Author Topic: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)  (Read 67548 times)

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2013, 07:52:39 AM »
Hi, this is my first post, I apologize in advance for the long post I'm going to write..
I have the DM10 for about a week.
Let me explain what happened to me, after two hours to assemble initials, I was tempted to upgrade Frimware, but I had no problem about crosstalks so I decided to let it go.
Two days ago, however I changed the settings without realizing what and the fourth floor tom and started the first problems of crasstalk. While not playing absolutely the battery on the rim of the tom sounded randomly alone.
Then i read the manual, stupidly, and I did a factory reset (exit at the store + poweron), after restart has occurred the worst thing that could happen to me.
All, and I mean all the pieces of the battery randomly play without even touching them.
It seems to me absurd to be able to use plug and play for about 5 days, very satisfied of the product and after a simple factory reset the total chaos.
So I decided to apply the latest updates, including the triggers. The update was very easy but it did not solve the problem. I also tried again another factory reset without success.
I understand the great potential of this DM10 in custom options, but it is absurd that alesis claiming that everyone is able to "fix it."
I spent about 3 hours between the settings of the trigger, threshold, various xtalks, sensitivity etc without improving the situation. I was not able to restore it to its former glory.
So I decided to try one of your settings with midi ox, but I could not send any setting, dm10 always says "midi waiting".
I've tried many combinations of midi routing, both in DM10 input and output, output-only, etc. ...
I'm really frustrated of the situation, if I had all these problems from the start I would have had a reason, but having them after a few days of perfect operation is unacceptable.

Help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Offline Trondster

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2013, 09:55:08 AM »
If you have upgraded to the very latest firmware, you'll have a few settings to reset the trigger settings to various setups - the "normal" (Pro), the X and the Studio.

But yes - the trigger settings are awful out of the box - read the xtalk thread in the Drum Modules subforum - you want the sensitivity low and the threshold high...
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2013, 02:19:21 PM »
Thank you. I have already reset to default the trigger to studio without changes.
Do you have any advise to let midi ox work?

Offline Trondster

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2013, 02:33:26 PM »
Jack in a USB cable, select the correct input device in MIDI OX and start monitoring? :)
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2013, 03:25:24 PM »
I followed the installation steps precisely and nothing ever happened. It just stays on the "Midi restore waiting" screen.
I am using Windows XP.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2013, 08:36:10 AM »
I know i've seen a thread on here somewhere with people sharing their custom kit files, but can't seem to locate it now. Does anyone happen to have this bookmarked? Thanks, Tim
Current Setup : Stock DM10 Studio (4 leg rack) : hopefully not stock for long...

Re: Looking for members using stock config DM10 kits (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2013, 12:00:09 PM »
I assume this is what we need from the command window...

SYSX: F0 00 00 0E 2F 08 00 10 01 01 00 13 04 22 01 02 00 00
SYSX: 00 00 3C 00 00 11 00 05 04 00 00 12 40 00 11 00 00 00
SYSX: 00 00 20 46 00 56 00 04 0D 00 10 00 3C 00 44 05 00 00
SYSX: 08 00 00 50 00 66 00 0A 0C 04 00 00 30 00 66 04 02 00
SYSX: 00 00 00 4C 00 66 03 00 0F 04 00 00 06 00 00 64 04 00
SYSX: 00 00 00 5A 40 00 55 00 0F 04 00 00 60 04 00 65 04 00
SYSX: 00 00 10 00 3C 00 56 00 07 05 08 00 00 3C 00 43 00 0F
SYSX: 0C 04 00 00 02 00 46 00 06 0F 0A 00 00 0D 00 64 01 06
SYSX: 0F 04 00 00 64 00 01 55 00 0F 04 00 00 0C 40 00 75 07
SYSX: 00 00 00 00 00 50 70 33 00 28 23 00 10 00 64 00 33 04
SYSX: 00 00 08 00 00 68 00 54 00 0F 0C 04 00 00 46 00 56 04
SYSX: 02 00 00 00 00 64 00 55 01 00 0F 04 00 00 78 00 00 55
SYSX: 07 00 00 00 00 F7

I saved it as a .syx file (222 bytes).

Hope it works...
I'm new to this and trying to update my DM10 Studio kit with Tsints settings but I can't seem to load the syx file into the module.  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Offline JimmyB

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2013, 06:20:46 PM »
Here are the results of a couple hrs of fooling around with a DM10x kit today
Fresh out of the box
Fusion kit
Snare and toms:
Xtalk send/receive=1

I left the cymbal setting alone for now.

I set all cymbals and drums on individual stands on carpet.  Played pretty much anything I wanted without any crosstalk, false triggering or any missed hits.  Dialed thru a few kits with pretty much the same results.

Throw everything up on the rack and have all kinds of xtalk problems, extra hit etc, etc.
I think the rack is the root of all evil.  Given that the triggers are really just vibration sensors and the rack is a great
vibration transmitter, I can't help but wonder if electronic drums and racks are like oil and water.

I'm going to stuff the tubes with foam in the next few days and place it on a nice thick anti-fatigue standing mat and see what that produces.
Hope this helps........

Offline Trondster

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2013, 04:26:16 AM »
Yes - with individual stands you don't need to tweak the trigger settings that much - the individual stands will take care of the crosstalk. On individual stands you can get away with xtalk send and receive of 1's and 0's, along with much lower thresholds. :)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 04:27:56 AM by Trondster »
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Offline ibanez7oppel

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2013, 10:11:52 AM »
***Stock DM10 Config files are attached to the bottom of this post***
I'm looking for a few good members who use their DM10 kit as stock. I mean the kit itself and not the tweaks to the module. You can use a Studio or Pro kit. I hope to get both. The reason I'm looking for you is because I have been getting many questions about crosstalk and sensitivity issues for new users (these are typically people who have never played drums or edrums before).

What I'm hoping for is a few members who use their kit in a stock configuration and have their modules tweak so the kit preforms really well for them. Meaning good sensitivity and little crosstalk. The physical kit itself must be 100% stock. No mesh mods, four leg rack mods, separate snare stands, or any other modification that is outside of stock (as pictured by alesis).

Once a few of you come forward, I'm hoping to get you guys to dump your trigger setting to a .syx file. Trade them with each other to see how much you guys like each others setting and then choose an over all good one that can be placed in a sticky for all new owner (who are typically new to drumming in general) so they can have some decent settings from the get go (or at least better than stock).

I would do this myself, however my Pro kit is heavily modified and it would require me to undo all of my mods (very time consuming and I would have to replace parts which I no longer have).

The .syx file that is chosen for the sticky will get full credit for everyone on the forum to see. If you guys want, we can post several different ones and let people vote which one is the best.

If you would like to help, please upload a .syx file of just your trigger setting to this thread (again, you must be using a stock config). Be sure to state if you are using a Studio or Pro kit with your trigger config file.

Thanks for your help.

Added 01/02/11:

Additional notes from the DM10 manual. Keep in mind you will need MIDI-OX (PC) or SysEx Librarian (Mac) to preform any of these functions:

SYS (F4) Backing up Trigger Settings
Pressing SYS (F4) from the Main Utility menu lets you access a page that contains the module's various
system settings.
This page lets you send out the module's settings as a SysEx (.syx) file
to be recalled later.
1. Press UTILITY to enter the main Utility Menu.1).
2. Use CURSOR UP / DOWN to move through the menu items:
a. All Memory: All of the module's memory that can be saved
will be saved as a SysEx file.  This includesyour trigger
settings, Kits, and Sequences.
b. All Trigger Settings: Only the module's trigger settings will be saved as a SysEx file.
(This is what is needed for this topic)
3. Press SEND (F4) to send the selected settings from the module as a SysEx file.


To load a backup SysEx file to the module from your computer, follow these steps:
1. With the module off, connect the module's USB port to your computer with a standard USB cable.
2. Press and hold the module's STORE button and turn it on. The LCD should display, "MIDI RESTORE
Waiting..." This means it is ready to receive a SysEx file from your computer.
3. Use a MIDI utility to send the appropriate SysEx file to the module (which will need to be selected as
the receiving MIDI device). We recommend the following utilities:
SysEx Librarian (Mac):
4. The LCD will indicate when the process is complete.  Once it is complete, restart the module.


Added 01/31/11:

I have added Tsints and ProbeGT's DM10 trigger setting files to the bottom of this post to make it easier to find them. Again, I would like to thank these two members for taking the time to post their setting and helping so many new members who are having issues with the triggering of their new kits.

\m/ ibanez7oppel \m/

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #60 on: December 10, 2013, 06:08:08 PM »
I see that a lot of people are saying that they cannot get their trigger settings to restore on their DM10.
I initially had this problem with my RedBox as well.

Turns out that the trigger settings are a single SysEx message, so putting the module into restore mode (holding the store button while turning the module on) is not necessary. I guess that the DM10 (RBM20) only pays attention to Full memory restores when in restore mode.

I didn't notice a trigger setting only restore "procedure" mentioned in either the DM10 or RBM20 manuals. But basically it amounts to, "Just send the trigger settings without doing anything special with the module."

To restore just the trigger settings:
  • Start with your module on and connected to your computer via USB (or midi I suppose)
  • Select your module (or midi interface I suppose) in your SysEx utility (in SysEx Librarian it'll be in the drop down list at the top of the window)
  • Send the trigger settings.
  • The module will not acknowledge that anything has happened, but your trigger settings will be updated.
No need to reboot or anything. Scroll through the inputs in trig edit and have a look at the shiny new settings.
I noticed that this works on the RedBox even if WriteProtect is ON! So I suspect it would be the same on the DM10.

One interesting note, if you have 2 DM10s (or 2 RBM20s) you can duplicate the trigger settings from one directly to the other! Connect the midi out on the "master" to the midi in on the "slave" then select utilities -> sys -> All Trigger settings -> send on the "master", and the trigger settings will be copied directly to the "slave".

I haven't tried, but I suspect you could do a similar thing with the All memory dump ... just put the slave in "restore" mode then send all memory from the master.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #61 on: December 10, 2013, 06:21:35 PM »
I haven't tried, but I suspect you could do a similar thing with the All memory dump ... just put the slave in "restore" mode then send all memory from the master.

O.K. now I have ...
You can duplicate the entire memory from one DM10 (or RBM20) directly to another In just about a minute!

Sorry for going off topic here ... I now return you to your regularly scheduled Studio or Pro trigger tuning.

Online Hellfire

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #62 on: December 10, 2013, 08:42:18 PM »
I see that a lot of people are saying that they cannot get their trigger settings to restore on their DM10.
I initially had this problem with my RedBox as well.

Turns out that the trigger settings are a single SysEx message, so putting the module into restore mode (holding the store button while turning the module on) is not necessary. I guess that the DM10 (RBM20) only pays attention to Full memory restores when in restore mode.

I didn't notice a trigger setting only restore "procedure" mentioned in either the DM10 or RBM20 manuals. But basically it amounts to, "Just send the trigger settings without doing anything special with the module."

To restore just the trigger settings:
  • Start with your module on and connected to your computer via USB (or midi I suppose)
  • Select your module (or midi interface I suppose) in your SysEx utility (in SysEx Librarian it'll be in the drop down list at the top of the window)
  • Send the trigger settings.
  • The module will not acknowledge that anything has happened, but your trigger settings will be updated.
No need to reboot or anything. Scroll through the inputs in trig edit and have a look at the shiny new settings.
I noticed that this works on the RedBox even if WriteProtect is ON! So I suspect it would be the same on the DM10.

One interesting note, if you have 2 DM10s (or 2 RBM20s) you can duplicate the trigger settings from one directly to the other! Connect the midi out on the "master" to the midi in on the "slave" then select utilities -> sys -> All Trigger settings -> send on the "master", and the trigger settings will be copied directly to the "slave".

I haven't tried, but I suspect you could do a similar thing with the All memory dump ... just put the slave in "restore" mode then send all memory from the master.

Again, another great post! I knew the Trigger settings could be sent in normal mode. I didn't even think about dumping from one module to another, because I don't have two DM10's (or RBM20's) to connect together. This is a good tidbit of knowledge. I think I'm going to link this post somehow in the up coming "DM10: Advanced Programming, Usage & Techniques" section when I get it done.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2013, 10:25:02 AM »
Again, another great post!
Hey, Thanks!

I knew the Trigger settings could be sent in normal mode. I didn't even think about dumping from one module to another, because I don't have two DM10's (or RBM20's) to connect together. This is a good tidbit of knowledge. I think I'm going to link this post somehow in the up coming "DM10: Advanced Programming, Usage & Techniques" section when I get it done.
In hindsight, I probably should have started a new thread so that more casual forum browsers could be helped by the tip, but most of the trigger restore issues I saw were in here.
Adding this tip to your DM10: Advanced Programming manual would be a great.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #64 on: January 15, 2014, 11:35:29 AM »
I see that a lot of people are saying that they cannot get their trigger settings to restore on their DM10.
I initially had this problem with my RedBox as well.

Turns out that the trigger settings are a single SysEx message, so putting the module into restore mode (holding the store button while turning the module on) is not necessary. I guess that the DM10 (RBM20) only pays attention to Full memory restores when in restore mode.

I didn't notice a trigger setting only restore "procedure" mentioned in either the DM10 or RBM20 manuals. But basically it amounts to, "Just send the trigger settings without doing anything special with the module."

To restore just the trigger settings:
  • Start with your module on and connected to your computer via USB (or midi I suppose)
  • Select your module (or midi interface I suppose) in your SysEx utility (in SysEx Librarian it'll be in the drop down list at the top of the window)
  • Send the trigger settings.
  • The module will not acknowledge that anything has happened, but your trigger settings will be updated.
No need to reboot or anything. Scroll through the inputs in trig edit and have a look at the shiny new settings.
I noticed that this works on the RedBox even if WriteProtect is ON! So I suspect it would be the same on the DM10.

One interesting note, if you have 2 DM10s (or 2 RBM20s) you can duplicate the trigger settings from one directly to the other! Connect the midi out on the "master" to the midi in on the "slave" then select utilities -> sys -> All Trigger settings -> send on the "master", and the trigger settings will be copied directly to the "slave".

I haven't tried, but I suspect you could do a similar thing with the All memory dump ... just put the slave in "restore" mode then send all memory from the master.

Again, another great post! I knew the Trigger settings could be sent in normal mode. I didn't even think about dumping from one module to another, because I don't have two DM10's (or RBM20's) to connect together. This is a good tidbit of knowledge. I think I'm going to link this post somehow in the up coming "DM10: Advanced Programming, Usage & Techniques" section when I get it done.

Hellfire,  for now,  in addition  to the Advanced Programming section of your guide,  could you kindly  update the first post in this thread with Essingtons info about not needing to be in Midi Receive mode?  I see from your comment that you knew that,  but I had to read this entire thread,  and all the frustrated comments from users who could not  receive the trigger settings file to that post,  so altough my triggers,  xtalk settings are acceptable it would definitely help noobs who come across this eary on.  I have had my DM10 Studio about a week,  and I am mostly happy with  my settings.  I am surprised at the sensitivity I have with fairly high xtalk settings.  I have dialed them back some,  as they were cranked to 7's on a lot of them.  But even with  5's i get good rolls etc.  I suspect that Alesis is adding a trigger file prior to shipment  since folks who reset or re apply firmware seem to lose the plug and play (mostly)  that the set has out of the box.

Online Hellfire

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2014, 01:11:41 PM »
Hellfire,  for now,  in addition  to the Advanced Programming section of your guide,  could you kindly  update the first post in this thread with Essingtons info about not needing to be in Midi Receive mode?

As you wish.  :)

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2014, 11:58:30 PM »
If Alesis had the type of responsiveness that I have found in this forum, they would OWN the eDrum market.  Seriously  it's the existence of this forum and Hellfire's that kept me from packing up the DM10 Studio and sending tnem back.  Well,  that and the fact that there is nothing else i  the price range of the DM10 that I like.  Sure there are low end Rolands (way low,  lol)  A Simmons set,  but its really entry level,  and a few Yamaha models,  but once I decided I wanted more than rubber baby buggy bumpers I would feel like I gave up too much. 

Online Hellfire

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2014, 08:37:04 AM »
Seriously  it's the existence of this forum and Hellfire's that kept me from packing up the DM10 Studio and sending them back. 

Actually there're both my sites.  ;)
Thanks for the comments. I put this site up because I decide to adopt the DM10 early on. I knew Alesis didn't have much in the way of a support/user sites and it seemed like a good idea to have a user based forum. The idea of going the forum route was because I was spending a good deal of time over at The problem with that is, they are mainly a Roland V-drums site (go figure, the Roland product name "Vdrums" is in their name). Don't get me wrong, they will talk about any and all eDrum stuff, but they are primarily a Roland V-drums user site. I figured if there is a V-drums user site, why not a DM user site and was born.  :)

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2014, 01:48:57 PM »
Seriously  it's the existence of this forum and Hellfire's that kept me from packing up the DM10 Studio and sending them back. 

Actually there're both my sites.  ;)
Thanks for the comments. I put this site up because I decide to adopt the DM10 early on. I knew Alesis didn't have much in the way of a support/user sites and it seemed like a good idea to have a user based forum. The idea of going the forum route was because I was spending a good deal of time over at The problem with that is, they are mainly a Roland V-drums site (go figure, the Roland product name "Vdrums" is in their name). Don't get me wrong, they will talk about any and all eDrum stuff, but they are primarily a Roland V-drums user site. I figured if there is a V-drums user site, why not a DM user site and was born.  :)

Thank you HF! I am still pleased with my DM10 (after upgrading from the ancient D4), and it was definitely the info supplied here by you and other members that has helped my experience with it the most. It really is a great module for what you get - and a real shame that Alesis chose not to exploit the full potential it has. Regardless - thanks again for your hard work and efforts keeping us folks informed and knowledgeable! :)

E-drum setup: Alesis DM10 Module, S&S Industries Stinger XL snare & Stinger P1 toms, Alesis DMPad cymbals, Roland PD-8 & KD-7, Gibraltar rack/hardware, Tama hardware, Hart Maxxum/Magnum Mesh Heads, Roland KC-350 amp, Audio Technica ATH-M50s headphones

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #69 on: July 04, 2014, 10:10:21 AM »
hi drummers :-) but for my dm 10 pro?? :-(

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2018, 05:02:12 AM »
I see that a lot of people are saying that they cannot get their trigger settings to restore on their DM10.
I initially had this problem with my RedBox as well.

Turns out that the trigger settings are a single SysEx message, so putting the module into restore mode (holding the store button while turning the module on) is not necessary. I guess that the DM10 (RBM20) only pays attention to Full memory restores when in restore mode.

I didn't notice a trigger setting only restore "procedure" mentioned in either the DM10 or RBM20 manuals. But basically it amounts to, "Just send the trigger settings without doing anything special with the module."

To restore just the trigger settings:
  • Start with your module on and connected to your computer via USB (or midi I suppose)
  • Select your module (or midi interface I suppose) in your SysEx utility (in SysEx Librarian it'll be in the drop down list at the top of the window)
  • Send the trigger settings.
  • The module will not acknowledge that anything has happened, but your trigger settings will be updated.
No need to reboot or anything. Scroll through the inputs in trig edit and have a look at the shiny new settings.
I noticed that this works on the RedBox even if WriteProtect is ON! So I suspect it would be the same on the DM10.

Does anyone know how to send the .sys file from MIDI-OX to the DM10?

Im having trouble knowing what MIDI devices to pick as the input and ouput?

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #71 on: April 28, 2020, 01:31:55 PM »
Hi all

Newbie, first post, so pls be gentle !  Been playing for around 6 months, started on Yamaha DTX500 (I live in an apartment block).

I've upgraded my Yamaha to a 4 year old DM10 Pro mesh set - very happy apart from not being able to get a "good" sound from the toms.  I've trying to get something like Lars' kit (Sandman and Nothing Else Matters in particular) and I'm really struggling.
I've seen that some kind savvy guys have uploaded some kits (excellent!) but it seems to my uneducated brain that I need MidiOx to use these, and MidiOX is no longer available.
I have the option (maybe) to get a 1yr old DM10 Mk 2 pro - will this answer my prayers ?
What are my options please ?

btw I'm getting a fair bit of crosstalk (I've tried the suggestions made in posts here, it's made it better but still not good), snare drum "clicks" a lot too.

Really appreciate any help you can offer - many thanks guys

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #72 on: October 11, 2020, 12:59:57 PM »
Hi, I recently obtained a dm10pro kit with the intent of updating to mesh heads. When running the update for the trigger file on the alesis site I get so far and then get a checksum error. I have tried this using two different computers.

I then sent the Tsints file using Bome and midiox. It is reading back from the module so must have been accepted. The Trig OS is still showing as blank and I cannot get anything to trigger or even indicate triggering on the module.

Struggling here, any help greatly appreciated from those in the know.

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #73 on: October 11, 2020, 02:46:27 PM »
Hi, I recently obtained a dm10pro kit with the intent of updating to mesh heads. When running the update for the trigger file on the alesis site I get so far and then get a checksum error. I have tried this using two different computers.

Which updates...8/05/2014?..or 9/22/2014?

DM10 – Firmware Updates [posted 9/22/2014]
DM10 Updater 1.00
DM10_triggers_V1.00a.syx (use with real hat pedal)
DM10_triggers_V1.01b.syx (use with Alesis Pro-X hi hat)

Did you use the updater ?..
Did you update all the firmware files..and in order?...just updated the Trigger OS?

If you only updated to Mesh heads and the module is current for firmware you only needed to Re-initialize to a Mesh Kit.
The last versions of the Trigger firmware was mainly for Hi Hat type...RealHat (linear/softpot)..Pro-X (FSR)

When you finished updating..did you initialize/select the proper kit ?..

There was no DM10 Pro Mesh kit so you will have to select the Mesh Kit that best matches the configuration you have...

During the update there is an option for selecting the Kit model for Trigger Settings.

Initializing the Default Trigger Settings(for DM10 Studio Kit, DM10 Studio Kit Mesh, DM10 X Kit, and DM10 X Kit Mesh only)
Once your DM10 module is updated, initialize the default trigger settings to the correct kit before playing.
1.Power on your DM10 module.
2.Press the Utility button.
3.In the screen that appears, choose F4 (Sys).
4.On the next screen, choose F2 (Init).
5.Use the Cursor Down button to highlight the Trigger Settings option and then press the F4 (Exec) button.
6.On the next screen, use the Cursor Down button to highlight your drum kit and then press F1 (Exec).
Your DM10 module will return to its Main Screen.

Re: DM10 Trigger Config files (Studio or Pro)
« Reply #74 on: October 11, 2020, 06:46:12 PM »
I downloaded the 08/05/2014. I can't see anything for 09/22/2014. Perhaps you could provide a link or share? I actually have the DM10 Studio Kit -not the pro kit as I mentioned earlier.

I used the updater and in the order shown. All worked fine until I tried to update the trigger file which gave a checksum error. I downloaded this a couple of times and on different machines and got the same result each time. My Trig OS filed is blank in the Sys display. I reckon if I can get that loaded I am onto a winner.

Really impressed with the quick response btw.

Hi, I recently obtained a dm10pro kit with the intent of updating to mesh heads. When running the update for the trigger file on the alesis site I get so far and then get a checksum error. I have tried this using two different computers.

Which updates...8/05/2014?..or 9/22/2014?

DM10 – Firmware Updates [posted 9/22/2014]
DM10 Updater 1.00
DM10_triggers_V1.00a.syx (use with real hat pedal)
DM10_triggers_V1.01b.syx (use with Alesis Pro-X hi hat)

Did you use the updater ?..
Did you update all the firmware files..and in order?...just updated the Trigger OS?

If you only updated to Mesh heads and the module is current for firmware you only needed to Re-initialize to a Mesh Kit.
The last versions of the Trigger firmware was mainly for Hi Hat type...RealHat (linear/softpot)..Pro-X (FSR)

When you finished updating..did you initialize/select the proper kit ?..

There was no DM10 Pro Mesh kit so you will have to select the Mesh Kit that best matches the configuration you have...

During the update there is an option for selecting the Kit model for Trigger Settings.

Initializing the Default Trigger Settings(for DM10 Studio Kit, DM10 Studio Kit Mesh, DM10 X Kit, and DM10 X Kit Mesh only)
Once your DM10 module is updated, initialize the default trigger settings to the correct kit before playing.
1.Power on your DM10 module.
2.Press the Utility button.
3.In the screen that appears, choose F4 (Sys).
4.On the next screen, choose F2 (Init).
5.Use the Cursor Down button to highlight the Trigger Settings option and then press the F4 (Exec) button.
6.On the next screen, use the Cursor Down button to highlight your drum kit and then press F1 (Exec).
Your DM10 module will return to its Main Screen.