Hi all
I am having a lot of confusion trying to load samples into my Hi Hat .
I have three different samples , that I want to load - closed, mid open and open and it seems that I can only load one sample on the Hi Hat, when I add one sample there are no articulations available on the drop down articulation menu, apart from one that says "hit"
Any helpful advice would be most welcome
The Majority if not All Software/Vst Do Not support creating Complete Multi-Velocity,Multi-Zone Instruments..especially Hi Hats.
One exception is BFD3..you can create a Multi-Velocity single zone Instrument however you cannot create a Multi-Velocity Multi-Zone Instrument or a Hi Hat.. (Expert Users with Full Editing Knowledge of the BFD info files,Instrument structure,mapping are able to)
SD3 allows Custom User Instrument creation using Drag-N-Drop Audio File import..One Shot Type samples.
The options are ..Add Stack..Replace or Add Instrument.
You will need to Add Instrument

In order create a Complete Hi Hat (NOTE ONLY..No CC#4 Transitions) You will need to Create Multiple Instruments...
For example I created (4)..Open..1/2 Open..Closed..Pedal
To the Far right the Show Drop Down menu select MIDI Mapping Keys..
Move your cursor to the Far right of each articulation..a Drag-N-Drop Box will appear for moving the MIDI Key/Note and it will swap places with the Key/Note you move it to.
The Nitro/Surge (Medeli DD512) Module
Does Not send CC#4 and
Does Not have a Continuous/Variable Hi Hat
SD3 SURGE Hi Hat Mapping
SD3 SURGE FULL MIDI Map..Hi Hat Highlighted MIDI assignments
EDIT:Added Images