Author Topic: Hey alesis!!! Strike pro firmware? Is alesis asleep?  (Read 1994 times)

Hey alesis!!! Strike pro firmware? Is alesis asleep?
« on: September 26, 2022, 12:16:36 PM »
Is alesis planning any new firmware updates formthe strike module? Besides a few annoying bugs like freezes and dropping of last character when saving a kit when all
Characters are used, how about some new editing short cuts???? Save full voices so it easier to construct custom kits!!!! That would be a huge timesaver!!! Maybe increasing the 200mb limit on imports although the kit too large messages don?t appear to have major noticeable effects, I?m sure something is going on behind the scenes that could be improved!!! Maybe one more hihat sw revision to make the open -
Close range response a little better.  What have you all been doing??????  How about some info on what?s cooking? You have many loyal users but the silence has been deafening .  Also? how about offering some replacement parts like cymbal
Stoppers or triggers foam stepped towers??? Come on! Wake up!

Offline Hellfire

Re: Hey alesis!!! Strike pro firmware? Is alesis asleep?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 08:57:51 AM »
Is alesis planning any new firmware updates formthe strike module? Besides a few annoying bugs like freezes and dropping of last character when saving a kit when all
Characters are used, how about some new editing short cuts???? Save full voices so it easier to construct custom kits!!!! That would be a huge timesaver!!! Maybe increasing the 200mb limit on imports although the kit too large messages don?t appear to have major noticeable effects, I?m sure something is going on behind the scenes that could be improved!!! Maybe one more hihat sw revision to make the open -
Close range response a little better.  What have you all been doing??????  How about some info on what?s cooking? You have many loyal users but the silence has been deafening .  Also? how about offering some replacement parts like cymbal
Stoppers or triggers foam stepped towers??? Come on! Wake up!

Something to keep in mind with the 200mb limit on drum kits. That is a limit of the hardware not the software. No firmware will ever be able to increase that to any significant size. I believe the Alesis Strike pulls the samples from the SD cards (yes there is two of them, one internal and one external) and loads them into RAM. I'm guessing the RAM inside the Alesis Strike is 256mb total (that's a standard RAM size for many embedded processors). This is why there is a delay when switching kits. The CPU needs time to pull from SD card storage to RAM. The only way to increase that 200mb limit is to make a new drum module.

Honestly, I surprised Alesis themselves have never come out with "Kit Packs" for the Strike. Maybe even small free ones just to keep the module fresh. Something like two or three in a pack and maybe one of those kits could use some new samples. Release something like one a year would have went a long way in keeping in the Strike fresh in people's minds.

The Strike module is now 5 years old.  Alesis (base on their track record) doesn't replace modules quickly. The original DM10 was their flagship from 2009 to 2017. That's 8 years. I think Alesis is going to stick with the Strike module for at least a couple more years if they can.

Re: Hey alesis!!! Strike pro firmware? Is alesis asleep?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 01:40:21 PM »
Yes Im very familiar with the strike "Kit too large" msgs which don't appear to have any real effect on play9ing the kit.  Now I am not sure about the 200 mb being hardware.   200 mb is VERY small by todays standards and its likely an allocation or partition on a larger drive or SDcard internally.   If so, it CAN be fixed with software if its a matter of reallocating the memory internally.  Also, if proper instructions were given, users might even be able to upgrade to a larger internal card but who knows and I have not taken the module apart to find out...   I am VERY familiar with sw and firmware upgrades.  I was an ITG guru for 35 yrs.  It really depends on hjow much internal memory exists totally and ghow the SW / Firmware utilizes it.   Either way, I agree that the strike will remain for a while and honestly, there are still VERY FEW kits that even come close to the sound and playability (HH aside).   A firmware upgrade would be welcome and at very least give us some additional higher level editing like saving the contents of an entire PAD with the 2 layers included .  That would make kit building so much easier and faster.   Also like I mentioned there some dumb annoying editing bugs like it would be to have the kit be saved to the folder it was stored in and to fix the dropping of the last character while editing a kit that uses all 20(?)  characters.. I have imported many many VST kits from SLATE, SD3 and others and have AMAZING sounding kits for live AND studio.   Who needs a mimic when I already havce all the Slate sounds I want??   The ONLY kits I see on the market now that possible give the styrike a run are the new Yamaha kits and maybe effnote but they are way more expensive and still not sure theyre as good or better,   Roland isnt even in the ballpark as far a sounds.  Alesis basically hit a triple if not a home run but a few well designed firmware changes could make it a grand slam and bury all the competion asily right now. 

Offline Hellfire

Re: Hey alesis!!! Strike pro firmware? Is alesis asleep?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2022, 03:19:15 PM »
Yes Im very familiar with the strike "Kit too large" msgs which don't appear to have any real effect on play9ing the kit.  Now I am not sure about the 200 mb being hardware.   200 mb is VERY small by todays standards and its likely an allocation or partition on a larger drive or SDcard internally.   If so, it CAN be fixed with software if its a matter of reallocating the memory internally.  Also, if proper instructions were given, users might even be able to upgrade to a larger internal card but who knows and I have not taken the module apart to find out...   I am VERY familiar with sw and firmware upgrades.  I was an ITG guru for 35 yrs.  It really depends on hjow much internal memory exists totally and ghow the SW / Firmware utilizes it.   Either way, I agree that the strike will remain for a while and honestly, there are still VERY FEW kits that even come close to the sound and playability (HH aside).   A firmware upgrade would be welcome and at very least give us some additional higher level editing like saving the contents of an entire PAD with the 2 layers included .  That would make kit building so much easier and faster.   Also like I mentioned there some dumb annoying editing bugs like it would be to have the kit be saved to the folder it was stored in and to fix the dropping of the last character while editing a kit that uses all 20(?)  characters.. I have imported many many VST kits from SLATE, SD3 and others and have AMAZING sounding kits for live AND studio.   Who needs a mimic when I already havce all the Slate sounds I want??   The ONLY kits I see on the market now that possible give the styrike a run are the new Yamaha kits and maybe effnote but they are way more expensive and still not sure theyre as good or better,   Roland isnt even in the ballpark as far a sounds.  Alesis basically hit a triple if not a home run but a few well designed firmware changes could make it a grand slam and bury all the competion asily right now.

I'm pretty sure the 200mb limit is a hardware limit. I seem to remember Alesis stating that in the early days of the Strike.

I am curious, you state that the "Kit too large message" doesn't appear to have any real effect on playing the kit. Are you saying you have made kits larger than 200mb and the Strike module loads the whole kit and you can play it?