I'll start by saying that the SR18's manual hasn't helped much.
Normally I send the main output from my SR18 into a Tascam Model 12 digital mixer' channel's 9/10. It works reliably and well to establish a basic two channel drum track. To embellish any composition, I wish to lay down another drum track in time with the original, but with only short accent hits and fills created from the SR18's pads while the pre-recorded Channel 9/10 drums play back. The Tascam Model 12 can do this adding of tracks.
I'd like to record these fills on channel 8 of the Tascam Model 12. I plugged a 1/4 inch mono cord into the AUX connector of the SR18 and from there to my Tascam Model 12's channel 7/8 input, but when I try it out, there is no signal coming from Model 12. The mixer does not indicate a signal from the SR18's AUX.
Question: Is the Aux on the SR18 for input or output?
Question: If the Aux is for output, How do I control it on the SR18?
Question: Can the main out and AUX bot be active at the same time on the SR18?
I believe that if I can generate an output signal from the SR18's AUX, then I would make a "permanent" patch to my Model 12 mixer's channel 8 input. Why? I would do this as a fast alternative to programming an entire song beforehand. Being able to add accents to a basic drum track makes it sound more human and spontaneous.
Please advise.