STRIKE MODULE:Using as a Sound Module ADVANCEDThis Topic is about using the STRIKE Module as a Sound Module with external MIDI Controller.
The procedure is the same for any External MIDI Controller..including Full Size Keyboards.
Most users to increase Kit size do it physically using splitter cables ie splitting the Toms..splitting the Cymbal Inputs Physically has limits including losing the Choke..using MIDI to Split inputs you can retain the Choke if properly done.
The MIDI Controller used in the Topic is the
Alternate Mode TrapKAT XL.
A New member with one of these MIDI Controllers is looking for assistance for use in the STRIKE Module..
I will be Editing the original Post/templates as Topic advances to what can be and what can not be done as the information develops.
The TrapKAT XL is an advanced MIDI Controller using FSR Tech for Triggers.
Not Cheap at $2K and without onboard sounds..however an very good option for those that want a very compact portable Kit with Minimal setup time.
It measure 40 x a very small footprint , larger than a Multipad ,smaller than a Multipad with external Triggers and the TrapKAT XL has 24 Pads.. Multiple layers per pad that can have their own MIDI assignments.
The TrapKAT can play up to 16 sounds on one pad...The Ketron Sound Module
KS Drum MIDI Map shows around 80 MIDI Notes for the TrapKAT Drum map.
TrapKAT XL Editing FeaturesI created some Info Cheat Sheets/Quick References to show a few of the additional Editing/Features from the
New v6.0 Manual.
Old manual is different..and even more so the
The Editing/Features are activated/controlled using Foot switches.
TrapKAT Connections

First I created a Template to map out all of the Pads

Then Mapped Out the Template for one of the Kits..I would Map out if I had a TrapKAT XL.
The Kit is large..(1)Kick..(6) Toms..(4) Octobans..(2) Snares..(2) Crashes..(1) Ride..(1) Splash..(1) China..(1) Cowbell...(1) Gong.

I created a STRIKE Module Unofficial/Official MIDI map and a Conversion Template for the TrapKAT/STRIKE Module and STRIKE Editor based on Kit configuration.
TrapKAT/STRIKE Module Pad assignments
MIDI Velocity Split/SwitchingThe Cymbal Edges in the STRIKE Module..90%+ have only 1 Sample assigned to the Instrument.
Re-assign the Edge Articulation/Instrument to Layer B on the Bow..adjust the Velocity for each layer.
You can set Layer A 0-120..B-120-127 based on Playing Style etc.
This allows you to assign another Kit Piece/Articulation to the Edge Zone,preferably another Cymbal (for the Choke to work) and MIDI Split the Input (2 Zones)...including using 2 triggers assigned to 1 Note with different Sample assigned to A/B then adjust the Trigger settings in the MIDI controller.
I created (1) 2 Trigger Single Zone MIDI Velocity Split and Cymbal Velocity Switching in this Kit as an example.
You can also setup the Velocity Switch to start/stop a Sequence or Loop..this can be done for any Trigger Zone.
I attached 4 User Kits along with additional Instruments w/Samples...8 Octobans..1 Gong...(Upload size limit)
Unzip and Place into the appropriate Folders in the external SD Card...Total Kit size in the Module is under 100mb
EDIT:Added Images..Links..attachments