haven't already! I have
far less crosstalk and hotspotting, for not to mention better "feel"!

Especially the 8" toms perform
much better regarding hotspotting - or lack thereof..
Edit: Note - I have since switched to Spline2/Spline3 for the pad heads - it works much better for me.