Author Topic: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB  (Read 86554 times)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2011, 07:36:17 PM »
So is there a solution to importing only trigger settings back to module?

I tried power up+store but wont work (using MIDIOX).
What it means "normal operation"? Should I send trigger settings back to module after it is normaly powered on (without holding store or rec)?

Samurai6, did ur module came back to life?


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2011, 08:12:21 PM »
So is there a solution to importing only trigger settings back to module?

I had posted this link some posts before, but I'll redo it:

Look out for the posts with the big yellow letters ;)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2011, 06:22:45 PM »

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2011, 08:47:40 AM »
i bought my first electronic drumset {the DM10 Pro] which i bought used and im trying to update the module to Sound ROM 1.03. In the update instructions that alesis supplies, it states "If you are updating to Sound ROM 1.03 you must first install the OS updates and restart your DM10. Please be aware that ROM 1.03 will not install until you have done this." but i cannot find where the heck to get the "OS" updates from! can anyone help?
DM10 Pro kit, Mesh Heads, Quad Kicks, Dampened Rack, Extra Roland Crashes.

Offline Ennuk3

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2011, 11:58:19 AM », shouldn't be rocket science...


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2011, 12:59:54 PM »
i bought my first electronic drumset {the DM10 Pro] which i bought used and im trying to update the module to Sound ROM 1.03. In the update instructions that alesis supplies, it states "If you are updating to Sound ROM 1.03 you must first install the OS updates and restart your DM10. Please be aware that ROM 1.03 will not install until you have done this." but i cannot find where the heck to get the "OS" updates from! can anyone help?

If you have downloaded the big .zip-file from under "Docs & Downloads", you'll see the different OS and SoundROM files in 5 folders, accordingly numbered to the installation steps, after unzipping.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2011, 11:46:09 AM »
ya i  got it figured out now, i mainly just needed to open my eyes a little more!  :P
DM10 Pro kit, Mesh Heads, Quad Kicks, Dampened Rack, Extra Roland Crashes.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2011, 11:28:34 AM »
I must be a complete friggin idiot! All I want is to load deedubs kits onto my dm10. I have a done a factory reset.

I power up the dm10 holding down 'rec' , i then run the updater and select the module from the 'midi interface menu' and open the file i wanna load.

It just flashes across the bottom of the screen and my module sits on 'waiting usb-midi'.

Please help! I'm no doubt rehashing old issues but from the previous posts I can't seem to find a resolution.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2011, 12:45:08 PM »
I power up the dm10 holding down 'rec' , i then run the updater and select the module from the 'midi interface menu' and open the file i wanna load.

What you are doing with this procedure is trying to update the firmware and/or update the OS of the module.

Deedub's file is a backup of his kit settings, so you need to restore the backup on your module and that's a complete different procedure, which is described in the manual on page 34 ;)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2011, 01:09:03 PM »
I power up the dm10 holding down 'rec' , i then run the updater and select the module from the 'midi interface menu' and open the file i wanna load.

What you are doing with this procedure is trying to update the firmware and/or update the OS of the module.

Deedub's file is a backup of his kit settings, so you need to restore the backup on your module and that's a complete different procedure, which is described in the manual on page 34 ;)

Awesome! Thank you sir. I knew I was just being an dumbass  ;D

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #60 on: December 19, 2011, 09:01:10 PM »
I did this but i think i did it wrong. I did the updates and now nothing will trigger (shows permanent triggering) and there is no trigger os. What do I do? I tried resetting to factory, nothing. reinstalling update, nothing. I'm lost! Please help!


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #61 on: December 19, 2011, 09:27:56 PM »
I did this but i think i did it wrong. I did the updates and now nothing will trigger (shows permanent triggering) and there is no trigger os. What do I do? I tried resetting to factory, nothing. reinstalling update, nothing. I'm lost! Please help!

Welcome on board (and sorry that I'll have to delete your double posting)!

Could be important for any help if you can describe what exactly you have done and what you wanna do with updating.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2011, 09:25:04 AM »
I've figured it out! I was just using a different 9v 1.5a power adapter. As soon as I used the one it came with it worked perfectly, loaded all of the OS'.

If anybody else has the issue, this is what happened when I used the wrong power adapter:
-Once the unit is turned on, it will show the alesis dm10 load screen.
-It automatically loads (at least for me) to the "Fusion" 000 kit.
-On the bottom where it shows the dots for triggers, they will all be highlighted as though they're all being hit.
-If you go into utility/SYS/OS, there will be NO trigger OS. Just a blank space.

Originally I thought that I just loaded the update incorrectly, so I re-installed the update a few times to no avail. Finally I gave up, brought the kit home and used the original 9v 1.5a power adapter. I booted it up and everything loaded correctly, including the trigger OS.

Does anybody know of a reason why you're limited to the stock power adapter?


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2011, 07:12:02 PM »
Does anybody know of a reason why you're limited to the stock power adapter?

That's a phenomenon with almost all electrical gear today, wether it is for musicians, mobile phones, audio in general, networking, tools, kitchen aids and so on. Every manufacturer seems to have own specifications for the voltage and ampere combination.

I have a big box full with older power adaptors for no-more-existent equipment, because I thought I could use them with my newer gear. Wrong conclusion ::)

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2012, 04:58:27 PM »
Note on this update, using the Alesis Updater App.

In the instructions above, where is says:
"...7. Hold down the [REC] button while powering on the DM10.
Windows users may see a “Found New Hardware Wizard” at this point – hit cancel. It is OK to ignore any errors that you might encounter as they will not affect updating.
8. Open the DM10 Updater Application
9. (Windows only) Select the DM10 port from the “MIDI Interface menu”.
On XP this will be called “USB Audio Device".
10. Drag-and-drop the update files (one at a time) onto the DM10 Updater to install. (If only changing the soundset data, it's only the last file)..."

Could one of the moderators please edit this as:

I think it would help a lot, as I had not done this in a long time, and I just spent about an hour trying to update until I figured this out again... and remember the same thing happening to me the first time... the Alesis instructions are not clear, either.
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #65 on: January 05, 2012, 05:38:33 PM »
Hello again everyone...  It's been so long since I've had my module, that I'm really struggling getting my backups back on it, and making sure it's updated...

Because Alesis (Numark) was taking so long to repair my unit, they sent me a new one, so I've lost all my settings.  I had backed it up, but... cannot get them back on.

A few questions:

What are the "most recent" O/S versions?  On my new unit, I am showing:

     Trig OS: V1.00a
Sound ROM:  V1.03
  Sound OS: V1.00l (that's an "L" lower case)

I am constantly getting "BAD MIDI DATA" when I try to restore my "All Memory" backup via MIDI-OX.

Has anyone seen this, and CURED it?

Thanks in advance!
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #66 on: January 05, 2012, 06:24:49 PM »
vt, I've never done an all memory restore but maybe it's good to first get the updates from the web. My sound OS has the 1.00p after last update. If you also had updated your old module and then made the all memory dump, it's possible that different OS versions could lead to this error.

It's also possible that the memory dump is "marked" with the serial number, so a restore on another module won't work at all. That could be the case here, because the BlueJay soundset (being in fact an all memory restore) also works only with the serial of your module.

But try to update first.

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #67 on: January 05, 2012, 06:34:06 PM »
Hi Vaikl,

I did the complete restore off the web first, twice in fact!  I did finally get the most recent Sound O/S V1.00p onto my module.  I now am showing:

     Trig OS:  V1.00a
Sound ROM:  V1.03
  Sound OS:  V1.00p

Now, I then went to RESTORE my trigger and my FULL backups...

No matter what I've done, I get MIDI RESTORE BAD DATA on my display.  I found that the MIDI-OX  buffer settings need to be adjusted, or I get the error VERY quickly.  (On two computers)

I finally just got all the way through one FULL backup, and at the end, when Midi-OX was done, I got the BAD DATA message on my unit... I think my backup file is bad.

Do you know how big a "Trigger Only" backup should be, and how big an "All System" backup should be?

Mine are 1KB and 152KB respectively... I think the backup did not work, never has...

I have a bad feeling that I'm going to have to reprogram EVERYTHING I did on my unit before I sent it back... this really SUCKS...
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #68 on: January 05, 2012, 06:41:17 PM »
Do you know how big a "Trigger Only" backup should be, and how big an "All System" backup should be?

Mine are 1KB and 152KB respectively... I think the backup did not work, never has...

I have a bad feeling that I'm going to have to reprogram EVERYTHING I did on my unit before I sent it back... this really SUCKS...

An all memory backup should in fact have around 128 MB (or at least more than 100 MB), that's the ROM size. :'(

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #69 on: January 05, 2012, 06:44:29 PM »
Trigger settings show up as 1 kb files in windows (They are actually 222 bytes)
All memory files can be as low as 2 kb and their size depends on the number of custom created kits.

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #70 on: January 05, 2012, 06:47:50 PM »
Do you know how big a "Trigger Only" backup should be, and how big an "All System" backup should be?

Mine are 1KB and 152KB respectively... I think the backup did not work, never has...

I have a bad feeling that I'm going to have to reprogram EVERYTHING I did on my unit before I sent it back... this really SUCKS...

An all memory backup should in fact have around 128 MB (or at least more than 100 MB), that's the ROM size. :'(

Yeah, that's what I thought... my largest backup file is only 152KB...  :(

I think I will try to download and install the "Metallica" set that was posted in the DMEditor thread.

If anyone reading this wants to post any other sets that I could load, I'd really appreciate a few... I play mostly Rock & Roll, some current stuff, but I'd take anything to get me back w/o reprogramming a bunch!  I'm going to have my hands full reprogramming all my trigger settings, I think...   :( :(
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline Corvidae

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #71 on: January 05, 2012, 06:50:43 PM »
I did an all memory backup on mine yesterday prepping it for loading the BJ soundset again and it's only 8K. AFAIK, the full memory backups just record the changes to the default settings, not the full ROM.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #72 on: January 05, 2012, 06:52:00 PM »
I did an all memory backup on mine yesterday prepping it for loading the BJ soundset again and it's only 8K. AFAIK, the full memory backups just record the changes to the default settings, not the full ROM.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #73 on: January 05, 2012, 07:13:14 PM »
Ok, then I have mixed it up with the Sound rom syx file, which is 166MB in the latest 1.03 update.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #74 on: January 05, 2012, 07:28:33 PM »
Found it:

In the related post from raptor he describes how he had restored a trigger backup *without* pressing the Store button during startup. Maybe this works with the memory backup too.