Author Topic: Alesis SR18 Aux jack handholding requested  (Read 145 times)

Alesis SR18 Aux jack handholding requested
« on: December 27, 2024, 03:43:30 PM »

I'll start by saying that the SR18's manual hasn't helped much.

Normally I send the main output from my SR18 into a Tascam Model 12 digital mixer' channel's 9/10. It works reliably and well to establish a basic  two channel drum track. To embellish any composition, I wish to lay down another drum track in time with the original, but with only short accent hits and fills created from the SR18's pads while the pre-recorded Channel 9/10 drums play back. The Tascam Model 12 can do this adding of tracks.

I'd like to record these fills on channel 8 of the Tascam Model 12. I plugged a 1/4 inch mono cord into the AUX connector of the SR18 and from there to my Tascam Model 12's channel 7/8 input, but when I try it out, there is no signal coming from Model 12. The mixer does not indicate a signal from the SR18's AUX.

Question: Is the Aux on the SR18 for input or output?
Question: If the Aux is for output, How do I control it on the SR18?
Question: Can the main out and AUX bot be active at the same time on the SR18?

I believe that if I can generate an output signal from the SR18's AUX, then I would make a "permanent" patch to my Model 12 mixer's channel 8 input. Why? I would do this as a fast alternative to programming an entire song beforehand. Being able to add accents to a basic drum track makes it sound more human and spontaneous.

Please advise. 

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis SR18 Aux jack handholding requested
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2024, 07:26:08 PM »

I'll start by saying that the SR18's manual hasn't helped much.

Normally I send the main output from my SR18 into a Tascam Model 12 digital mixer' channel's 9/10. It works reliably and well to establish a basic  two channel drum track. To embellish any composition, I wish to lay down another drum track in time with the original, but with only short accent hits and fills created from the SR18's pads while the pre-recorded Channel 9/10 drums play back. The Tascam Model 12 can do this adding of tracks.

I'd like to record these fills on channel 8 of the Tascam Model 12. I plugged a 1/4 inch mono cord into the AUX connector of the SR18 and from there to my Tascam Model 12's channel 7/8 input, but when I try it out, there is no signal coming from Model 12. The mixer does not indicate a signal from the SR18's AUX.

Question: Is the Aux on the SR18 for input or output?
Question: If the Aux is for output, How do I control it on the SR18?
Question: Can the main out and AUX bot be active at the same time on the SR18?

I believe that if I can generate an output signal from the SR18's AUX, then I would make a "permanent" patch to my Model 12 mixer's channel 8 input. Why? I would do this as a fast alternative to programming an entire song beforehand. Being able to add accents to a basic drum track makes it sound more human and spontaneous.

Please advise.

Aux is a single 1/4" Output L/R and uses a TRS cable.

If you use a TS cable the SR-18 will Auto Detect as Mono..

Pads by default are assigned main Output..but there is an option of outputting Individual Pads through the Aux..

See if this helps you out..

Reference Manual... Pg 12

The SR18 can also output instrument layers through this auxiliary connection.
For example, this allows you to output your drum and percussion tracks on separate
channels, which can be useful in a recording / tracking situation.

Reference Manual... Pg 28

Re: Alesis SR18 Aux jack handholding requested
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2024, 07:05:16 PM »
Thanks for the reply. I am doing some experimentation. With nothing else recorded,  I record my basic drum track to channels 9 and 10 on a Tascam Model 12. Next, I set everything to MTR and disarm all channels and reset to the beginning of the song. I press record again and Channels 9 and 10 are recorded to the master output tracks of 11 and 12.  Next, I can go into the menu and select MTR and follow the prompts to copy tracks 11 and 12 to channel 7 and 8. Once that is done and confirmed by a quick playback, I use the menu again in MTR to erase track 9 and 10. The result is that I have my basic drums on a different recording channel so that and I can then record drum fills and hits from the SR18 pads on channels 9 and 10 while simultaneously playing back the original drum track. An additional benefit is that the drum sounds are consistent between channels. The result is that there is no external patching required and I do not have to assign drums to the AUX output with all the attendant heartburn. Simply put, I just bounced my drum track to another channel and created a new channel of fills without patching.