Author Topic: Sunday project update: I Dream Of Wires; More Is Not Better  (Read 159 times)

Sunday project update: I Dream Of Wires; More Is Not Better
« on: December 29, 2024, 01:29:16 PM »
Greetings, all! Christmas brought zippy little RF gadgets to reduce my Rube Goldbergian signal chains, and thus begins Frankenkit Revision v.14: Mo' Wireless, Mo' Problems?

Note that many subtle mods and bodges and mishmashes present in these current photos were,
at minimum, inspired by this community; at most, and most frequently,
my direct ripoff of somebody's cleverness (e.g., vinyl wrap strips as accent trim!) and when all is done, all credit to them.

The Tale of the Trackball alone...another's epiphany that solved all of my across-the-room-laptop-DAW -HID mounts & arms & hassles, as all ya'll know very well. A trackball, a salvage HDD neodym, and a little piece of 90-degree ferrous junk. Intend to bolt it under the floor tom, as falls to right hand.

Deep breath, a final strategic eyeballing of the unholy cable maelstrom I created...
I'm going in. Godspeed to you all. See you on the other side.

When somebody tells you that something cannot be done, listen to them. Then, do it anyway.