Author Topic: How do I properly disassemble an MPad 14" ride?  (Read 208 times)

How do I properly disassemble an MPad 14" ride?
« on: December 20, 2024, 06:24:00 PM »
Hi.  Old old old player, new drummer here.

This past June I acquired a used Crimson II SE kit and am making decent progress learning to play drums after 55 years of playing guitar/bass/keys.  Problem is the ride cymbal... the bell was triggering intermittently from the start.  Now the cymbal pad only triggers the edge sound.  I'm a techie DIY guy so have alreday had the hard plastic base plate off but it's obvious there's more circuitry under the rubber cover.  My question is:  How do I get that *&^%ing rubber cover off the plastic base plate?  Is there an approved method?  Or do I just tear it off and then use some flexible adhesive to reattach it?