Author Topic: Why do each of the cymbals weigh 5 pounds on the DM10 MKII Pro kit ?  (Read 1837 times)

Why do each of the cymbals weigh 5 pounds on the DM10 MKII Pro kit ?

To get any sound of of them I have to pound the sh*t out them to generate any kind of sound and all I hear is the noise of the rubber as opposed to the musical note.

Also...the console is useless....none of the kit pieces are mapped's a total mess.


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Why do each of the cymbals weigh 5 pounds on the DM10 MKII Pro kit ?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2023, 05:01:31 PM »
I sure hope you got this taken care of by now. But in case you haven't or if someone else has the same/similar issue, all I can say is:

Let's start with a quick question - "Did you buy this used?" - Definitely sounds like at least an Open Box. DM10 should sound really good right out of the box - and play pretty darned well too.

We can further tweak the experience to match our own style of playing using the trigger settings in the module.

Check that all of the cables are hooked up to the correct pad/trigger.

I don't have that newer DM10, so yours has a completely different module than mine, so I can't give step-by-step instructions, but you'll want to begin with a Factory Reset of the module. If it is new, there's nothing to lose from that.

After the RESET, it should play really well like I said above. Especially if all the cables are hooked up correctly.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Why do each of the cymbals weigh 5 pounds on the DM10 MKII Pro kit ?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2023, 05:03:40 PM »
Oh... and those cymbals are made of some really decent plastic. Tough Stuff. They can put up with a lot - but the harder we "Pound" anything with wires, the more likely we'll find things going wrong. Take it apart and solder it.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist