So, I've been mulling over a couple of different ideas for upgrading my kit after the first of the year. My first (and I thought my best at the time) idea was to upgrade to the Mimic Pro module, and then over time, switch out pads.
After giving the Strike kit a second look and seeing some of the demos, I think I'm going to go with the Alesis once again. I can get a full-kit upgrade for about what I would have to pay for just the Mimic Pro.
Now, my question is... Has anyone used the Strike for playing out yet? I know it is going to be larger than my current setup, but that's not my real concern. My concern is transporting it. I think I have added some unnecessary wear and tear to my DM10 kit because of it being moved around so much, and I just want to make sure I can preserve the new kit a little better.
I've already bought a hard case (from Harbor Freight, a suggestion I found on this forum), so I know the module will be protected. I just want to make sure I keep the pads protected as well.
Does anyone have any case/bag ideas for transporting the kit to gigs? In most cases, it will only be going between our practice space and wherever we play, only coming home with me occasionally, as I will have my DM10 kit at home to practice on.
I've been looking for the best and most cost-effective solution, but I thought I'd see if anyone has been through this yet.
Thanks for your help!