Author Topic: Mount a Roland Pad on a DM10  (Read 2606 times)

Mount a Roland Pad on a DM10
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »
I'm looking for a nice solid way to mount a roland spd-20 pad on my dm10 studio set.  I also sometimes use a laptop, or a wireless keyboard and mouse but I think I can sit those on top of the spd-20 when needed. I am also a beginning drummer, and would not mind sacrificing the 4th tom as a mounting spot if that is the best option.  So I am looking for advice on what mounting hardware to get - whether it would be better to mount to the DM10 frame, or on a separate stand.  I already have the spd-20 mounting clamp (just no suitable stand for it yet).

What have people found they like?


Offline Guinness

Re: Mount a Roland Pad on a DM10
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 02:59:43 PM »
I think (my 2 cents) would be to mount it where it's convenient to play it.  Above the module (assuming you have that on the left arm)?   I suppose it depends on what you want to do with it, and where it should be.  Then search Gilbraltor for the right attachment.  Again, just my 2 cents, from the cheap seats.
As for the laptop, I've seen people use a sturdy sheet music stand.  But if you want to mount it to an Arm, there's a ton of Laptop mounts out there (mostly for auto), but you could probably MacGyver something together.  (just don't MacGruber it.  :D )

Re: Mount a Roland Pad on a DM10
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 05:03:17 PM »
I guess being a newb, I'm not really sure what "the right attachment" would be.  I have a gilbralter thingy that clamps to the frame bar , and holds a cymbal pole, and the pd-20 mounts clamps to a cymbal pole - but that would put it pretty much over the snare :( So I was wondering if someone had done it and could point me to the right pieces. I think I may just try a cymbal stand, and put it directly in front if no one has a better suggestion.

I'll take a look at auto laptop stands - I certainly didn't find anything when I searched for drum laptop stand :)

Thanks, m.