Author Topic: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB  (Read 86555 times)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2011, 09:15:34 AM »
Hey VT, were you able to ever get it working after using Guinness settings? I am stuck at the exact same spot as you were....My computer (midi-ox)recognizes my dm10, and I can plug in Guinness settings that he posted in his screenshot, but the dm10 module just sits at "waiting" forever.
Stock DM10 Studio kit for now

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2011, 09:31:21 AM »
Nope, not yet.  I sort of gave up trying for a few days... maybe I'll try again today.  I do have a USB 1.0 port on that notebook, so I was thinking that could be the problem, but I don't have any trouble SEEing the DM10 unit, just can't get anything into the DM10.  I have a USB 2.0 PCMCIA card that I'll try... maybe today.  I've got all day to "play"... lol
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2011, 09:39:37 AM »
Ok, let us know how it goes....I will do the same. Im using a pretty old laptop, but that really shouldnt matter as it has windows 7 loaded on to it. This week hopefully, I am upgrading to a pretty high powered desktop computer so if I can get it working I will post on here what i did different, if anything.
The plan is to upgrade the computer, then get a decent VST set up....that is if I can get the dm10 and my comp talking to each other...
Stock DM10 Studio kit for now


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2011, 10:34:39 AM »
@ all who have troubles under XP/Vista/Win7 (regardless the 64/32 bit):

Most of the problems with unrecognized USB devices are a result of Windows' not-so-class-compliant architecture. If you had connected many USB devices during the lifetime of your computer, it's most likely that they have left a "footprint", an entry in the registry. After a certain amount of undeleted footprints (they won't delete themselves automatically) problems could occur.

There's a little free tool called USBDeview, available here. With this tool you can see old, no more valid entries and delete them.

Another common source of USB errors, especially with MIDI-over-USB related ones, could be Webcams, even the in-built ones. You'll have to deactivate them and uninstall all related drivers.

For laptops it's always a good advice to test a driverless device with an additional USB PCMCIA card to avoid common on-board problems.

I've been through with months of hassle and don't trust USB on Windows anymore. That's one of the reasons I switched back to a Mac some years ago ;)

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2011, 11:33:22 AM »
I have never had any issues with my Toshiba notebook with any USB devices, and this one is not having any problems seeing the USB-MIDI device or getting data FROM the DM10, so there is definitely a good connection there.  Mine just won't send the settings-only syx file to the unit.

I am going to back up, then modify a setting, and then try to send ALL settings back to the unit, and see what happens.
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline DeeDubs

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2011, 01:28:36 PM »

If you have issues loading the sysex files back to the unit, you can always use the Alesis app.. It's attached to the first post in this thread I believe. I have only had issues loading back to the unit when using Midi-OX, and that can be remedied by disabling the midi in within Midi-OX.

Hope this helps!

« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 01:30:43 PM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2011, 03:23:53 PM »
DeeDubs, the Alesis app is for update or soundpack installation purposes only, not for partial restoring settings via SysEx. The main difference is what button you have to press/hold while booting.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2011, 03:30:02 PM »
I have never had any issues with my Toshiba notebook with any USB devices, and this one is not having any problems seeing the USB-MIDI device or getting data FROM the DM10, so there is definitely a good connection there.  Mine just won't send the settings-only syx file to the unit.

Ok, let's differ between users who can see the DM10 and those who can't.

The issue with the trigger-only SysEx dump has been addressed to support but I haven't got an answer yet. But the total absence of a DM10 MIDI device is a different problem.

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2011, 03:36:38 PM »
Thanks for reporting that (sysex upload) to support... that is my only (DM10) midi/usb problem...  ;)
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2011, 03:57:33 PM »
Im pretty sure my problem is the exact problem VT is having.

My computer recognizes my DM10 as soon as I either power on the DM10 or plug in the USB cable while the DM10 is powered on. No problem there.
I am able to send my sysex file from my DM10 and back it up into Midi-ox/computer. No problem there.

I never had too much of an issue getting my computer to recognize that im connected to my DM10 (unlike some others).....after I realized that some of my computer USB ports were dead.

Thanks Vaikl for reporting these issues. I will report back if I get it working, prob gonna mess with it some over the next couple days.
Stock DM10 Studio kit for now

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2011, 05:03:02 PM »
the instructions worked like clockwork on my mac. Didn't notice much has changed from out of the box though..?
What changes should this update have? I bought this b-stock last week so maybe it was already updated?

Does this make any sense? ;)


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2011, 05:18:14 PM »
the instructions worked like clockwork on my mac. Didn't notice much has changed from out of the box though..?
What changes should this update have? I bought this b-stock last week so maybe it was already updated?

Does this make any sense? ;)

I also have the latest updates on my DM10 and it doesn't work with my mac ;) That's not the point.

Don't let the title of the thread irritate you, because the last postings were about the restoring of only the trigger settings via SysEx. Can you do that with your DM10?

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2011, 07:26:56 PM »
I have never had any issues with my Toshiba notebook with any USB devices, and this one is not having any problems seeing the USB-MIDI device or getting data FROM the DM10, so there is definitely a good connection there.  Mine just won't send the settings-only syx file to the unit.

Ok, let's differ between users who can see the DM10 and those who can't.

The issue with the trigger-only SysEx dump has been addressed to support but I haven't got an answer yet. But the total absence of a DM10 MIDI device is a different problem.

Have you heard back at all? I'm having the same issue - Windows can see the module just fine, and I was able to update my OS with the Alesis tool, but MIDI-OX will fail to send the file every time. No errors, the progress bar just flashes on the screen and then disappears and the DM10 display doesn't change at all.



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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2011, 07:38:26 PM »
Have you heard back at all?

No, unfortunately not. I have it on my list to nudge support next week after Eastern. Will report back if they are going into it.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 09:46:46 PM »
Here are the instructions from Alesis, don't know if anyone in this thread picked up on this, but they're using a different application for Windows. I haven't tried to reload my saved memory yet (still playing with the bluejay kits)....maybe try this other app to reload your sysex file....good luck


Before you begin
Download the following required software.
1. SysEx Librarian Software – allows you to back up and restore your current kits and settings Macintosh: SysEx Librarian -
Windows: C6 SysEx Manager - - *download is located at the bottom of the pad listed under Applications.
2. Alesis DM10 Updater – allows you to install different sound sets on your DM10 Visit in the Docs & Downloads section to download for the appropriate operating system.
Backing up your current kits and settings
Installing a new sample library will completely remove the default sound library, including any saved settings. We recommend saving your current user memory on your computer so you can use it in the future. Please follow the instructions below to save your memory as a System Exclusive file on your computer.
Note: Depending on which SysEx Librarian software you use (see above), these instructions will be slightly different.
1. Begin with the DM10 disconnected from your computer.
2. Disconnect any 5-Pin MIDI cables connected to the DM10’s inputs or outputs.
3. Disconnect any other USB MIDI, or USB Audio devices which are connected to your computer.
4. Exit any applications on your computer which might use MIDI.
5. Now connect the DM10 to your computer using a USB cable.
6. Open System Exclusive transfer software. Macintosh: SysEx Librarian
Windows: C6 SysEx Manager
7. Select Configure / Destination and make sure the DM10 / USB Audio Device is selected as an Output Device.
8. In the SysEx Librarian software, press the Record/Receive button. The software will wait for you to start sending the memory of the DM10.
9. On the DM10, press UTILITY.
10. Press SYS (F4).
11. You will have two options to select from. Using the cursor, select All Memory.
12. Press SEND (F4).
13. Once the transfer is complete, press Stop Rec / Done button in the software.
14. Save the .syx file you just recorded to your computer for later restoration to the DM10.
1. Begin with the DM10 disconnected from your computer.
2. Disconnect any 5-Pin MIDI cables connected to the DM10’s inputs or outputs.
3. Disconnect any other USB MIDI, or USB Audio devices which are connected to your computer.
4. Exit any applications on your computer which might use MIDI
5. Now connect the DM10 to your computer using a USB cable. While powered off, connect DM10 to computer using USB cable
6. Power on DM10 holding [STORE] button
7. Open SysEx transfer software
8. Open .syx file containing your previously saved settings
9. Press Send / Play button
10. Once the transfer is complete, restart your DM10.
To restore your DM10 backup to the default sound library, please visit the BlueJay Sample Library website ( and download the default DM10 sound library. Use the Sample Library Installation Instructions above to install the default sound library.
Sample Library Installation Instructions
Installing a new sample library will completely remove the default sound library, including any saved settings. We recommend saving your current user memory on your computer so you can use it in the future. Please follow the instructions above to save your memory as a System Exclusive (.syx) file on your computer.
Prepare your setup for the installation
1. Begin with the DM10 disconnected from your computer.
2. Disconnect any 5-Pin MIDI cables connected to the DM10’s inputs or outputs.
3. Disconnect any other USB MIDI, or USB Audio devices which are connected to your computer.
4. Exit any applications on your computer which might use MIDI.
5. Now connect the DM10 to your computer using a USB cable. The above procedures will ensure that the DM10 only receives data from the Updater application.
Perform the installation:
6. Hold down the REC button while powering on the DM10.
Windows users may see a “Found New Hardware Wizard” at this point – hit cancel. It is OK to ignore any errors that you might encounter as they will not affect updating.
7. Launch the DM10 Updater Application.
8. (Windows only) Select the DM10 port from the MIDI Interface menu. On XP this will be called USB Audio Device.
9. Next, drag-and-drop the update files (one at a time) onto the DM10 Updater to install. Vista/Windows 7 users may be unable to do drag-and-drop operations – Click File > Open and search for the .syx file to install.
10. The installation is complete once the DM10 screen tells you to restart. This should take approximately 20 minutes. If the update fails, repeat the procedure above from step 7 onward.
Joe T


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2011, 04:57:44 AM »
joet60, thanks for this head up!

I think that are the instructions for dumping/restoring the whole memory and the sound library but we are still searching for a way to dump/restore the trigger settings only.

But your advice with the C6 SysEx Manager could be helpful because this is pretty new from Alesis. Will try it tonight ;)


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2011, 04:24:48 PM »
So I just tested this C6 software on a mac (an OSX version is also available) and tried to save/reload my trigger settings only - no luck, SysEx dump doesn't even start :(

I believe that right in the moment of saving a trigger setting via SysEx to a computer there might be an error that prevents the software and the module to recognize this file during uploading to the module.

Haven't tried it on a Win box because mine is under repair the next days. Hopefully someone else could check it...

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2011, 02:17:33 PM »
I've tried both my Mac (Snow Leopard) and PC (both XP & 7) with both USB and an M-Audio USB to MIDI go.

Pretty damn frustarting...


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2011, 02:58:00 PM »
Boosh63, we have found a way to backup/restore the trigger settings only. It's described in this thread:

You can use the tools and setup you've been using before, it's only a matter of backing up during normal operation and not waiting for a receipt message ;)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2011, 09:31:53 PM »
I'll give it a go...thanks!

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2011, 09:30:03 PM »

I can indeed restore the trigger setting in normal

The latest update from Alesis doesn't work...I'm getting Update failed! Boot block protected...

Did you find a fix?

Thanks in advance!



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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2011, 09:36:32 PM »

The latest update from Alesis doesn't work...I'm getting Update failed! Boot block protected...

Then you probably have the latest boot file version already installed on your module. You can skip this file and try to install only the new app file.

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2011, 10:24:52 PM »
Thanks saved what little hair I have left!



Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2011, 09:01:17 AM »
I just tried the updates ans everything went well after the trigger update it told me to restart which is what i did but now the module is all white and doesn't work ...!!! Can anybody help me i'm very scared i don't know what to do is there a sort of reboot button ??
Thanks in advance Max


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2011, 12:23:33 PM »
I just tried the updates ans everything went well after the trigger update it told me to restart which is what i did but now the module is all white and doesn't work ...!!! Can anybody help me i'm very scared i don't know what to do is there a sort of reboot button ??
Thanks in advance Max

A factory reset is done by pressing the EXIT and STORE buttons at the same time while turning the module on. To be sure that nothing is wrong with the triggers disconnect all cables (except power supply, of course).

If the blank screen issue still remains, you should call Alesis support.