Author Topic: Alesis Nitro Max for a beginner?  (Read 279 times)

Alesis Nitro Max for a beginner?
« on: November 27, 2024, 11:38:44 PM »
My son wants to start playing, so we're planning on getting a kit this Christmas. I'm a guitarist so I've had my fair share of beginner gear that I've quickly out grown in a year or 2. In the guitar realm the Boss Katana is often the defacto responds for the best starter amp. And it's great for that, but frankly you'll want to upgrade it in a couple years if you get serious.

So I guess that's my question here. Is the Nitro max something that's good enough for the first 3 or more years? Thanks!

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Nitro Max for a beginner?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2024, 11:13:21 AM »
My son wants to start playing, so we're planning on getting a kit this Christmas. I'm a guitarist so I've had my fair share of beginner gear that I've quickly out grown in a year or 2. In the guitar realm the Boss Katana is often the defacto responds for the best starter amp. And it's great for that, but frankly you'll want to upgrade it in a couple years if you get serious.

So I guess that's my question here. Is the Nitro max something that's good enough for the first 3 or more years? Thanks!

Welcome to the Forum !

Purchasing a Kit depends on Budget and having all the info to make an informed Purchase..especially with all the options available today.
The difference between $100 or so in your Budget can make a great difference.
The Nitro Kits are Entry level... popular and best sellers because of the price point.(Nitro MAX Currently On sale GC BF $339)
It also means the market is over-saturated when it comes time to upgrade and Value is very low for resale as the only interest would be existing Nitro owners for parts or someone looking to get a used one for a deal , however at today's shipping prices you would have to sell dirt cheap to be competitive and actually sell it.
There have been recent Nitro Models released which are updated with the New BFD Module (only Module other than the Strata series with BFD Articulations/Samples) however still using the older trigger design.

The Nitro Max as many of the early Nitro Kits (Formerly DM6)..have a shorter Non-Industry Standard rack made up of multiple diameters not compatible with others with a very small footprint .The Tom are SINGLE ZONE Rimless.. Mounted Horizontally..and the Clamps are not compatible with other racks.
By the time you upgraded to an Industry Standard rack (1- 1/2) Dual Zone Toms,Mesh Kick etc you would exceed purchasing a Nitro Pro which already includes those upgrades.

The Nitro Pro has Industry Standard Rack..standard mounting DUAL ZONE Toms,8" Mesh Kick Pad (Not small rubber) and is GC $599..I have a 15 off GC coupon ( BF by Dec 30)..$510.00..which is roughly the same cost as a Nitro Max $498..The Nitro Pro overall is a much better kit..They all use the same Module.
If you can use the coupon I'll post it...for 24 hours then remove it...

If you go this route then later on you can add the 4th tom/cymbal expansion pack (currently not offered) to the Nitro Pro Kit making it the Nitro Pro XL (GC $799 - Not On Sale- with 15 off $679)  as you will already be updated/upgraded to a larger 1-1/2 rack,standard tom mounts.Mesh Kick (can use double beaters)_ etc etc that are compatible with pretty much everything and a Kit that would attract more buyers when or if it became time to sell.

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« Last Edit: November 28, 2024, 02:15:55 PM by Chaser »