Second occurrence now. First, I turned on the unit. Big Bird screen came up. Unit would not do anything else. Normally I press User and get to my kit. I turned the unit off. Waited. Turned it back on and everything functioned as normal. That was about a week ago.
Just now, turned it on, Big Bird came up. Nothing else works. Even the metronome is not blinking. Turned it off and back on four times. It's frozen.
The unit, purchased used, is basically new. It's a little over two months old. Has functioned fine. No issues. It's been sitting in position since I got it.
Did I just lose hundreds of dollars?
Has the Module been sitting...plugged in..wall socket..powerstrip etc?
The Module powers on ..Logo,Display and.All buttons illuminate etc..just no functions and Tempo
isn't flashing?
The Tempo flashes constantly..based on BPM settings.
You should be able to maneuver through all the Function Buttons and the Tempo will always Flash with or without the SD Cards...
The SD Cards are Content only..Kits/Instruments/Samples etc..The OS system(s) will still operate..just empty of content
If a SD Card is corrupted or has Failed you will typically see a SD Card error displayed.
If the Internal SD Card displays errors/Fails You then remove the SD Card ..copy everything over to a computer , replace/format a New SD Card and copy everything back onto it.
I have had a number of modules where the Internal SD Card corrupts and once placed in a reader (Win OS) Windows repairs it..other times you need a new card.
I have never had a module where the Tempo doesn't blink or you can't access any of the Functions...
All of these should be operational with or without an Internal SD Card.
The 1st thing I would do is a Factory reset.
Press and hold the Stop and Enter buttons while powering up the module.
"Resetting Factory Defaults..." will be displayed on the module... Wait 5 seconds, then let go of the buttons.
2nd..check the power supply.
I have had a few go bad and not supply enough power...possibility why Tempo is not Flashing.
3rd..replace the Internal SD card..