Author Topic: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)  (Read 67478 times)

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #75 on: October 11, 2020, 07:32:57 PM »
I downloaded the 08/05/2014. I can't see anything for 09/22/2014. Perhaps you could provide a link or share? I actually have the DM10 Studio Kit -not the pro kit as I mentioned earlier.

I used the updater and in the order shown. All worked fine until I tried to update the trigger file which gave a checksum error. I downloaded this a couple of times and on different machines and got the same result each time. My Trig OS filed is blank in the Sys display. I reckon if I can get that loaded I am onto a winner.

Really impressed with the quick response btw.

Hi, I recently obtained a dm10pro kit with the intent of updating to mesh heads. When running the update for the trigger file on the alesis site I get so far and then get a checksum error. I have tried this using two different computers.

Which updates...8/05/2014?..or 9/22/2014?

DM10 – Firmware Updates [posted 9/22/2014]
DM10 Updater 1.00
DM10_triggers_V1.00a.syx (use with real hat pedal)
DM10_triggers_V1.01b.syx (use with Alesis Pro-X hi hat)

Did you use the updater ?..
Did you update all the firmware files..and in order?...just updated the Trigger OS?

If you only updated to Mesh heads and the module is current for firmware you only needed to Re-initialize to a Mesh Kit.
The last versions of the Trigger firmware was mainly for Hi Hat type...RealHat (linear/softpot)..Pro-X (FSR)

When you finished updating..did you initialize/select the proper kit ?..

There was no DM10 Pro Mesh kit so you will have to select the Mesh Kit that best matches the configuration you have...

During the update there is an option for selecting the Kit model for Trigger Settings.

Initializing the Default Trigger Settings(for DM10 Studio Kit, DM10 Studio Kit Mesh, DM10 X Kit, and DM10 X Kit Mesh only)
Once your DM10 module is updated, initialize the default trigger settings to the correct kit before playing.
1.Power on your DM10 module.
2.Press the Utility button.
3.In the screen that appears, choose F4 (Sys).
4.On the next screen, choose F2 (Init).
5.Use the Cursor Down button to highlight the Trigger Settings option and then press the F4 (Exec) button.
6.On the next screen, use the Cursor Down button to highlight your drum kit and then press F1 (Exec).
Your DM10 module will return to its Main Screen.

There were some issues with the 8/05/2014 updates..don't remember off hand all of them the 9/22/2014 supposedly fixed.Checksum errors usually occur if the file (address/data) gets corrupted while transferring.I have gotten errors when Windows decides to update while I am doing something and I update hardware offline unless it requires an internet connection.Hopefully a missing Trigger OS isn't causing the problem.
Try using a USB 2.0 port (if you are not currently)..Windows 10 has issues with some USB 3 ports

The updates are under the downloads make sure you are updating the module "standalone"( no triggers or MIDI cables connected the module.)


I forgot to warn you about the Hi Hat..if you update to the cannot downgrade the module (not without risk)

see this topic...It also includes instructions on how to update with a blank screen.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 07:56:22 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #76 on: October 12, 2020, 08:43:00 AM »
Chaser you were correct that I was getting a blank screen. The boot and app syx files appear to transfer but I get nothing with the trigger file, even when holding down the Record button so still stuck in the same position.

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2020, 11:58:46 AM »
Chaser you were correct that I was getting a blank screen. The boot and app syx files appear to transfer but I get nothing with the trigger file, even when holding down the Record button so still stuck in the same position.

Blank screen is never good....Is it constant or just in update mode?
Shutting down/powering off the module during a failed update (especially the boot or app) never ends well.
I am sure you have probably noticed that a majority (if not all) of those posts with a blank screen/missing os etc..that the user never responded back if it got resolved and it's never been determined exactly why it happens,if it's Windows 10 related,USB connection or during a specific seems it was associated with downgrading the Trigger OS as almost all have a blank trigger OS.

The ( 8/05/2014) Trigger OS version (Realhat) was v1.01a...  The (9/22/2014)Trigger OS version (Realhat) was v1.00a ..
as you can see the later update version is lower than the earlier update version so when users thinking they were installing the latest/Final update they may have not realized they were downgrading the Trigger OS..and may be the cause of the Blank screen..You could try setting the Updater compatibility to XP(SP3) right click.. properties>compatability>compatability mode>..and set to XP SP3..APPLY and try the final (9/22/2014) Trigger OS version (Pro-X) v1.01b and see if it takes.

The one I got lucky with I used XP and updated to v1.01b.I have PC/Mac machines with older OS set aside for older/vintage gear.
Once the firmware has been updated you don't need to re-install all of them in order each/every time....only the ones needing updating.

I never got a response if anyone has tried to update/restore the Trigger OS using the MIDI RESTORE method..or with 5 pin and C6Electron/MIDIOX you need to make sure you have the correct buffer rate and 5 pin is very slow..the files are small except for the Sound Rom
I am not sure it would even work , although I have seen where some have been successful with the Sound just took a long time...days..
instead of REC (update mode) You hold "STORE" button down when powering on and you would see "MIDI RESTORE Waiting"
The Tsints file would have been transferred in normal mode....

The last resort would be to try contacting Support but the Alesis Tech/knowledge and original OS files have been gone for years and what little info remained disappeared when the Alesis forum shutdown.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #78 on: October 12, 2020, 04:13:46 PM »
Blank screen is only in Update mode.

My OS settings are stuck exactly as the blank screen post you referenced. I know it is probably posted on here somewhere already but is there a guideline to uploading the boot, app, trigger and sound syx's using midiox? I have tried using BomeSX in the midi restore mode but it just sits at "MIDI RESTORE Waiting..."

Utility: O/S

Trigger: Blank
Sound Rom: V1.03
Sound OS: V1.00q

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #79 on: October 12, 2020, 04:56:25 PM »
I used the updater and in the order shown. All worked fine until I tried to update the trigger file which gave a checksum error. I downloaded this a couple of times and on different machines and got the same result each time. My Trig OS filed is blank in the Sys display. I reckon if I can get that loaded I am onto a winner.

Your post above "All worked fine until I tried to update the trigger file which gave a checksum error."
Your last post shows no update occurred for the DM10 app Sound OS..

Blank screen is only in Update mode.

My OS settings are stuck exactly as the blank screen post you referenced. I know it is probably posted on here somewhere already but is there a guideline to uploading the boot, app, trigger and sound syx's using midiox? I have tried using BomeSX in the midi restore mode but it just sits at "MIDI RESTORE Waiting..."

Utility: O/S

Trigger: Blank
Sound Rom: V1.03
Sound OS: V1.00q

This post shows DM10 app Sound OS v1.00q  ..the 8/2014 is v1.00 r..and the final 9/2014 is v1.00 s
DM10 app or the main OS has not been updated ...this may be required before a new Trigger OS update as there is an order for installation.

There never was a MIDI RESTORE guideline for the firmware updates ever posted...that's the problem.
It's unknown if it will work....the module may need to be in update mode in order to receive firmware OS updates.
The updater would instruct you to reboot the module in between the updates.
MIDIOX and BomeSX you have to play around with the settings or you get timeout errors bad data etc.
I have seen different results with different users trying to share all memory files..trigger settings etc etc.


CS6 zip and pdf manual ..attached

Try using CS6...set to 100ms and x1 Turbo...those seem to work best..pic attached.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 05:57:52 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2020, 02:44:53 PM »
Thanks for that. I can read from the DM10 using CS6 during normal operation, so the connections are working... but I cannot get into the loader menu on power up. Just a grey screen and all lights on the face of the unit are illuminated.

I can't figure out a way to send/load syx files any other way.

Should have said too I installed in order, as instructed. The triggers syx is before the sound rom. I didn't want to attempt to upload the sound rom until the correct triggers syx file was installed. Now I can't load any syx files.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 02:52:41 PM by Swampyj »

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #81 on: October 13, 2020, 06:36:25 PM »

Should have said too I installed in order, as instructed. The triggers syx is before the sound rom. I didn't want to attempt to upload the sound rom until the correct triggers syx file was installed. Now I can't load any syx files.

You seem mainly focused on just the triggers..I pointed out in previous post that the Sound OS..the main OS had not been updated.
Did you update it? If not you sent a Trigger OS .syx update(2014) for Mesh Kits to apply to an older Sound OS (2012) that was never setup for the additional Mesh Kits or included any Mesh Kit information..settings,restore defaults etc.
Sound OS v1.00q was only for 2 kits..non mesh.The Trigger update (2014) was for 4 Kits...
That would mean the installation attempt was not in order.

The most important is the the DM10 app..the sound OS.It is the main OS of the module.If it is corrupted or only partially updated you will either lose or not have all the commands,features,menus,audio etc..depends on the corruption..

I cannot get into the loader menu on power up. Just a grey screen and all lights on the face of the unit are illuminated.

What is the "loader menu"?..MAIN MENU?..UPDATE? or MIDI RESTORE?

As mentioned above...if you sent a Trigger OS .syx update(2014) for Mesh Kits to apply to an older Sound OS (2012) that was never setup for additional Mesh Kits or included any Mesh Kit information...unknown what the results would be.

If you lost the MIDI RESTORE feature you have no choice now but using the updater to try and fix the (DM10 app) sound is still at q as it didn't complete from your original attempt or partially updated and the main OS for the module is corrupted and needs to be corrected before even worrying about Trigger OS or sound ROM.
The boot and the sound OS are the most important and first in order..once those are current you can do the Trigger OS update separately anytime after.
The boot firmware is still v1.00h for all the firmware pkgs which hasn't changed since 2011 so there is no need to update it.


  • Guest
Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #82 on: October 13, 2020, 07:22:53 PM »
Swampyj, disconnect any other USB connections from your computer except mouse, keyboard and the one that you use to connect the DM10 and try to update again. If that's not working, try to delete any unused USB device entry from your Win registry, as shown in

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #83 on: October 14, 2020, 04:38:15 AM »
Not sure of the terminology - loader menu - hold REC and power on. Attached is the order I followed. Triggers didn't work so I didn't want to run the sound rom in case it caused an error.

Funnily enough, there are 4no. kits shown when I run a SYSTEM REINIT. I can choose any kit but when I choose a kit it doesn't change the SYS settings.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #84 on: October 14, 2020, 04:39:10 AM »
Swampyj, disconnect any other USB connections from your computer except mouse, keyboard and the one that you use to connect the DM10 and try to update again. If that's not working, try to delete any unused USB device entry from your Win registry, as shown in

Will give this a go too. Cheers.

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #85 on: October 14, 2020, 10:04:52 AM »
Not sure of the terminology - loader menu - hold REC and power on. Attached is the order I followed. Triggers didn't work so I didn't want to run the sound rom in case it caused an error.
That would be the updater screen...follow the instructions for the blank screen.
Funnily enough, there are 4no. kits shown when I run a SYSTEM REINIT. I can choose any kit but when I choose a kit it doesn't change the SYS settings.

v1.00q was a minor update that now allowed initializing the default the trigger settings for 2 kits (DM10 Studio Kit and X Kit only)
This is also when the boot version became v1.00h (which is the current version) and you now had to hold down the REC while opening a file during the update.
You can read everything about it here v1.00q

If your module shows v1.00q as posted in previous post #78 ,but shows 4 kits post #83 that can be initialized to default trigger settings then something happened during the updating process and it was corrupted and only partially updated.
The options for 4 kits was not available until  v1.00r (8/2014) and v1.00s (9/2014))

You mentioned in 2 posts

"I used the updater and in the order shown. All worked fine until I tried to update the trigger file which gave a checksum error."
"The boot and app syx files appear to transfer but I get nothing with the trigger file, even when holding down the Record button so still stuck in the same position."

If you have no problem with the updater and app file I would focus on updating the DM10 app(SoundOS) and try to get it to v1.00s.
Obviously something happened since you are showing 4 kits..but the wrong OS version.

Make sure nothing is connected to the module  except the power adapter and USB cable.
Make sure nothing is connected to the computer other than the keyboard/mouse and the DM10 during the updating

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #86 on: October 14, 2020, 10:12:38 AM »
Just bit the bullet and bought another module on fleabay.

I'll try what you suggested later tonight but I don't think the module is responding to the uploader. I tried the workaround with the blank screen too, but again, I don't think the module is receiving the files.

I have to say I genuinely appreciate the quick and detailed responses. If I get the module working I'll let you know. If I don't my neighbours will have a new drum module garden feature.

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #87 on: October 14, 2020, 10:48:32 AM »
Just bit the bullet and bought another module on fleabay.

I'll try what you suggested later tonight but I don't think the module is responding to the uploader. I tried the workaround with the blank screen too, but again, I don't think the module is receiving the files.

I have to say I genuinely appreciate the quick and detailed responses. If I get the module working I'll let you know. If I don't my neighbours will have a new drum module garden feature.

Are you not able to select the DM10 in the Updater? activity showing in the progress bar? Holding REC down then releasing as soon as you click open?
Using a rear USB port?
If the DM10 isn't responding at all now to the updater , I would try as vaikl suggested and clear the USB cache..the video has links for downloads.I have used Device Cleanup in the past and it has been recently updated..

The link for the original v1.00q no longer functions and hasn't been available for years.
I checked and I still have the complete update package with the v1.00q app (2011)
It is 106mb and extracts to 160mb.
Update pdf attached

DM10 Studio and X Kit Update

EDIT #2:
For whatever it's worth (more than likely nothing) I found I have the original update to the DM10 with the drag-n drop updater and version a of all the OS including the original Sound OS update to v1.03 (2009).
They might as well be on this site.. for posterity if nothing else.
Update pdf attached
DM10 Updater 1.00           (2009)
DM10-boot-v1.00a            (2009)
DM10-app-v1.00a             (2009)
DM10_triggers_V1.00a      (2009)
DM10_sound_rom-V1.03   (2009)

DM10 Sept/Oct 2009
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 02:31:21 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2020, 04:29:32 AM »
Just a brief update - the USB to USB connection will not work prior to the module booting - it will only connect once the DM10 is fully booted so cannot be used for updater on powerup. The USB to MIDI appears to work fine prior to booting so I used the blank screen method and this cable.

The boot and app files appeared to load fine (going by the progress bar in the uploader app). The trigger file is non-responsive, i.e. does not even appear on the progress bar. The sound ROM file has been loading for about 13hrs and currently sits at 85%.

Will keep you posted.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #89 on: October 15, 2020, 06:49:00 AM »
Just finished uploading sound rom. Still no drum sounds from the module. I can hear the accompanying music but there is no indication of triggering on the module screen.

O/S's are still showing

Trigger: Blank
Sound Rom: V1.03
Sound OS: V1.00q

Very disappointing. Spent €400 - Followed manufacturer's instruction and now nothing works. Zero response from Alesis too. Thanks to anyone who responded on here. This is my second Alesis kit. Won't be buying again.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #90 on: October 22, 2020, 05:07:12 AM »
New module arrived. All good. Don't think I'll attempt any updates!

Still waiting on Alesis to respond...

Thanks again for the support.