I've been having issues with my SMP and support had ignored me for the past week so I'm basically searching everywhere like a maniac for a solution.
I noticed it when I tried to sequence the multipad using my Motif ES8, whenever I try to play the SMP using the keyboard or the sequencer, with the midi first recorder from the SMP, I get an unplayable amount of note dropouts. The multipad send midi to the Motif just fine but it receives only every other note.
I then tried with an elektron digitone and this time it simply didn't receive midi data from the digitone at all, it still sent just fine.
Next, using it with an mpc seems to play just fine, this made me question if the problem might come from using it with a keyboard but I don't see why that would be a problem. Then again, the same issues came up whether I was sequecing with midi data from the SMP or using the keyboard.
In all cases, I made sure that the midi channels were matching and that the 5pin to usb setting was off. I also played with the settings with the motif and digitone but it never made a difference.
Thanks in advance.