Author Topic: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB  (Read 86500 times)

Offline DeeDubs

Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:48:44 PM »
Here's what I have.. I understand it's a bit confusing, but it should take you through the process.. (I hope)..

Basic process:

  • Back up User kits
  • Reset factory kit settings (Optional)
  • Flash new sound set

(SYSEX INSTRUCTIONS FROM ALESIS for backing up and restoring user kit data)
These steps can be done over USB or regular MIDI Cables with the input and output both connected.
To Record All Memory
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-It is necessary to press the “Record Many” button instead of “Record One”.
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and Select SysEx
-Go to Sysex at the top of the new window
-Select Receive manual dump…
-Create a file name and press Save
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
-Once DM10 screen returns to Utility screen select Done in MidiOx

To Send (KIT) Memory Back to DM10 (NOT SOUND SET SYSEX DATA!!!)
In order to receive an ALL MEMORY transfer, the DM10 must be in MIDI RESTORE mode. To get into MIDI RESTORE turn on the DM10 holding the STORE button.
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-Select USB DM10 MIDI Interface from the Destination menu bar
-Select SysEx file from the menu area. If there are no files (.syx) then go to the bottom of the window and select Add… to include the file you’d like to send to the menu.
-Highlight the file you’d like to send by clicking on it.
-Press the Play button
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and select Port Routings…
-If there is a line between USB Audio Device on the Input Ports and USB Audio Device on the Output Ports right click on the line and select Disconnect USB Audio Device
-Go to View and select SysEx
-Go to File and select Send SysEx File…
-Pick the .syx file you’d like to send
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Overall, MidiOx can be a little trickier to work with. The port routings business is only a problem with transferring memory back to the DM10 over USB. If for example you just use a MIDI cable on the MIDI In, then there is no problem. For some reason MidiOx automatically creates a midi feedback loop in this situation.

Restoring the Factory kits - Note, some people have had issues with strange kits showing up if they have modified kits 000-100. The BlueJay kits are from 000 thru 058, so if you have modified any settings in these kits, it might reflect strangely -YMMV. Just in case we will restore the factory kits (you can restore your user presets AS LONG AS YOU'VE BACKED THEM UP)..
If you ever need to return the module to its original default factory settings, press and hold the EXIT and
STORE buttons simultaneously while turning it on.

Alesis DM10 Updater Instructions: (FOR SOUND SET DATA)
The Alesis DM10 Updater application allows you to easily update the OS and Sounds in your DM10. This application is available for both Mac OSX and Windows computers. (Attached Below)

Prepare for the update:
1. Download the update files and the updater application from the DM10 page at This includes the boot, app, triggers and may include sounds.
2. Begin with the DM10 disconnected from your computer.
3. Disconnect any 5-Pin MIDI cables connected to the DM10’s inputs or outputs.
4. Disconnect any other USB MIDI, or USB Audio devices which are connected to your computer.
5. Exit any applications on your computer which might use
6. Now connect the DM10 to your computer using a USB cable.
The above procedures will ensure that the DM10 only receives data from the Updater application.
Perform the update:
7. Hold down the [REC] button while powering on the DM10.
Windows users may see a “Found New Hardware Wizard” at this point – hit cancel. It is OK to ignore any errors that you might encounter as they will not affect updating.
8. Open the DM10 Updater Application
9. (Windows only) Select the DM10 port from the “MIDI Interface menu”.
On XP this will be called “USB Audio Device".
10. Drag-and-drop the update files (one at a time) onto the DM10 Updater to install. (If only changing the soundset data, it's only the last file)
These files need to be installed in a particular order.
Vista/Windows 7 users may be unable to do drag-and-drop operations due to “security zone”
issues. You may alternately use File>Open to load the files.
If you are updating to Sound ROM 1.03 you must first install the OS updates and restart your
DM10. Please be aware that ROM 1.03 will not install until you have done this. (If you are up to date, you can skip to the last install file)
Install order:
1. DM10-boot-vx.xx.syx
2. DM10-app-vx.xx.syx
3. DM10-triggers-vx.xx.syx
Turn off DM10 and then follow steps 3 through 5 above, then proceed to the next step
4. DM10-sound_rom-vx.xx.syx (or ALESISBLUEJAYDRUMS_UNLOCK_XXXXX.syx)
11. The installation is complete once the DM10 screen tells you to restart.
If the update fails, DO NOT power down the DM10. Instead, repeat the procedure above from
step 8 onward.

Those that know, please peer review and make sure I'm on the right page..  :) Hopefully we can help make this as painless as possible..
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 10:27:59 AM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 11:00:59 PM »
Great Instructions!

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 08:47:42 PM »
Crap...   The installer isn't accepting my old syx file... or any file for that matter.  I drag and drop/file... open...  neither gets the installer to do anything.  Yes, the DM10 is ready to receive.  USB is selected.   I'm basically doing what I did just last night to install bluejay. 


I have reinstalled boot and app.  No change to sound file.  It's still bluejay.  Loader will not do anything with my syx file.

I then used MidiOx to install my syx file.  First time... "bad data".  Second time it didn't receive.  Both times MidiOx did send.  (Port settings wise (Win+USB)  You must disable DM10 Output.  Simply, don't select it.  Select the MidiOx instead.)

I'm stuck.  Any help would be appreciated.

found the Sound ROM on Alesis's website.  Installing now (for the 2nd time.  first didn't take??   (doh!  forgot to select USB)).   Concerned though, that i can't get my sys file back though.  I'll try that next.

Sound Rom back.  Now trying to get syx file over.  I keep getting Bad Data error on the Module, and error message (wait for other Midi devices to close) on MidiOx, then MidiOx crashes, much to my delight.   I'm hoping to make this work via usb.  I don't want to repurchase Midi>usb cables (had that with DM5, and had since returned).

Whew.  Finally got it!  See image below.  The trick is to NOT have "REC" highlighted blue.  That fixed everything as far as sending my syx file.  :)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 10:56:45 PM by Guinness »


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 10:00:54 PM »
If i understand it right (haven't tried it because I STILL HAVE NO BLUJAY!! >:( sorry for shouting) then the Updater/Installer app does what it's named for, but does no restore on the module.

To restore something on the module you have to press "STORE" when starting it up. But the Updater app wants the "PLAY" button pressed while powering on. It's a fairly different operation mode then. So using MidiOX instead seems the right way first.

One thing I can imagine is that several other USB/MIDI ports were in use on your PC during your attempt with MidiOX. Try to close/disconnect them first and reboot with only the DM10 connected.

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 10:55:39 PM »
Two programs are needed:
  • Alesis' installer
  • Midi-OX
Alesis' installer handles the Sound files.
midi-ox handles the settings.
(both are syx files, which makes it a bit confusing.  However, the first is Pwr+Rec, and the second (midi) Pwr+Store)

Understanding that makes a world of difference.  It did for me, at least.  :)

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 11:55:31 PM »
I wish I noticed this before I installed bluejay as I now want to revert back to stock sounds but have lost all my settings so will have to set up my whole kit again :-(

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2011, 12:56:21 AM »
I wish I noticed this before I installed bluejay as I now want to revert back to stock sounds but have lost all my settings so will have to set up my whole kit again :-(

Your settings file still remains, i'd guess.  Just reload the stock syx file, and you'll be good to go.

the difference to note is between the sound files and settings files.  If you didn't restore the settings files back to original, they're probably still there.
(you may have noticed that the bluejay files had your old names.)

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 10:41:34 AM »

I posted this a couple days ago here:, no replies, and still struggling with it.

I have a notebook connected to DM10 module using a USB to USB cable.  When I try to SEND the TSINT syx file, I get NOTHING on the DM10 display... just "Waiting..."  Then it times out.

I'm not terribly familiar with this Midi-OX, but I see output and input ports, and have selected each, so it shows DM10 Module as an Output.

I've looked at the instructions several times, done it all over and over, but no go.

Anyone got any clues what I'm missing?

DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline DeeDubs

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 11:19:19 AM »

I posted this a couple days ago here:, no replies, and still struggling with it.

I have a notebook connected to DM10 module using a USB to USB cable.  When I try to SEND the TSINT syx file, I get NOTHING on the DM10 display... just "Waiting..."  Then it times out.

I'm not terribly familiar with this Midi-OX, but I see output and input ports, and have selected each, so it shows DM10 Module as an Output.

I've looked at the instructions several times, done it all over and over, but no go.

Anyone got any clues what I'm missing?


Hmm.. When you load data onto the DM10, make sure that only the input - not the output from the DM10 (USB Audio) is in use by MIDI-OX. If it is, the data won't load (you'll get a feedback loop). You should be able to change it in the Midi Devices under Options.

Make sure MIDI-OX does not have anything selected for input - you are sending only.

Hope this helps..

« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 01:34:45 PM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 11:30:25 AM »
And... to avoid trouble disconnect any other USB device from your computer if they aren't needed (like a mouse).

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 12:04:08 PM »
Thanks Deedubs, but to clarify:  You are referring to the "MIDI Input" at the top of the options dialog, right?  That's the one that should be selected, and make sure that the BOTTOM one ("DM10 Module" on mine), is NOT selected, right?

Or do I have this backwards?  I'm getting confused on input & output... since I'm trying to OUTPUT from the PC and INPUT to the DM10...

Thanks Vaikl.  I have no other USB devices plugged in, however, it IS only USB 1.0 on this PC... not 2.0 or higher, but it worked fine for the Alesis updates.

DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 12:20:01 PM »
Thanks Deedubs, but to clarify:  You are referring to the "MIDI Input" at the top of the options dialog, right?  That's the one that should be selected, and make sure that the BOTTOM one ("DM10 Module" on mine), is NOT selected, right?

Or do I have this backwards?  I'm getting confused on input & output... since I'm trying to OUTPUT from the PC and INPUT to the DM10...

Thanks Vaikl.  I have no other USB devices plugged in, however, it IS only USB 1.0 on this PC... not 2.0 or higher, but it worked fine for the Alesis updates.


I just tried again with no luck.  Tried one way, got error that no Output was selected.  Turned that off, and turned on the other, saved, exited, restarted Midi-OX and tried again, no go.  Midi-OX shows "Sending..." and closes window, but nothing shows on DM10, just "Waiting..."

I'm pressing and holding the STORE button when turning on... that's correct, isn't it?

I've ordered a USB to MIDI cable, that should be here tomorrow, so I'll try that...
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:


  • Guest
Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 12:32:24 PM »
vtdrummer, normally it's not necessary to select only one way to send MIDI data because a SysEx dump won't create a loop.

"MIDI Input" in MIDI OX means: This device will SEND data INTO MIDI OX.

"MIDI Output" in MIDI OX means: This device will RECEIVE data FROM MIDI OX.

So make sure that the module is seen and activated in the MIDI Output options in MIDI OX.

Another thing: There are some settings in MIDI OX to consider, i.e. let SysEx data pass from/to external devices or selecting the right buffer size. You should take a look into the FAQs here:

Offline Tsints

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 01:31:27 PM »
Did you try loading another .syx file to see if it works? Although I don't think there is a problem with the one I uploaded.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 01:34:01 PM by Tsints »

Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2011, 09:50:49 PM »
Crap...   The installer isn't accepting my old syx file... or any file for that matter.  I drag and drop/file... open...  neither gets the installer to do anything.  Yes, the DM10 is ready to receive.  USB is selected.   I'm basically doing what I did just last night to install bluejay. 


I have reinstalled boot and app.  No change to sound file.  It's still bluejay.  Loader will not do anything with my syx file.

I then used MidiOx to install my syx file.  First time... "bad data".  Second time it didn't receive.  Both times MidiOx did send.  (Port settings wise (Win+USB)  You must disable DM10 Output.  Simply, don't select it.  Select the MidiOx instead.)

I'm stuck.  Any help would be appreciated.

found the Sound ROM on Alesis's website.  Installing now (for the 2nd time.  first didn't take??   (doh!  forgot to select USB)).   Concerned though, that i can't get my sys file back though.  I'll try that next.

Sound Rom back.  Now trying to get syx file over.  I keep getting Bad Data error on the Module, and error message (wait for other Midi devices to close) on MidiOx, then MidiOx crashes, much to my delight.   I'm hoping to make this work via usb.  I don't want to repurchase Midi>usb cables (had that with DM5, and had since returned).

Whew.  Finally got it!  See image below.  The trick is to NOT have "REC" highlighted blue.  That fixed everything as far as sending my syx file.  :)

@Guinness:  I cannot get my MIDI Port Routing to look like your image at all.  Any chance you could post a screen shot of your Options/Midi Devices screen, that has the MIDI Inputs and Outputs and Port Mapping listed in the boxes on the left and right?

« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 09:53:30 PM by vtdrummer »
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2011, 12:32:34 AM »

@Guinness:  I cannot get my MIDI Port Routing to look like your image at all.  Any chance you could post a screen shot of your Options/Midi Devices screen, that has the MIDI Inputs and Outputs and Port Mapping listed in the boxes on the left and right?


Offline vtdrummer

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2011, 06:16:32 AM »
Thanks Guinness!  I'll see if I can duplicate what you have there...
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:


  • Guest
Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 06:55:49 AM »
What if you don't have the USB Audio device available to choose from in Midi-ox. It shows up in my windows device manager. How do I fix this problem so I can backup my sysex?

Offline Guinness

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 07:06:54 PM »
What if you don't have the USB Audio device available to choose from in Midi-ox. It shows up in my windows device manager. How do I fix this problem so I can backup my sysex?

Hmmm...  i'm no expert, but I'd suggest trying it in this order:  plug usb from module to pc.  Let PC recognize.  Then open midi-ox.    If still not there, check if there's an option or setting that needs to be checked to recognize usb. 


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2011, 01:38:38 AM »
Ok will do, does running Win XP 32 SP3 have anything to do with it?



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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2011, 06:10:23 AM »
Ok will do, does running Win XP 32 SP3 have anything to do with it?


WIN XP is sometimes a little bit confusing on naming the devices, especially the ones that come without a dedicated driver installation, like the DM10.

So if you have several USB devices connected (i.e. external sound card and/or keyboard) it could happen that the name "USB Audio Device" is used for more than one device, regardless if they send/receive MIDI or not. In this case you'll see it in the Device Manager but not necessarily in MIDI OX.

To avoid wrong assignments unplug all other USB devices (except for mouse/comp keyboard ;)) and re-try the procedure after rebooting and following Guinesss' order.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2011, 10:44:54 PM »
I've done all of the above and no change, USB Audio Device is listed in the Device Manager under the "Sound, video, and game controllers section"


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2011, 11:11:10 PM »
I've done all of the above and no change, USB Audio Device is listed in the Device Manager under the "Sound, video, and game controllers section"

If it's not listed under the "MIDI devices and Instruments" subcategory (like in your first image) then your PC has a general prob with the connection of generic USB devices without drivers.

Are you sure that you have connected the DMq0 to an USB *2.0* port, not an 1.x one? Make sure that all XP service packs and updates are installed. If this is in place:

Try some other USB ports if available, or get a USB 2.0 PCI card extension to avoid the USB bus on your motherboard.


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Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2011, 03:27:52 AM »
My motherboard is a 64 bit, and has USB 2.0 on the MB. Is there anything else I can do with WINXP 32 to fix my issue? It has taken me sense Dec 2010 to treek my "USER kit" the way I want it... I assume when there is a firmware update and I do the update it will wipe my user kit out...?

« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 03:33:10 AM by double_bass »

Re: Instructions for Loading DM10 Soundset Data via USB
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2011, 08:17:49 AM »
This is prob a no brainer but have you tried other usb ports? My computer has 2 front usb ports and 3 rear. I tried both front ports multiple times, with different cables and whatnot, and my computer would not recognize the dm10. As soon as I plugged into the rear port, my computer recognized my dm10 immediately (dm10 module MUST be turned on) if I could only figure out how to send data to the dm10 lol, thats a whole other issue.
Stock DM10 Studio kit for now