I'm trying to trigger sounds on my Strike Multipad from an external MIDI source (via the DIN input, not the USB)
I'm not having ANY luck, and can't find any docs that are helpful.
I can tell that I'm getting MIDI 'on the wire' when I monitor with MIDI-OX,
But when I plug into the MIDI in on the SMP: nothing.
I'm running firmware version 1.2 on the SMP, if that makes any difference.
Any documents/notes about the SMP midi implementation will be greatly apprecaited.
Thanks in advance!
Check make sure MIDI Channels Match..MIDI Output from External Controller and MIDI Input for the Multipad...for example typically Drums are channel 10..also
5pin to USB is OFF....the rest of the settings under UTILITY can be on or off..depends on if have a 5 Pin MIDI Out connected and sending MIDI thru or control other external devices or allow program changes (minimal..only for kit change) etc
UTILITY > Global Midi Channel
I forgot to mention if you want the Multipads pads to also trigger while having external triggering set Local Control=ON
Under each pad to set the MIDI note to match the External Trigger MIDI Note press PAD>OUTPUT>MIDI Note Output..
MIDI Notes In and Out on the Multipad are the same Note.