I have a variety of Kontakt packs that I want to use with my Strike kit. However, I can't get the hi-hat to work in a way that I can both open and close the hi-hat and have the mapping work. There only seems to be pedal, rim and bow, but no difference in mapping if the hat is open or closed. Ideally I'd like to have the Strike kit set up to a mapping that is just General MIDI or what Roland uses, since I could get either of those to work with my Kontakt packs fairly easily.
How can I get this to work properly? Is there some setting I can use to have a mapping for an open hi-hat? Is there some midi trick I can use and hack around with, whether with Ableton MIDI devices and/or Max MSP?
Thanks for the help/any suggestions
The STRIKE Module MIDI options are Note + CC4..or Note only.
CC4 position determines openess etc .
I don't use Ableton and the Kontakt Libaries I use are in the full Kontakt standalone.
In standalone the Kontakt library needs CC4 support scripted in the instrument.
If you are using Kontakt as a plugin in Ableton and the Libraries you are using don't have CC4 support you could try these..
The 1st is a Hi Hat CC4 Mapper/Scaler...
the 2nd is for External E-drum Pads that I ran across and just added it to the post
MAX FOR LIVE HH CC4 SCALER This device has various options for scaling an incoming MIDI CC signal.
-change the CC# of the incoming signal Midi Control Change
-set the CC to a MAP button and map it to any map-able parameter in Ableton Live
-re-scale the CC values e.g. if your HH foot controller is not sending the full range of 0-127 you can let the device detect the range you are sending and re-scale this to the full range of 0-127
MAX FOR LIVE REMOTE EDRUM PADS These Max for Live devices are for setting up deep midi remote control via external midi hardware like the SPD-SX,BopPad,DTX-12,Drumkat,Samplepad Pro and other (e drum) midi controllers.