Author Topic: Crimson II MIDI weirdness  (Read 2070 times)

Crimson II MIDI weirdness
« on: July 06, 2020, 01:59:02 PM »
Hello all,

I have a Crimson II kit connected to my High Sierra MacBook Pro using Logic Pro 10.3.2 via a Roland Octa-Capture (Using Crimson Module's MIDI in and out ports, not the usb port)
Apart from the common tied open-close hi hat on note 8 issue I am having another problem.

Recording into Logic seems fine, logic receives and records all the midi notes the module is sending but when I play it back some of the sounds are different. For example, Tom 1 sends a D2 into Logic but if I send a D2 from Logic (or play a D2 on my keyboard) the module plays a rim sound! Same thing happens with tom 2. I also notice that the module sends a G#-2 when hitting an open hi hat but to trigger the same sound from the module I have to play an A#1 on my keyboard.

Anyone having and possibly solving the issue?


Offline Chaser

Re: Crimson II MIDI weirdness
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2020, 04:21:19 PM »
Hello all,

I have a Crimson II kit connected to my High Sierra MacBook Pro using Logic Pro 10.3.2 via a Roland Octa-Capture (Using Crimson Module's MIDI in and out ports, not the usb port)
Apart from the common tied open-close hi hat on note 8 issue I am having another problem.

Recording into Logic seems fine, logic receives and records all the midi notes the module is sending but when I play it back some of the sounds are different. For example, Tom 1 sends a D2 into Logic but if I send a D2 from Logic (or play a D2 on my keyboard) the module plays a rim sound! Same thing happens with tom 2. I also notice that the module sends a G#-2 when hitting an open hi hat but to trigger the same sound from the module I have to play an A#1 on my keyboard.

Anyone having and possibly solving the issue?


Sounds like you are off by an Octave...
Software developers and Hardware manufacturers map Middle C  differently...
Casio =C4...Yamaha = C3..
Logic = C3..Reaper = C4..FL Studio = C5...etc etc.

I went and checked and I still had an Alesis Crimson is mapped in C4 (as far as MIDDLE C)..
Tom 1 = 48(C3)...
Tom 1 rim =50(D3)...

whereas the Logic MIDI map (C3)

 Tom 1=48(C2).
 Tom 1 rim =50(D2)

If transposing doesn't are probably going to have to do some re-mapping.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 07:19:20 PM by Chaser »