Author Topic: How to Duplicate Drum Kit?  (Read 258 times)

How to Duplicate Drum Kit?
« on: December 12, 2024, 04:46:36 PM »
Hello!  I have the Alesis Command X Mesh kit.  I configured a custom kit in the module.  How can I copy/paste that setup?  I want to create another user-defined kit that is nearly identical to the first, but just having a few tweaks.  I don't want to re-create the second kit from scratch, if possible.

Offline Chaser

Re: How to Duplicate Drum Kit?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2024, 07:20:09 PM »
Hello!  I have the Alesis Command X Mesh kit.  I configured a custom kit in the module.  How can I copy/paste that setup?  I want to create another user-defined kit that is nearly identical to the first, but just having a few tweaks.  I don't want to re-create the second kit from scratch, if possible.

Just Save the Kit with a Different Name....the previous should remain.
You can also pull the USB Drive and make copies of the Kit..For example...take the same kit and make copies..same name numbered 1-10 (using a computer) then place the USB Flash Drive back into the Module and Load the Kit from USB then when you are done editing in the module just save and replace one of the Kits in the Folder
Up to 99 kits can be saved in one folder on the USB Flash drive and you can have multiple Folders.
You can also copy the Kits off the USB Flash Drive (using a computer) and share the Kit Presets through email etc etc