Author Topic: 10" surge mesh snare issues  (Read 2601 times)

10" surge mesh snare issues
« on: July 15, 2023, 09:54:16 AM »
Hi all
I have the Alesis Surge Mesh kit (bought Sept 2021). I have the common issue where everytime i hit the snare, it would only produce the rimshot sound.
I opened it up and found the dreaded  broken red wire, there wasnt enough red wire close to the piezo to repair the connection, so I installed a new piezo.
However, I still have the rimshot sound when hitting the snare drum.
The new connections are fine, so any suggestions would be appreciated

Offline Chaser

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2023, 12:49:13 PM »
Hi all
I have the Alesis Surge Mesh kit (bought Sept 2021). I have the common issue where everytime i hit the snare, it would only produce the rimshot sound.
I opened it up and found the dreaded  broken red wire, there wasnt enough red wire close to the piezo to repair the connection, so I installed a new piezo.
However, I still have the rimshot sound when hitting the snare drum.
The new connections are fine, so any suggestions would be appreciated

Welcome to the Forum !

The Nitro/Surge Modules are based on the Medeli DD512

If you are sure the New Piezo is soldered in correctly..RED=TIP...BLACK=SLEEVE.
Check to see if Head Zone is working and Isolate it.

Under [UTILITY] you can make the changes to the parameters (Sensitivity,Threshold,Crosstalk,Curve)
Lower the Rim Sensitivity all the way down to 1 and raise the Head Sensitivity all the way up to 16...raise the RIM Threshold to Maximum (16).
That guarantees the RIM will not trigger unless there is a High Velocity hit (If it will even trigger at all).
After making those adjustments the Head should be the only sound you hear...not both or the rim sound.
I believe default is 10..16 is the Highest.

Check the Threshold settings.
You want the Lowest Sensitivity possible with the Highest Threshold possible,if your settings are the opposite..High Sensitivity and Low Threshold (Common mistake I see constantly) you'll have all sorts of issues with light hits misfiring/triggering etc that also get confused/interpreted as Crosstalk.
If the RIM settings are more sensitive and lower Threshold than the HEAD then it's going to trigger easier.

After both Zones are checked/working properly then you can make the Final Sensitivity/Threshold adjustments...Don't forget to SAVE.
While in UTILITY menu, press the [SAVE] button to store all pad settings.
If you turn off the power without saving, you will lose the trigger setting changes you have just made.
These parameters are GLOBAL and affect all kits.

If both Zones are working correctly and even after the zones being isolated/adjusted the RIM continues to be the dominant sound something odd may be occurring and you can also try a Factory Reset and see if that clears it up..but you first need to determine if the Zones are working properly..

Press/Hold both [<] and [>] buttons simultaneously while powering on..

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2023, 02:57:38 PM »
When putting in the new piezo, I just connected red to red and black to black, I'm presuming that's correct ?

Offline Chaser

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2023, 04:28:41 PM »
When putting in the new piezo, I just connected red to red and black to black, I'm presuming that's correct ?

Factory Piezos are Typically Red for the Head..and a different color for the Rim ... Blue..Purple or yellow..
The colored wire (in this case RED) is soldered to the Ceramic and BLACK to the Brass.
99.9% of replacement Piezos are RED/ when replacing the Piezo the focus is where the colored wire goes to where on the jack..Tip or Ring...BLACK is to Sleeve.

The Head Piezo is soldered to the Tip on the Jack..the Rim is Soldered to the Ring..BLACK for both is soldered to the Sleeve.

Isolate the Zone as posted would already have an answer..or a quick test/swap with one of the Toms to see if it's working.
If the Snare doesn't work on any other cables/inputs then there is something wrong with the wiring or the Jack on the snare.
If another Trigger (Tom) works fine (Head/Rim) with the snare cable then the problem is the (Snare) Trigger.
If another Trigger (Tom) doesn't work on the snare cable then the cable might have the problem.

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 04:46:02 PM »
I just swapped out of of my toms and plugged in the snare cable. It sounds just like the snare should.

Offline Chaser

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2023, 07:56:23 PM »
I just swapped out of of my toms and plugged in the snare cable. It sounds just like the snare should.

Then by process of elimination there is something wrong with the Piezo Soldering/Wiring/ to the existing red/black wires doesn't mean they don't have a connection problem at the PCB Board/Jack , typically they are also hot glued at the soldering point so could be broken but still attached..or the jack itself is broken internally.

Check that the cable goes in and fully seats,if it doesn't have a positive fit or go in completely the tabs in the jack make contact at the wrong locations.
The Ring is contacted 1st..then the Tip when the cable locks into place.If the cable sticks out even a tiny amount the Tip won't make contact and the Tip is the Head..check for obstruction or dirt..blow out with compressed air (like computer canned air).
If the Piezo soldering/wiring to the Jack looks good (best if you have a multimeter to check/test it) then the Jack is the last remaining piece.
It is not uncommon for a Jack or one of the tabs bend/break internally.There are many posts in the Search (Upper Left)Jacks..just like the Piezos..they are cheap...replace yourself or take it somewhere to have it done.Make sure you get the correct jack...3PIN + TS (Single Zone)... 4 Pin (TRS) (Dual Zone

The SURGE Kit uses Medeli Toms.There have been a number of changes over the years from Mylar to Mesh and Reflection Plate to Foam Cylinders but the Jacks remained the same.
The Jacks in the Medeli Toms are the same for most of the Medeli Cymbals.
There may be a small PCB board attached and the Jack just sits in a slot.
Early Medeli Toms were wired with resistors to the Jack.

Re: 10" surge mesh snare issues
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2023, 09:52:59 PM »
Thanks Chaser, I really appreciate your responses