Hi guys - just wanted to report in on another successful Hellfire mesh conversion ... I got a used DM10 studio last week (a $349 score from Guitar Center!) and did the upgrade last night. I used the Pearl MFH mesh heads; I've used them in the past (on a DYI kit I made from acoustic shells cut in half) and they worked out fine, and they're really inexpensive. One slight change from the method as described by Hellfire; I happened to have a bunch of 1" black foam on hand and I decided to try using that instead of using the included black foam plus the 1/4 'funky foam' or whatever they call it. So instead of the layers being as follows:
1/4" funky foam > white foam > trigger plate/rubber > 3/4" black foam > mesh head
my setup was like this:
white foam > trigger plate/rubber > 1" black foam > mesh head
Same overall height, but a little less space between the trigger plate and shell, and a little more between the plate and the mesh. Concerns were that the thicker foam above the plate might cause triggering problems, and/or that there might be increased crosstalk because of the plate being closer to the shell.
Glad to say that I'm not experiencing either of those issues. The 10" snare pad (which did not have resistors) was triggering perfectly from the moment I did the conversion. The 8" pads had the resistors; I tried doing the first pad with them left in place, and I had some triggering issues - softer hits not being picked up. I'm sure I could have fiddled with the triggering settings, but I figured I'd go the approved route and remove the resistors. Once I did that, the triggering was perfect - and no crosstalk to speak of across any of the pads.
I didn't do a full conversion for the kick pad - I was concerned about getting too much springiness from the mesh plus the foam, and also about how well the mesh would wear with foam underneath it. So I simply replaced the mylar head with the mesh one - left everything else exactly as it was. This reduced the acoustic volume of the kick enormously, and left the triggering and the 'feel' pretty much the same as before.
Needless to say, the upgraded pads feel great, are super-quiet - and the Pearl heads are pretty sharp-looking. Definitely very happy with this mod - thanks Hellfire!