Author Topic: General Question about new modules  (Read 779 times)

Offline REF

General Question about new modules
« on: November 08, 2024, 09:23:46 AM »
New to the forum. Been an Alesis owner since the mid-late 90's. I got into edrums when I got my first TrapKAT and the DM Pro module. Then I upgraded to the TrapKat XL and a Roland TD20 w/expansion. Then I went back to acoustics because of the sound of cymbals, mainly, and the time element of programming user kits for the TK. And the tactile feeling I missed, as well. I kept the edrum rig up and running next to the acoustics for years and ultimately, put it all in storage.

Circumstances have forced me to put the acoustics in storage and bring back the TK and modules for a recording project. Obviously, the older sounds from the DM Pro (and I was quite surprised the module still works flawlessly), aren't going to cut it for recording. The Roland screen died, which I found out is quite common and Roland does not offer a fix (though a couple of screen fixes from private entities exist) and before I spent money to fix the Roland, I went on a hunt for a more modern module.

I know the overall opinions out there that VSTs are superior to module sound for recording but, frankly, having watched and listened to dozens of examples between drum plugins and modern module sound, I hear no significant, distinct differences that could be discerned in the context of a band and all the competition for frequency space on a recording. Honestly, even just listening to drum set performance, alone, I cannot hear anything that approaches this superior sound I constantly come across for VSTs. Cymbal integrity, okay but, not to the degree I see comments about, that it makes them necessary for recording.

Thus far I have purchased and returned or sold a few modules because they do not match well with the 24 single-zone trigger pad TrapKat (plus kick and hats). Even the KT-M1 module from KAT, itself, would not work well with the TK and the sounds seemed quite exquisite to my ears.

Then I did some reading and got the older DM10. I decided to run both the DM Pro and DM10 together and layer sound because the DM10 drums all sounded rather muted, like everything used for Rock sound had Emperor heads. Cymbals are better but, not so much.

Then I decided to try the Yamaha DTX PROX. I found that atrocious for being a flagship model. And the question I have (I just sold it), is why have newer modules gone with this stingy use of midi notes and welded cymbal notes (edge, bow, bell) that cannot be separated with different sounds, literally making use of the TK 26 triggers down to around 15? I discovered the PROX uses 26 midi notes, scattered between #14 and 83. The KAT module, which is actually a 2Box architecture, does the same thing. These newer modules (and I was told Roland has done the same thing) utilize only enough midi notes to drive a typical 5 or 6 pc. kit with a few cymbals and hats and much of that is proprietary, company to company.

When did 21st century modules enter this stingy mode? I'm not in the market for the newest and greatest - Strata, Mimic, etc., but, here I am using dinosaur models that offer me just about any midi note I want, 0-127 which I can assign any sound I want, including extra trigger pads I can hook up but, modules costing thousands of dollars will not allow this anymore? Is that possible???

I have also looked into getting a DM10 Pro SE but, will I hit the same midi note wall? I'm done returning modules.

If you are wondering, computers and I do not mix well. It's like I have some kind of EMP effect on downloads. I know I will only encounter frustration and madness if I try to use a VST plugin. I could not even successfully download a ten-day free trial of EZD 3. No idea what went wrong.

I just want to stick with a module that gives me better sound than the DM's. Is that possible with the big, single zone trigger layout the TrapKat uses? I like Alesis stuff. Pretty easy to use. They haven't released the Strata module alone and I'd have to sell half my belongings to get one, anyway. I just need to know when modules stopped using a full midi note architecture.

I appreciate any info on the subject and suggestions. Thanks. :-)

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2024, 09:04:26 PM »
Correction on my part. Was speaking of the Strike Pro SE, in par. 8.

Offline Hellfire

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2024, 09:49:13 AM »
New to the forum. Been an Alesis owner since the mid-late 90's. I got into edrums when I got my first TrapKAT and the DM Pro module. Then I upgraded to the TrapKat XL and a Roland TD20 w/expansion. Then I went back to acoustics because of the sound of cymbals, mainly, and the time element of programming user kits for the TK. And the tactile feeling I missed, as well. I kept the edrum rig up and running next to the acoustics for years and ultimately, put it all in storage.

First off, welcome to the forum!

It's a tough spot to be in and I get what you mean by MIDI sound assignment being too locked down on some of these modules. The DM10 you were using is one of the most open MIDI module (as far as layering, assigning sounds and expandability) I can think of. Heck this forum has a pretty good section on using some of the more involved programing techniques for the original DM10. As an example:

DM10 Expansion with Trigger I/O & ControlPad

You might have to use multiple modules to get all the pieces you are wanting. I know with the Strike module you can put in just about any sound you want, but you may feel the MIDI is not as robust as the older DM10. Outside of that, I don't know if I can be much more help.

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2024, 03:08:14 PM »
New to the forum. Been an Alesis owner since the mid-late 90's. I got into edrums when I got my first TrapKAT and the DM Pro module. Then I upgraded to the TrapKat XL and a Roland TD20 w/expansion. Then I went back to acoustics because of the sound of cymbals, mainly, and the time element of programming user kits for the TK. And the tactile feeling I missed, as well. I kept the edrum rig up and running next to the acoustics for years and ultimately, put it all in storage.

Circumstances have forced me to put the acoustics in storage and bring back the TK and modules for a recording project. Obviously, the older sounds from the DM Pro (and I was quite surprised the module still works flawlessly), aren't going to cut it for recording. The Roland screen died, which I found out is quite common and Roland does not offer a fix (though a couple of screen fixes from private entities exist) and before I spent money to fix the Roland, I went on a hunt for a more modern module.

Welcome to the Forum !

The screens had the Older Protocol and there was a Hit-or-Miss DIY repair.

The TD120 LCD Screen was developed as alternative...$225.00.
DigitalDrummer Magazine carries it.
I haven't checked elsewhere.The Old Replacement LCD was $200 back in 2014.

Thus far I have purchased and returned or sold a few modules because they do not match well with the 24 single-zone trigger pad TrapKat (plus kick and hats). Even the KT-M1 module from KAT, itself, would not work well with the TK and the sounds seemed quite exquisite to my ears.

What didn't match up?...Did not work well as far as Triggering?

"The KT-M1 operates in a different way than other drum modules. Instead of having MIDI
note numbers assigned to sounds, they are assigned to Channels. Any sound can be
assigned to a Channel. Each Channel has a default note number, but it can be changed to
any MIDI note number (0-127). Match a Channel's note number to a trapKAT pad's note
number to play the sound assigned to that Channel."

IMPORTANT: Previous versions of the trapKAT require the correct .syx file in order to work properly with the KT-M1.
The .syx files for Version 4.01 and KS 5.0M are included with the KT-M1 on the memory card.

Has your trapKAT ever been upgraded ? There have been numerous Upgrades and Updates..(Firmware is currently v6)..the Bounce Pad/Power Dots..
or since it was stored for a period of time.. still running the older v3.0?

The trapKAT v 6.0 chip/Firmware added support for the KT-M1

- 48 kits designed for the KT-M1 Sound Module

- The ability to access other kits via program changes within the kit

- You can now send 9 controller changes per kit including reverb, chorusing, ADSR setting and brightness control

trapKAT 6.0 Quick Start Guide with the KAT KT-M1

Then I did some reading and got the older DM10. I decided to run both the DM Pro and DM10 together and layer sound because the DM10 drums all sounded rather muted, like everything used for Rock sound had Emperor heads. Cymbals are better but, not so much.

The Original DM10 is one of the only Modules that could be Expanded with all of the extra MIDI Notes..however you have to activate and assign them and the sounds are considered Outdated compared to Vst/Software.
The DMPro you can use your own samples USING the PCMCIA Cards...However you have to replace the Sounds in the DMPro Module as the PCMCIA does Not stream to the Module.
I still have all of the software for doing those cards so better samples can be achieved ..if the user doesn't mind the single zone and Open/Closed Hi Hat limit.

Then I decided to try the Yamaha DTX PROX. I found that atrocious for being a flagship model. And the question I have (I just sold it), is why have newer modules gone with this stingy use of midi notes and welded cymbal notes (edge, bow, bell) that cannot be separated with different sounds, literally making use of the TK 26 triggers down to around 15? I discovered the PROX uses 26 midi notes, scattered between #14 and 83. The KAT module, which is actually a 2Box architecture, does the same thing. These newer modules (and I was told Roland has done the same thing) utilize only enough midi notes to drive a typical 5 or 6 pc. kit with a few cymbals and hats and much of that is proprietary, company to company.

When did 21st century modules enter this stingy mode? I'm not in the market for the newest and greatest - Strata, Mimic, etc., but, here I am using dinosaur models that offer me just about any midi note I want, 0-127 which I can assign any sound I want, including extra trigger pads I can hook up but, modules costing thousands of dollars will not allow this anymore? Is that possible???
I have also looked into getting a DM10 Pro SE but, will I hit the same midi note wall? I'm done returning modules.

As Hellfire pointed out...practically All Drums modules have been dumbed down as far as MIDI goes.
You get the exact amount of MIDI Note assignments for the Exact amount of Trigger Inputs/Zones..No More..No Less.
The Higher End Modules have more inputs/zones..some have simple sample importing (One Shots) , some have Multi-Velocity Sample Importing.

I think the MIMIC has the Highest amount of inputs/zones has also reached EOL (End of Life) and been discontinued.
The last of the Alesis STRIKE Series..the Pro SE has also recently been discontinued.
Something to keep in mind if you were looking at an entire Kit...also Modules with 2 Cable Rides use 2 inputs in a Circuit

Users these days want to spend less time tweaking and less knowledge required about MIDI and a better "Out of the Box" experience... the Marketplace has been focused on adjusting to that.

The eDRUMin TMI is popular and a great little unit..but can't expand the sounds of a Module if the module doesn't support additional MIDI Notes/Sample Assignments and there are many that still get confused by this.

If you are wondering, computers and I do not mix well. It's like I have some kind of EMP effect on downloads. I know I will only encounter frustration and madness if I try to use a VST plugin. I could not even successfully download a ten-day free trial of EZD 3. No idea what went wrong.

A number of Vst /Software are also Not going to have a MIDI/Key Map for the TrapKat so the software will need to have a MIDI Learn feature..or the TrapKat pads will need to be reassigned. 
Toontrack EZ Drummer used to be really bad for Keymaps and required a different map per expansion..they improved that the last couple years or so with EZD 3

I just want to stick with a module that gives me better sound than the DM's. Is that possible with the big, single zone trigger layout the TrapKat uses? I like Alesis stuff. Pretty easy to use. They haven't released the Strata module alone and I'd have to sell half my belongings to get one, anyway. I just need to know when modules stopped using a full midi note architecture.

As mentioned above..You get the exact amount of MIDI Note assignments for the Exact amount of Trigger Inputs/Zones..No More..No Less.

Majority of the newer Modules don't have the GM Sets(Percussion) anymore..and those that do the users are unaware that the Modules still have the Medeli Modules which still have all of the GM banks,Kits which all the samples were updated a few years back.There are banks of snares and other undocumented Kit Pieces.
I have set them up with a MIDI trick using the Medeli Modules w/GM Sets as the Base Kit (DM10..DMPro Did Not have GM Sets..TD20 had 1 set Latin Toys)..then the Digitial section can be used to layer or Kit Pieces Re-assigned to add additional notes and used as a Sound Module..then if you wanted to,you could expand with an eDRUMin or another module as a TMI etc etc.
The only Con is limited adjustment of the Articulations/Voices GM Section..if you have a Gain adjustment in your trigger settings on you could control the Volume level of the Kit Piece..but not much else.
I setup one of the Medeli DD650 Re-Brands with an eDRUMin 4 and could setup program changes for Kit/bank change and use the Gain for controlling the kit Piece Volume however there is a limit on Kit/Bank changes and Rob posted it would be too much work to expand it and the fact I would probably be the only one to use as no one would know about it unless I posted the "How To".

There also wasn't much interest in a Topic I created years ago on setting up a MIDI Loop for these I never posted using an external controller - TMI setup.
The Newer Medeli also allow user samples..however limited size and oneshots, there are also Modules to skip.

Alternatemode is still around (KAT Percussion = Hal Leonard..AlternateMode = Mario)..still a little confusing on how that whole relationship works.
I see both carry the malletKAT..KT-M1 and a few other products in common..however Alternatemode has all the other FSR Tech including the jamKAT ..the HybriKIT (New Version of DrumKAT) and the trapKAT.. while KAT Percussion sells the KT Line of Drum Sets.

Alternatemode is still one of the few.. if Not the only company doing FSR Triggers and they have been out of stock on quite a few pieces for a long time.
I have a friend that wants a Multi-Zone FSR Kit put together (I did one a long time ago with the Zildjian GEN 16 Cymbals..) and wanted to make sure everything was available at the same time otherwise you tie up your money up with expensive pieces..DITI,FTB you can't complete the setup without the other etc.
The DITI 3 with internal sounds (gigKAT 2 library..gigKAT 3 is in the works..still) is nearly $2K..and I personally have never heard them except for the short Videos.
The Hybri-Pads are still O/S so it doesn't much good to dump a few grand without those and you are still without Cymbals..No FSR Cymbal has ever been designed.
I have another friend saving up for a trapKAT and want's me to setup MIDI Mapping etc etc to use it with BFD , which is a 64 Channel Mixer and you can build any size kit/zones you can think of.He wanted to downsize from a Full Kit to something more portable.
Currently he is using (2) STRIKE Multipads side by side.
I had to convince him that buying an old used one..upgrading to the Newer FSR's and Bouncepads..Firmware etc etc , that it was going to cost more than to buy New.
There are some similarities between the SMP and trapKAT.
The trapKAT can do 4 Layers..the SMP 2 layers and both units can be set to Velocity switch or Alternate..One shot etc.The advantage for the SMP is USB MIDI and USB Audio..both of which the trapKAT doesn't have.
An advantage for the trapKAT is the Hi Hat controller is CC and can be set to 64..127.. note only etc and far more advanced as far as MIDI Features.
An advantage for the SMP is it is self-contained and doesn't require a sound module etc and can load user Samples.

I have seen a few of the old steel red trapKATS ones floating around for Sale with the Upgrade(s).

The New Editor came out 2/3 years ago..however for the upgraded trapKAT only v5.0 and up..check the Quickstart Video

trapKAT V6 Visual Editor.

trapKAT V6 Firmware..

DITI - Drum Intelligent Trigger Interface

DITI Visual Editor 2.5 for PC

DITI Visual Editor 3.0 for PC


gigKAT 2 Sound Module



QuickStart Guide to trapKAT v6. Editor

gigKAT 2 New Sound Module for KAT Percussion PLAYLIST

Drums and Percussion: Sounds of the gigKAT 2

Added Links
« Last Edit: November 09, 2024, 05:13:59 PM by Chaser »

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2024, 05:04:53 PM »
Thank you for the replies. I learned a lot. I'm not the most tech savvy guy, for sure and that's one of the reasons I went with the TK. Going electronic, I just wanted something that afforded me a large set-up. My acoustic kits have all been very large since the late 60's - 70's. The TK gives me a decent array of options for instruments and sounds. Nowhere near what I'm used to playing but, I make do.

I will say, yes, when I took the TK out of storage, some of the sensors were done for. I got the new sensors and pads in August. The Power Dots are still back ordered, apparently. Should be here this month.

My feelings on edrums are not the same as many seeking that perfect acoustic replication. I just see everything as a recording of drums and cymbals, etc. If I record with a set-up, it'll just be a recording going into another recording. At present, using the old DM Pro and DM10, I have, layering sounds and achieving a decent ratio of realism and have learned how to use the TK to keep machine gunning at a minimum. It's 13 drums, 13 cymbals.

Right now my concern is the TK itself. Yes, btw, they sent me the V6 chip to install. They sold me a used KT-M1 they had at the shop for a very good price and I was greatly saddened to realize it was not going to work with those 26 single-zone triggers because those 2Box "channels" will only contain 31 or 33 midi notes, regardless of which ones you choose, which would be fine if you could separate the welded cymbal notes but, ultimately, I'd end up losing around 11 midi notes because I have no use for crash or h-h cymbal bow or bell sounds. If I needed them for a song I'd just set-up another user kit. So, in going back and forth with Alternate Mode about this dilemma, they realized the module is not compatible for the widest array of choices for those single zone pads and I had to return the module. I don't know if they realized how limited the 2Box architecture is. Great sounds. Not enough midi notes to apply them to, unless you stick with the 5 pc kit, a few cymbals rig.

Anyway, the previous TrapKat had a layer of poron below the sensors and the pads were slightly thicker than the current ones. That is no longer the case. I was afraid of this happening. Those new sensors just sitting on the metal surface with the slightly thinner pads has caused damage to the new sensors and because I suspected this, until the Power Dots arrive, I have been playing the TK with a thick bath towel on the unit and just marked out where each pad is. Some sensitivity was lost but, right now I'm just working out stuff for the songs. I asked about this a couple times in communicating with them and they never told me to not play the unit until the Power Dots arrived. They knew I was using the towel. Really nice people there but, I'm pretty upset they never told me to hold off or why even sell me the new sensors and pads without the protective layers, whatever they are made of. I was told a material like flags. Flags are generally made of nylon and I have serious doubt they would protect those sensors any better than this towel. At this point I just hope the weakened sensors (six of them) make it through my recording of my tracks. We're talking two months of use here, maybe 40-60 minutes a day. I'm not about to spend 400 bucks on another set of sensors and pads without a poron layer beneath it all. I never had any problems with my original XL.

Anyway, if all the new modules are so proprietary with midi notes assigned for just their kits, I guess that's out. And yes, I have read where trying to map out midi notes in VSTs for something as large as the TK could be something meant for advanced users, which I am certainly not.

To me, guitarists, bassists, keyboardists are all using electric instruments and create sounds with synths and stomp boxes and all the rest. Seems to me the drummer, for any genre, should not have to be bound to some supreme acoustic realism. Drum sounds I have are fine, thus far. Cymbals, I'll have to keep working with some of those sounds to get less of that straight hiss even well recorded acoustics come off with on recordings. The ride is pretty good, with three layered sounds for it. The gongs on the DM Pro are outrageous. Much better than any other gongs I have heard on the newer modules thus far. That Kong Gong can bring a roof down. Using that live many years ago was always an eye opener for an audience.

If I have hit the wall with the DM PRO & DM10, the guys will have to understand. Even just sending them midi notes to apply sound to, in their VSTs, which they suggest, is a chore over my head from what I have watched on YouTube, with 26 midi notes to assign, plus h-h variation. As it is, the TK receives my h-h pedal. The DM10 only works with a modern h-h stand and pad gig.

I understand the reasoning for making it as simple as possible for users playing typical kits. It does make me wonder what players like Bozzio or Mangini or Portnoy, etc., would do to recreate what they do live, using edrums, if the best of the best sound is so truncated for midi notes. They'd have to use a battery of modules. I guess they could afford such a set-up. For us regular humans, not so much.

Thanks again for the information. I'm glad I joined and posted. Saved me more money.   

Offline Hellfire

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2024, 06:09:59 PM »
New to the forum. Been an Alesis owner since the mid-late 90's. I got into edrums when I got my first TrapKAT and the DM Pro module. Then I upgraded to the TrapKat XL and a Roland TD20 w/expansion. Then I went back to acoustics because of the sound of cymbals, mainly, and the time element of programming user kits for the TK. And the tactile feeling I missed, as well. I kept the edrum rig up and running next to the acoustics for years and ultimately, put it all in storage.

Circumstances have forced me to put the acoustics in storage and bring back the TK and modules for a recording project. Obviously, the older sounds from the DM Pro (and I was quite surprised the module still works flawlessly), aren't going to cut it for recording. The Roland screen died, which I found out is quite common and Roland does not offer a fix (though a couple of screen fixes from private entities exist) and before I spent money to fix the Roland, I went on a hunt for a more modern module.

I know the overall opinions out there that VSTs are superior to module sound for recording but, frankly, having watched and listened to dozens of examples between drum plugins and modern module sound, I hear no significant, distinct differences that could be discerned in the context of a band and all the competition for frequency space on a recording. Honestly, even just listening to drum set performance, alone, I cannot hear anything that approaches this superior sound I constantly come across for VSTs. Cymbal integrity, okay but, not to the degree I see comments about, that it makes them necessary for recording.

Thus far I have purchased and returned or sold a few modules because they do not match well with the 24 single-zone trigger pad TrapKat (plus kick and hats). Even the KT-M1 module from KAT, itself, would not work well with the TK and the sounds seemed quite exquisite to my ears.

Then I did some reading and got the older DM10. I decided to run both the DM Pro and DM10 together and layer sound because the DM10 drums all sounded rather muted, like everything used for Rock sound had Emperor heads. Cymbals are better but, not so much.

Then I decided to try the Yamaha DTX PROX. I found that atrocious for being a flagship model. And the question I have (I just sold it), is why have newer modules gone with this stingy use of midi notes and welded cymbal notes (edge, bow, bell) that cannot be separated with different sounds, literally making use of the TK 26 triggers down to around 15? I discovered the PROX uses 26 midi notes, scattered between #14 and 83. The KAT module, which is actually a 2Box architecture, does the same thing. These newer modules (and I was told Roland has done the same thing) utilize only enough midi notes to drive a typical 5 or 6 pc. kit with a few cymbals and hats and much of that is proprietary, company to company.

When did 21st century modules enter this stingy mode? I'm not in the market for the newest and greatest - Strata, Mimic, etc., but, here I am using dinosaur models that offer me just about any midi note I want, 0-127 which I can assign any sound I want, including extra trigger pads I can hook up but, modules costing thousands of dollars will not allow this anymore? Is that possible???

I have also looked into getting a DM10 Pro SE but, will I hit the same midi note wall? I'm done returning modules.

If you are wondering, computers and I do not mix well. It's like I have some kind of EMP effect on downloads. I know I will only encounter frustration and madness if I try to use a VST plugin. I could not even successfully download a ten-day free trial of EZD 3. No idea what went wrong.

I just want to stick with a module that gives me better sound than the DM's. Is that possible with the big, single zone trigger layout the TrapKat uses? I like Alesis stuff. Pretty easy to use. They haven't released the Strata module alone and I'd have to sell half my belongings to get one, anyway. I just need to know when modules stopped using a full midi note architecture.

I appreciate any info on the subject and suggestions. Thanks. :-)

I was thinking about this a little more and I was thinking about your DMPro. From what I remember (I owned a DMPro back when it was new) you could put your own sounds on it using a software called Sound Bridge (and those PCMCIA cards). Of course to use it today might be difficult, but why not use multiple DMPro rack units? I know you would have to buy them used, but you are already familiar with the device. Just a thought.

I guess I should have read Chaser's post since he mentioned that same thing::) :P

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2024, 12:48:20 PM »
I'm going to answer with the same premise. For me, tech can be a serious problem. I'm a woodworker. Put me into a shop and I can make my own drums, modify my own cymbals, modify hardware and all. Ask me to deal with computer software and my eyes begin to glaze over. I have yet to figure out Audacity, let alone a more sophisticated DAW. I tried downloading Reaper, numerous times. I just could not get it to work. My brain just doesn't like multiple drop down boxes with dozens of options listed. It's just too much info. I'm a hands on guy. Show me and I can follow along and learn. I mean actual tutelage with someone over my shoulder not YouTube videos where everybody assumes newbs know more than they do and just flit around their screens showing things that just confuse viewers. I don't know anyone in my area that I could sit down with and get shown some things. So, I'll have to leave it with the DM PRO and DM10. Unless the guys want to trudge through mapping midi notes for their VSTs. I have seen where even SD3 might not work with the TrapKat's array of single zones. The guys don't have that plugin. One has SD2 and the other, Native Drums and some Ugritone stuff, iirc.

If I understand the Pro SE correctly, I have been keeping my eyes open for a good used one. I'd swap out the DM10 for that but, maybe I have misunderstood what it affords and I'd be in the same situation with not enough available midi notes to run the TK like I want to, and the sounds are really not that much better but, I will say, the DM10's cymbal selection is not that great. The SE seems better, looking at the data lists.

The real test will be recording the combined TK/module set-up, and if it works for everyone's ears in the context of the music (Progesque Power Trio-type sound). I really do not believe anyone would notice I was using edrums, even just using the DM PRO, if I stayed away from straight run fills and machine gunning.

It just seems so odd to me modules cost so much and actually afford so little when it comes to availability of midi notes, which I thought was the whole point to begin with, as earlier modules display. Is the tech more difficult and costly to add more midi notes in the architecture than a typical 5 or 6 pc. kit needs? 

Oh, and the Mimic. I thought that was considered by many to be the premier thing out there and it's now discontinued? Pearl is replacing it with the next latest and greatest already? Marketing mania?

I still find it crazy, if not somewhat amusing, that many Roland users still find the newer modules, even the 50 somewhat "off" for cymbal sounds. I felt that way with the TD20 and expansion I have. That's why I don't get the screen fix. I wouldn't be happy with cymbal sounds, regardless. 

If I may enquire: are there any actual comparisons of module vs. VST videos or sound samples out there? I have only found one on YT and it showed no significant differences between EZD3 and the ATV module he used, that could be discerned within his band's music. Maybe something subjectively better to someone but, not objectively better by the weight of sonic evidence. 

If VSTs are that much more "authentic" I would think comparison videos would be all over the place to prove the point. Otherwise everything is anecdotal testimony, which is cool and all but, not very helpful to consumers.

I have listened to dozens of VST samples and module videos, listening in very good earphones and headphones and I just cannot hear anything so significant it jumps out at me and would or could be discerned on a recording with a band, any genre. If that's incorrect, I'd really like to hear what I am apparently missing by hearing them opposed to each other in the same video/sound sample setting. 

Thanks again.

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2024, 06:15:22 PM »
I was thinking about this a little more and I was thinking about your DMPro. From what I remember (I owned a DMPro back when it was new) you could put your own sounds on it using a software called Sound Bridge (and those PCMCIA cards). Of course to use it today might be difficult, but why not use multiple DMPro rack units? I know you would have to buy them used, but you are already familiar with the device. Just a thought.

I guess I should have read Chaser's post since he mentioned that same thing::) :P

lol..that's what happens if I reply writing a book..

I don't think many remember PCMCIA Cards..or when "Zip" Drives and Compact Flash Cards were going to be the "Replace All".
The DMPro could also use the "Q-Cards"..still have the sysex files for the DMPro to use some of them.
I have one sysex labeled GM Kits so I wonder if it's for resetting the DMPro back to the internal Sounds or 2.0 as there was No GM Kit Q Card and I see a separate download for v1.02.It's been a long time.(The SySex are still under the DM Pro Downloads in Legacy Section..)

I always wondered how the DMPro would sound with modern up to date samples...then I also remember there was a DMPro SUX website dedicated to , back when Hart Dynamics was using with their Kits etc
I still have them and numerous Rack Mounts from the Time including Roland and all of the PCM DATA ROMS ..Roland R-8 Rack Mounted,Roland M-BD1 Bass and Drum Rack Mounted ,Roland U-110 PCM Sound Module Rackmounted,Roland SC-55 Sound Canvas w/mounts.
They are all still in Rolling Racks locked up for now as I sampled them and created Wav DATA Bases.
There was a time when racks were considered Dead/Obsolete.

As far as Default MIDI Map..I couldn't find one specifically for the trapKAT..only for the Kurzweil Sound Module , but not an actual Pad layout for the MIDI Assignments.It appears there are sysex MIDI Map files that are sent to the trapKAT to Map it for whatever module or Software use.
Everyone Knows a Drum Kit layout..a 24 Trigger surface not so much and it would vary user to user I would think especially those not wanting to use multiple pads for the Hi Hat.

This Video gives an idea of the layout with the KT-M1...TrapKAT with KT-M1 Drum Module
Kit changes are smooth/instantaneous..not obvious but may be using Pedal for that ?.

I created attached a layout/Worksheet that can be downloaded/labeled Pad to MIDI Note if there is a Default Map I am unaware of or at least label and idea of what layout is wanted along with any additional MIDI notes per pad and what they are for..then I can create MIDI Maps Manually without needing to use MIDI learn or even firing up the Software...even if it was requested to be re-slotted..assigning a cymbal Note to a Tom or Percussion Slot to add more Toms/Octabans/Roto etc.
I am quite familiar with All of the MIDI Maps per software...Some of the Software Developers don't give you much of a choice as far as Mapping and you must re-Map the Module...also some DAW/Software you have to adjust the Octave range as they were primarily setup for Studio Use/Keyboards.
For example in BFD3 for Alesis Modules (and others) Mapping to lineup correctly it must be lowered -2 Octaves.
BFD used E-Drum Kit..the TD20 to be more specific, references in the BFD2 manual...and there is a using electronic drumkits section referencing the TD20 for all of the settings in the BFD3 manual.

I would use a Roland TD-50/50X MIDI Map for the trapKAT (create and export a sysex copy) and record your MIDI Performance on a DAW..then you would only have to change Vst or edit the MIDI etc and not require a New performance every time..Default TD50X MIDI Map is 32 Notes..Roland MIDI Maps are based on the GM standard then extended for the extra zones and Aux Inputs added over the years..
I kept hearing/reading about the New Digital triggers having Left and Right (6 MIDI Notes)..however it's not reflected in the MIDI so it must be something done in the Module only.The only software that had left right is MODO Drums and may be a couple others that just alternate hits.

in the BFD mapping for the TD50X there are additional assignments..that just happen to be 6 Notes ea.

62-70 assigned/slotted for HH
71-76 assigned/Slotted for Snare

77-127 No assignments or slotted.

I use (2) STRIKE Modules and (2)  eDRUMIN 4..1each per combo.. each setup using the TD50X map.I have a few e-Kits kits..the largest (WorkStation) is an 8 pc with (4)Octobans..(4)RotoToms,10 Cymbals..(2) Hi Hats..(2) Snares..(2) Cowbells..3 kicks (2 Kicks + 1 stealth Trigger) and a STRIKE Multipad....32 Multi--Zone Kit Pieces using nearly the entire MIDI Map.
BFD and Superior Drummer can support large Kits...each has a different approach for the GUI.
SD3 additonal Kit pices are in a column that scrolls..BFD All on screen.
BFD is changing theirs for the BFD4 Release (Next Year?)...

Here are examples of the Kit in each Software.



Vst/Software that doesn't support large kits you run (2) instances or more of the Vst and set the Global Channel to a different one..example 1 Module (same map) CH 10..the other Module (same Map) CH 11-16 and set the Instance or MIDI Track in the DAW the same , then assign your choice of additIonal/different Kit pieces accordingly in the software.
Most don't realize the Roland higher end module maps can be used for the modules with less Triggers..mapping is the same.

The Newer Alesis Nitro Modules are also GM Mapped..with the exception there is a 1/2 open Note (23) and Splash (21) for some reason Roland Modules don't have a Splash listed in the MIDI Map.Those Notes will have to be re-slotted to be able to use the map for the Nitro as 23 is slotted for Kick and 21 isn't assigned.
The additional adjustments inside the Map for trigger sizes/models varies , but gives you the option to audition different maps to see if they work with your playing style.
After Mapping (re-Mapping) a Module etc you then select the TD50X Map in any software you are using.
The TD-50 Module been around long enough for most software Developers to have Maps already created for it and being GM Standard based it will work in the Majority of Software that supports Roland/GM Standard with little editing required other than adding the additonal zones that aren't a part of the GM Standard..(last paragraph sounds like some of the recent political speeches).
There is some Vst Software Toontrack SD3..which is also setup for the Roland Digital Snare (CC16)...if AlternateMode could add CC16 for the FSR pads that would be interesting.
The Module Map I would never use is the Strata Modules..they are mapped after the BFD3 program..a proprietary Mapping.
That definitely would not have been my choice.

Added Attachments,Images,Links
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 08:14:12 PM by Chaser »

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2024, 06:36:34 PM »
I don't know anyone in my area that I could sit down with and get shown some things. So, I'll have to leave it with the DM PRO and DM10. Unless the guys want to trudge through mapping midi notes for their VSTs. One has SD2 and the other, Native Drums and some Ugritone stuff, iirc.

SD2 is older..and back then Developers didn't include a Variety of e-drum MIDI programmed the Module to match the software.
SD2 had a GM Extended Map(attached)..a smaller X-Drums map..a Roland Map and maybe a couple others..Yamaha etc.
The limit for Kit size would be the expansion as SD2 couldn't add Kit Pieces and increase the size or build from from scratch to any size as you can today .
SD3 you can add Kit Pieces now..BFD has a 64 Channel Mixer with up to 3 Zones each and you can create a Kit from Scratch.
Neither are to be considered Entry level Software..there is a Learning Curve.

"Native Drums" if you are referring to Native Instruments and Kontakt libraries (100's  of Drum Libraries)..the maps can be limited and not a wide variety of choices..usually GM Mapped especially the Hi hat..depending on the effort/scripting of the Developer of the Library.

UGRITONE is shutting down.

So if you are interested in more Expansions/libraries etc... you can pick up everything on the Cheap..

EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT by Ugritone from 2017 to 2024 in one bundle, valued at over $1300!...$99

    17 x Drum Samplers (thousands and thousands of individual samples)
    32 x MIDI Packs ( Over 4500 beats with fills)
    2 x Ampenstein Guitar Amp Simulations
    19 x IR packs ( 600 Impulse responses )
    4 x various Plugins / Virtual Instruments

EVERY SINGLE ONE of Ugritone Drums from 2017 to 2023 included! 17 Samplers! Drum samples worth of ~1000 USD!...$69

    Arena Rock Drums
    Assault Drums
    Dieswitch Drums
    Faster And Louder Drums
    KVLT Drums
    KVLT Drums II
    Modern Doom Drums
    OSDM Drums
    Punk N Grind Drums
    RIOT Drums
    RIOT Drums 2
    Speed Metal Drums
    Tight Studio Drums
    Total Studio Drums
    Vintage Doom Drums
    Drums Against Humanity
    Northern Artillery Drums

INDIVIDUAL Drum Libraries..$2..$5..$10..$20

If I understand the Pro SE correctly, I have been keeping my eyes open for a good used one. I'd swap out the DM10 for that but, maybe I have misunderstood what it affords and I'd be in the same situation with not enough available midi notes to run the TK like I want to, and the sounds are really not that much better but, I will say, the DM10's cymbal selection is not that great. The SE seems better, looking at the data lists.

If you are talking about the STRIKE Pro SE..You are not limited to the Onboard can load any sample (s) into it and create Multi-velocity Instruments including a Full Range Hi Hat made up of any sample you can come up with... using the STRIKE Editor..
Similar to the 2Box Module however the STRIKE Module has a 200MB limit per Kit...zones are not locked together..same as the Medeli Modules..however
the Medeli once you break the Hi hat Combo/Circuit the pedal no longer controls the transmutation and the samples will ring out independently just as it would on any input zone.
Samples can be assigned to any MIDI Note can't assign an articulation to a choke note in the module..however one is sent out when choking....


Added Links
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 08:21:08 PM by Chaser »

Offline Hellfire

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2024, 09:15:57 PM »
lol..that's what happens if I reply writing a book..

I don't think many remember PCMCIA Cards..or when "Zip" Drives and Compact Flash Cards were going to be the "Replace All".
The DMPro could also use the "Q-Cards"..still have the sysex files for the DMPro to use some of them.
I have one sysex labeled GM Kits so I wonder if it's for resetting the DMPro back to the internal Sounds or 2.0 as there was No GM Kit Q Card and I see a separate download for v1.02.It's been a long time.(The SySex are still under the DM Pro Downloads in Legacy Section..)

I always wondered how the DMPro would sound with modern up to date samples...then I also remember there was a DMPro SUX website dedicated to , back when Hart Dynamics was using with their Kits etc...

As long as you have the SoundBridge Software you can (well and some empty PCMCIA cards) put up to date sounds in the DMPro. The issue you would have is space. You would need to really compress the sounds. I can't remember if you can do multi-layered sounds in the software or not. It's been a long time since I used SoundBridge. If I remember correctly the DMPro was used to read and write the cards. You just need to connect the MIDI to the computer. Today you would just need a USB to MIDI box (I'm guessing). I just loaded the software to my PC (running Windows 10) and it boots just fine. Too bad I don't have a DMPro to play with. I think I just might track one down.  ;)

Something to keep in mind with the DMPro, make sure you have at least firmware 2.0 or else the module with crash like crazy. I remember when I bought mine new BITD I had to use my DM5 to trigger it via MIDI or else it would crash. I got rid of the DMPro for a Roland TD-8 back then since I was playing out back then. I can't believe it's been that long.  :'(

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2024, 11:32:23 PM »
I appreciate all the info and will pass it on to the guys to use as they can. Yes, Native "Instruments" is the one and I think BFD is also one used. I have been to the Ugritone site before and thought hard about purchasing the whole shebang but, I just know I will have problems trying to use it all with a DAW and everything. Even so much of what you have posted zips right over my head. I read it all a second and third time and pick things up but, it is all a learning curve this old dog is just not going to learn new tricks for.

I had seen the KT-M1/TrapKat video numerous times. Did you notice he never struck pads 5, 11-14, 15/16 or 23/24? When I first plugged in the module, I had some empty pads, as well, because of the midi notes I was using with the DM PRO. I could assign sounds to those pads when I changed the note numbers but, came to find out those welded cymbal notes stick together no matter what numbers you assign. If you assign an edge note, without the bow and bell notes you'll get no sounds. Assign the notes, you only get E-B-B sounds. It seems an absolutely astonishing oversight to me and I have a difficult time accepting that Alternate Mode did not realize that fact, pairing it up with a TK and how players use those controllers, and found out with me trying to use the thing. Broke my heart, too because the unit has exquisite sounds in it.

Anyway, if I find a Strike Pro SE somewhere, I'll get one.

I meant to ask. The sounds that 2Box offers on their website. I downloaded around four dozen when I had the KT-M1. Can those sounds be safely placed in the DM10? If so, troubles are over.

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2024, 12:00:21 AM »

As long as you have the SoundBridge Software you can (well and some empty PCMCIA cards) put up to date sounds in the DMPro. The issue you would have is space. You would need to really compress the sounds. I can't remember if you can do multi-layered sounds in the software or not. It's been a long time since I used SoundBridge. If I remember correctly the DMPro was used to read and write the cards. You just need to connect the MIDI to the computer. Today you would just need a USB to MIDI box (I'm guessing). I just loaded the software to my PC (running Windows 10) and it boots just fine. Too bad I don't have a DMPro to play with. I think I just might track one down.  ;)

I have the exact instructions somewhere..however prepare yourself..The DMPro is the easiest part to find..the AMD Type 1 Cards are not..and they are expensive.
The Flash Cards are 1/2 the price of the SRAM Cards and you had to watch out for some of the Metal ones but I think that only applied to the QS models with the double slot.
I sold a QS8 a couple years before COVID and the Buyer wanted any extra Blank Cards I had..I think I have a couple somewhere as he didn't want to pay the price.I wasn't about to throw them in..they were too expensive when I purchased them.
The going rate at the time was $200 for a Plastic 8MB FLASH ...$400 for a 8MB SRAM....New... if you could find them.
I used to purchase years ago from the MIDI Store..which no longer exists.
There were some other manufacturers/suppliers that were even higher and most were substitutions.
I have been starting going through all of my old studio gear as I will eventually (more sooner than later) need to start selling it off as I have a 2,000 storage facility packed with large Rolling racks and flight cases and vaults of guitars and the rates went up again to now over $2 a foot per month..I found a small flight case filled with cards..however type II and ATA
Probably have to check around ebay etc etc if I can't find the ones I had...and probably only find used ones.
I'll find the ones I have...the day after I spend $$$ for others...

I found some 4MB cards $40 

Alesis 4MB Memory flash ROM Q card QCard PCMCIA

and better instructions in an old Gearspace post I had bookmarked.

Tutorial: Loading samples onto the Alesis DMpro

« Last Edit: November 11, 2024, 01:51:38 AM by Chaser »

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2024, 12:51:39 AM »
I appreciate all the info and will pass it on to the guys to use as they can. Yes, Native "Instruments" is the one and I think BFD is also one used. I have been to the Ugritone site before and thought hard about purchasing the whole shebang but, I just know I will have problems trying to use it all with a DAW and everything. Even so much of what you have posted zips right over my head. I read it all a second and third time and pick things up but, it is all a learning curve this old dog is just not going to learn new tricks for.

If you have BFD there should be an old trapKAT map..if not I can provide one.

I had seen the KT-M1/TrapKat video numerous times. Did you notice he never struck pads 5, 11-14, 15/16 or 23/24? When I first plugged in the module, I had some empty pads, as well, because of the midi notes I was using with the DM PRO. I could assign sounds to those pads when I changed the note numbers but, came to find out those welded cymbal notes stick together no matter what numbers you assign. If you assign an edge note, without the bow and bell notes you'll get no sounds. Assign the notes, you only get E-B-B sounds. It seems an absolutely astonishing oversight to me and I have a difficult time accepting that Alternate Mode did not realize that fact, pairing it up with a TK and how players use those controllers, and found out with me trying to use the thing. Broke my heart, too because the unit has exquisite sounds in it.

I did notice he was deliberate with his playing..I kept checking to see if it was edited as the kit changes were very smooth..uninterupted.

I meant to ask. The sounds that 2Box offers on their website. I downloaded around four dozen when I had the KT-M1. Can those sounds be safely placed in the DM10? If so, troubles are over.

The DM10 doesn't have the ability to import sounds..doesn't mean it couldn't have at one time...
Long story short around 2012 there was a Crowd sourcing project for DM10 may recognize the OP.
Alesis (The New InMusic was formed) sold it off to Pearl and it became the Pearl RedBox.
You could download complete Kits/Sounsets that took the place of all the kits in the Module from the R.E.D Box Soundshop.

I posted what I had left.
It helped those to update to v2.0 if the Module hadn't been..I sold the REDBox I had without realizing I couldn't use all of the Sounsets I had with a New Module until the Soundshop closed.
It does No Good to look for a REDBox now as the Module Serial Number is tied to the Expansions in your had to register the module and request a SN transfer to the soundsets.
There was a member here a year or so a go that wanted to re-install the DM10 Soundset as he couldn't figure out why all of his onboard sounds kits etc didn't match and that was because he had the BlueJay Soundset..which was the only Official Sounset Alesis ever released for the DM10..however it completely replaces the existing DATA base and once removed..gone forever.
I think he changed his mind and decided to sell on ebay for $$$ and just get another Module.

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2024, 10:25:06 AM »
Fascinating information. When I researching about the DM10 I came upon the Blue Jay Soundset and had no idea what was being discussed. I clicked on the link. I didn't see any info of what sounds are actually included.

Interesting you mention the old cards. I came upon a couple of old Compact Flash cards in my desk. No idea what's on them. Trying to remember if the TD20 expansion data was on a card like that but, one is a Kodak and the other Transcend with nothing on stickers relating to Roland, that I could see. Lots of tiny print on those things.

Sorry to see those 2Box files can't be placed into the DM10.

The search continues, although, if I had the guts, I'd get the BFD and a DAW and attempt it all. Obviously enough data for the TrapKat configuration. It's all just a matter of the learning curve and the ability for my brain to grasp it all. I'm a fairly slow reader. Always have been. I can deal with my Bible software and history pretty easily. News of the day, etc., but tech stuff, not so much.

It has been interesting (read frustrating) to deal with "user friendly" modules. That all depends on the minds of those who design these things. What makes sense for layout to them, is not necessarily the way common sense works in the minds of consumers. Especially is that the case on small screens with crunched info on them. It's like learning another language figuring out all the abbreviations.

BTW, did I ask about the Mimic? Discontinued? I thought that was considered by many to be the big dog in this race. They are putting out a new model already? Or, is the Mimic you refer to not the same as the Mimic Pro? The Pro replaced the original?

This is another question I've not seen raised anywhere, yet. Module price. What goes into a module that puts the price tags on them so high, when someone can get a desktop set-up, with great specs and monitor, and insert the drum plugin and a DAW, for a whole lot less, which, as a device(s) obviously has a whole lot more to work with in them? Is it making everything small enough to fit in a typical module box? I mean, it seems smart phones can do more than drum modules. Yes/No?

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2024, 11:53:23 AM »
Fascinating information. When I researching about the DM10 I came upon the Blue Jay Soundset and had no idea what was being discussed. I clicked on the link. I didn't see any info of what sounds are actually included.

Blue Jay Drums is a Sonivox (InMusic) Release.
The STRIKE Module also has the Blue Jay Samples/Kit in the Factory Data Base.

BTW, did I ask about the Mimic? Discontinued? I thought that was considered by many to be the big dog in this race. They are putting out a new model already? Or, is the Mimic you refer to not the same as the Mimic Pro? The Pro replaced the original?

Only one MIMIC Pro..and it is enitirely based on Steven Slate drums..not so many fans for processed drums and I believe Slate sold Steven Slate Drums and is Steven Slate Digital...the Final update the module was upgraded to load Multi-Velocity the STRIKE
I can't comment on a successor/New Flagship , however Pearl seems to be promoting the E-Merge again with a Module update in the past 2 weeks

This is another question I've not seen raised anywhere, yet. Module price. What goes into a module that puts the price tags on them so high, when someone can get a desktop set-up, with great specs and monitor, and insert the drum plugin and a DAW, for a whole lot less, which, as a device(s) obviously has a whole lot more to work with in them? Is it making everything small enough to fit in a typical module box? I mean, it seems smart phones can do more than drum modules. Yes/No?

Reliability...everyone seeks dedicated hardware as there is still Stage Fright over a Computer failure , tho I know many using them Live especially Apple products.
E-Drums is a much smaller market than Guitar..Keyboards etc..R&D/Manufacturing is expensive..Parts Inventories,Support and reflected in the pricing.Alesis as many others don't repair..they is cheaper.
Roland does repairs however more often than takes weeks and if you are a performer weeks isn't going to cut it.

The Pearl MIMIC Pro probably cost more to produce than market value and why it was discontinued...along with being 5+ years old which is typically EOL for a drum module.
The Industry has picked up speed in the last 10 years.10 years ago there were very few...outside of the Big 3 and Re-Brands.
Roland had Patents on a number of things so that also contributed.The Mesh Head Patent didn't expire until 2016.
Prior to that any Mesh Kits that you seen were usually involved in a Lawsuit with Roland.

The last year or so a number of the well established Brands have entered (jumped on the band wagon) into it with High End (Price wise) kits...You'll probably see that change...the market is pricing itself out with slow advances in tech and drifted away from the quiet compact e-Kit to A/E conversions..everyone is still using Piezos/switches..Mousetraps in pretty,very expensive boxes.

It reminds me of all the years I spent in the Harley Davidson Aftermarket designing/fabricating custom bikes and machining/manufacturing Billet Aluminum Parts Lines,Franchising.
The late 90's and 2000's everyone jumped on the Band Wagon and started their own companies and manufacturing in China in order to compete when they seen you could get over $100K for a bike and Corporations were lining up so they could say they have one as it was "Cool" prestigious at the time...then the market became over saturated.. poor quality/fitment/performance of Chinese Knockoffs../Patent infringement/IP theft (try to enforce in China) was rampant...and it all came tumbling down..crashed hard and now you'll be lucky to get pennies on the dollar for those bikes or parts.

Added Links
« Last Edit: November 11, 2024, 12:39:17 PM by Chaser »

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2024, 03:37:37 PM »

I cannot believe it. I just picked up a Strike Pro SE on ebay! I'm shocked. Just like that. One day nothing. The next day...

Man, I hope this is the gig that works for me.

Offline Hellfire

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2024, 03:55:04 PM »

I cannot believe it. I just picked up a Strike Pro SE on ebay! I'm shocked. Just like that. One day nothing. The next day...

Man, I hope this is the gig that works for me.

That's Awesome!, please let us know how it works (or doesn't work) for you.

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2024, 08:27:51 AM »
I guess I'll find out when it arrives but, does it create a problem with the screen graphics if you are using more drums and more cymbals than the 11 pc. kit? Presumably, whatever midi note is chosen will cause a screen item to light up, regardless of the sound assigned to it?

Also, for possible future reference. Does the Strata Prime stay with previous designs to allow any sound assigned to any midi note or does it follow the newer trend of only having the number of midi notes for the manufactured kit, no more, and the cymbal notes are welded together; making it unsuitable for the TrapKat's design?

Offline Hellfire

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2024, 01:47:46 PM »
I guess I'll find out when it arrives but, does it create a problem with the screen graphics if you are using more drums and more cymbals than the 11 pc. kit? Presumably, whatever midi note is chosen will cause a screen item to light up, regardless of the sound assigned to it?
Well, the Strike is not like the DM10. Meaning you can not use more instruments then there is physical inputs on the module. I pretty sure the images will light up no matter what sound you are using. So if you are using the midi number for a cymbal crash edge (with a cow bell sound) the cymbal crash edge will still light up on the module.

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2024, 09:57:23 AM »
Uh Oh. I may have misunderstood the module's capabilities. Based on posts I have seen on the forum, the unit uses over 30 midi notes and cymbals notes are not welded together so, I figured using it with the TrapKat's 26 triggers would not be a problem.

Man, I hope I do not have that incorrect.

Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2024, 12:33:32 PM »
Uh Oh. I may have misunderstood the module's capabilities. Based on posts I have seen on the forum, the unit uses over 30 midi notes and cymbals notes are not welded together so, I figured using it with the TrapKat's 26 triggers would not be a problem.

Man, I hope I do not have that incorrect.

The STRIKE Module...
Transmits:30 MIDI Notes Total..(24) + (4) Choke Notes + Splash 31 + Sidestick 37.
Recognizes:28 MIDI Notes Total (24) + (4) Choke Notes....(Must Activate Kick 2 to use the input)

Alesis never released an Official MIDI Map..nor is there any info in the Module Reference manual/User Guide.

Not all Incoming MIDI Notes have assignable instruments and are Fixed..Splash and Choke Notes...they are assigned to Inputs.
MIDI Notes 31 Splash and 37 Side stick along with Choke Notes cannot be assigned to Instruments in the Module.
Chokes/Splashes have never been assignable in any module.
37 Side Stick is basically a Ghost MIDI Note I found, along with how to activate Kick 2.
The Snare input when Head/Rim Hit Simultaneously will send MIDI Note 37.
The Splash MIDI Note Not recognized by the Module even if you reassign to a different Instrument/Voice and have it sent in by an external controller.
The Choke Notes are long as assigned to proper Input.. even if the Zone is MIDI split..Ride=Ride,Crash=Crash

TrapKAT 24 Pads (10 big pads and 14 rim pads.)...25 (Kick Pedal Input?)..

What is 26?..Hi Hat pedal? it not assigned to Pad(s)?
I seem to remember there is the ability to create an 8 Note Hi hat and the Hi Hat Pedal Input can be set to Multiple Pads.

In the STRIKE Module you can Velocity Split/Switch 1 Zone with 2 Layers (A/B) with articulations/Samples,Sequences/Loops..
Using an external controller you can also use 2 Triggers for 1 Zone..assigning the same MIDI Note to each and Velocity Split/Switch.

I have mentioned/posted that ALL MIDI Notes RECOGNIZED with the Exception of Splash and Chokes... (which are Never assignable In ANY Module and are Fixed to the Input)... in the STRIKE Module can be assigned different Instruments..GUARANTEED
I have been using the Module for years and have a 25 key  and a 61 Key Keyboard Mapped to it using CC1 for the Hi Hat
..more specifically Novation Keyboards (I don't use AutoMap to wrap plugins)..which also can have multiple pages of CC assignments so the entire keyboard can control the module and everything in a DAW or BFD.

Since the release of the STRIKE Alesis offered No Tutorials (other than the basics) on what can actually be done and Facebook Groups became abundant and so little participation in this Forum for the STRIKE and To date I have never seen a Video of 1 Module being used to it's Full potential.

Hellfire posted about Velocity Switching years ago in a STRIKE Custom Kits Topic

There are 24 Zones that can be MIDI Velocity Split to do a number of things including the Module being expanded with external an eDRUMin.
The trick is knowing Kit size Limits and building the Kit around that...I have seen countless complaints about 200MB..however you would be surprised what you can do with it.

I guess I'll find out when it arrives but, does it create a problem with the screen graphics if you are using more drums and more cymbals than the 11 pc. kit? Presumably, whatever midi note is chosen will cause a screen item to light up, regardless of the sound assigned to it?

as pointed out by Hellfire ...the Kit Graphics simply show the zone being's not going to add or subtract kit pieces from the View.
If you have a Tom etc assigned to the edge zone on a cymbal..the edge zone is going to light up when hit.

You need to first determine how you are going to map what Pad is what Kit Piece.
Everyone has their own preferred layout..some might want the left to be the Tom..some ..a cymbal or percussion etc etc.

Then determine the MIDI can use the Note Chase on some modules and a pad hit will take you to the Edit screen..or just map Low to High.
Lowest Pad number = lowest MIDI Note in the Map..Highest Pad Number..Highest Note or you can map to the scrolling order of the Kit Pieces in the module..25= KICK

as mentioned above..the STRIKE Module Recognizes (24) + (4) Choke Notes...28 MIDI Notes Total.(Must Activate Kick 2 to use the input)
TrapKAT 24 Pads (10 big pads and 14 rim pads.)...25 (Kick?)
The STRIKE Outputs Choke Notes and additional MIDI Notes..31 Splash..37 Side stick  (Head/Rim Hit Simultaneously)
MIDI Notes 31 and 37 along with Choke Notes cannot be assigned in the Module.Splashes have never been assignable in any module.
The side stick MIDI Note 37 is basically a Ghost MIDI Note I found, along with hot to activate Kick 2.

I posted before about not knowing if there is a Default MIDI Map for the TrapKAT other than the KS Map and never received any response.I linked the Sysex page and there were quite a few Maps..tho they seemed pretty old and I seem to remember reading somewhere where Sysex files had to be updated in order to work in v6.0.
You are either going to have to Map the Module to the TrapKAT..or Map the TrapKAT to the Module in order to use the STRIKE as a Sound Module.
Mapping the TrapKAT to the Module allows you to use the Default Kits.
You can save different User Kits with different MIDI Mappings for different Vst Software.It's taking a little time to do it.
I would save a Sysex backup Map for later use..mapping changes etc.

If you want to be able to also use DAW/Software then you need to decide the Mapping also for that which is why I suggested the Roland TD50X Map...Map the Module/TrapKAT with the TD50 Mapping then you have the option of using the TrapKAT with or without the Module and with or without Vst/Software using only 1 MIDI Map with options of using TD50 Map, a GM or Roland Map and map additional Instruments/Mapping if allowed..not all software are going to have Kit Maps or support expanding their maps for large kits and you end up running multiple instances of the Vst/Software.
The Majority of software however will have a GM Map as it is the Industry Standard.

I would Map out the TrapKAT then save multiple Pad Layouts/mappings to sysex as then you can just load them instead of having to re-map whenever you change a module/software.

Once the MIDI Mapping is's DONE.

I'll post a Topic on using the STRIKE Module as Sound Module using an External Controller.. the TrapKAT as an example to help get you started.
I planned on creating everything and the Kit Layout I wanted to use.I just have never come across a used TrapKAT XL for a Decent price and those that were cheaper , it cost more than a New one to have Updated/Upgraded to a the current New Model
I have programmed 25 and 49 Key Keyboards for the Module..and for BFD..
Years ago I mapped out BFD3..filled with Orchestral Drums/Instruments for a Classical Pianist to match the Kit Pieces to Bethoven/Mozart Pieces etc Including all of the tunings for the drums..I did a "Black Album" setup want to hear some crazy sh*t....that was definitely one of them.
After that it will be up to you if the Module will do everything you require....Next up is the STRATA Modules but I have questions on those myself and have neither one

Also, for possible future reference. Does the Strata Prime stay with previous designs to allow any sound assigned to any midi note or does it follow the newer trend of only having the number of midi notes for the manufactured kit, no more, and the cymbal notes are welded together; making it unsuitable for the TrapKat's design?

The "Newer Trend" seems to apply to the KT-M1 Drum Module.It has MIDI Notes assigned to Groups.
Typcially modules don't have MIDI assigned only to channels and groups of notes moving with the Channel.

I don't have any of the New Yamaha Modules or have gone through the manuals..the Pro Extended ? version is the most recent and differs from the Pro so can't confirm if the Module design is similar the KT-M1.

"TrapKAT 6.0 is preprogrammed at the factory to work with the KT-M1 Drum Module. The KT-M1
module operates in a different way than other drum modules. Instead of having MIDI note numbers
assigned to sounds, they are assigned to Channels
. Any sound can be assigned to a Channel. Each
Channel has a default note number, but it can be changed to any MIDI note number (0-127). Match a
Channel's note number to a trapKAT pad's note number to play the sound assigned to that Channel.
Some sounds have a group of consecutive note numbers associated with it. Cymbal sounds have 3
(Bell, Bow, Edge) and snare and toms have 2 (snare and rim, tom and rim). The Hi Hat also has a group
of consecutive notes. The module always indicates the first note in the group. For example, the default
note number for Cymbal 1 is 64. This is actually a group of notes (64, 65, 66) which is bell, bow, edge.
In order to play the bow sound on the trapKAT, leave the note number 64 on the module and set the
trapKAT pad's note number to 65.
Changing the note number in the module will shift the group of notes. These notes cannot be separated
from each other.
For example, changing the note number on Cymbal Channel 1 from 64 to 65 will
result in the note group 65, 66, 67 (Bell, Bow, Edge). Any note numbers can be used on any channel, as
long as the trapKAT matches the number. Both trapKAT banks are programmed using the KT-M1
default note number configuration"

The Strata PRIME and CORE Kits have Triple Zone more zones..
The Modules also have different amount of Triggers/Zones.
The CORE has less and cannot be expanded and it does Not have the extra MIDI Notes.
(Maps attached)

PRIME= 4 Toms..4 CYMBALS + AUX (3x3 Zones = Additional 9 + 1 Choke)
(40) + (5) Choke Notes...45 MIDI Notes Total.

(31) + (4) Choke Notes...35 MIDI Notes Total.

There are two options for triggering a cymbal choke, set in the Settings > MIDI menu. The
default option is a specific MIDI Note accompanied by Aftertouch 127 (holding the cymbal) and 0
(release). The other option is to send the MIDI Off note for that particular trigger zone.

BFD Software has a 64 Channel Mixer with specific Instrument slots..
You will have to reassign Kit Pieces/Trigger Slot if you want to assign a Cymbal to a Tom or assign a Tom to a Cymbal etc.
Changing Kit Pieces for a Trigger Slot

PRIME Drum Module - User Guide - v1.0.2 pg 26/27

CORE Drum Module - User Guide - v1.2.0 pg 24/25

The Modules also have a Major difference in Storage

PRIME = 128GB..40GB Factory (Pre-loaded)..80GB User
CORE   = 32GB..25GB Factory (Pre-loaded)..1GB User

The Strata MODULES are also a different Octave than the previous Alesis and Medeli Modules for the MIDI Mapping.
Alesis/Medeli = C3...Strata PRIME/CORE = C4

The Strata Modules MIDI Mapping is based on the Main BFD3 Software MIDI Mapping.

The Modules are being designed to be Fully Integrated with the Software which I would imagine will be BFD4.
BFD3.5 (currently in BETA Testing) will be the last Update for BFD3.

Added Links


ALL MIDI Notes RECOGNIZED with the Exception of Splash and Chokes... which are Never assignable (In ANY Module) and are Fixed to the Input... in the STRIKE Module can be assigned different Instruments..GUARANTEED
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 10:48:06 AM by Chaser »

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2024, 07:15:32 PM »
Thanks for all that info.

I looked at a midi mapping for a Strike (I thought) on the posting about the Strike. Showed a keyboard and alignment of drum set pieces. There were 31 or 33 notes, iirc.

In this journey with modules I have just assigned TK midi notes to those of each new module, then adjusted things in the DM PRO to coincide.

Right now, all I need is one user kit to record with. I'm not going to monkey around with the module until the drum tracks are done and files sent on to the guys for mixing, etc. 13 drums, 13 cymbals (yes, kick is 25 and h-h pedal 26).

Yes, any pad or 2 can be set for h-h cymbals. The pedal can also work independently of those pads, meaning I could set that note for a tambourine and assign h-h notes to just tight, loose or open hats. If the Strike does not have that option, like the DM10, I'll use one of the selections from the DM PRO. That's what I've been doing when I do play hats on a song. Pedal for chicks, pads for an X-Hat-type-of-thing. It's not a major issue for me because I can use more rides/chinas than hats for what I do with this music.

The module arrived a couple hours ago. Looks brand new after I cleaned it up a little. I reinitialized it to factory settings. Compared to the DM PRO and DM10 the Strike's sensitivity levels are pretty weak. Seems strange but, I assume there's probably an overall kit setting to increase that? It must be using the Kat FSR sensors compared to whatever Alesis now uses?

The unit seems to have the same kind of architecture as my other modules. Looks pretty familiar, even though programming layout is different. A lot more user friendly than the KT-M1/2Box or the Yamaha DTX Pro. Of course, I know all modules have their own thing going and you just have to get used to them.

The only thing that jumps out at me is the metronome button. It keeps blinking, regardless of pushing the on/off button. Aside from that button, I see no other way to turn it off in the manual.

I really haven't done anything yet. I just wanted to clean it up, turn it on and see what's what as far as what all the buttons do.

Some TK pads trigger sound, others don't so, first things first - setting the midi notes on the TK. I'll just use one pad and run through all the midi notes and see what numbers trigger sounds and mark it all down, then start placing them around the unit for my typical instrument layout.  I am disappointed the Strike has the same kind of stinginess of midi notes as other newer modules. Yamaha, Roland, Pearl. Found out on forums they are all what you need for the physical kit, no more, no less.

The cymbals sound nice. At this point, I see no reason I could not use this unit to record my drum/cymbal/percussion tracks. All I will need to do, song to song, if things go beyond what my layout requires, like gongs, cowbells, etc., is change sounds on pads and either use the kit that way or record extra tracks.

Ultimately, anything the Strike cannot do, which will be minimal, apparently, I'll do with the DM PRO or 10 to make up any loss of notes in playing. I can live with that. Plus I have some extra trigger pads I can plug into something.

I did find some YouTube tutorials for some things with the Strike; some from a guy who posts on this forum.

Obviously the Strike Pro SE must be pretty good because users keep them. You do not see them for sale.

As far as size limits, I'll be recording everything dry. I imagine that will afford me some space. Before I reinitialized, yes, the screen stating too much data appeared several times when I switched to user kits. I'll have to go back and reread the thread about that.

So... onward with the process. I'll see what I've been given to work with.



Offline Chaser

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2024, 08:16:38 PM »
Thanks for all that info.

I looked at a midi mapping for a Strike (I thought) on the posting about the Strike. Showed a keyboard and alignment of drum set pieces. There were 31 or 33 notes, iirc.

Here's the Official Unofficial Official STRIKE MIDI Map I am finishing up with is all the Notes..Transmitted..
The 2nd Kick must be activated..I'll also post it in the Topic.



The module arrived a couple hours ago. Looks brand new after I cleaned it up a little. I reinitialized it to factory settings. Compared to the DM PRO and DM10 the Strike's sensitivity levels are pretty weak. Seems strange but, I assume there's probably an overall kit setting to increase that? It must be using the Kat FSR sensors compared to whatever Alesis now uses?

If you were using Triggers you would adjust the Global Sensitivity...

GLOBAL SENSITIVITY:...UTILITY > TRIGGER > Trigger Sensitivity.. set to HIGH (Default is Medium)

Since you using won't affect'll have to increase it in the TrapKAT XL


The only thing that jumps out at me is the metronome button. It keeps blinking, regardless of pushing the on/off button. Aside from that button, I see no other way to turn it off in the manual.

Tap Tempo the BPM...and No it can't be shut off.
The best you can do is while holding the Tempo button down...use the large encoder wheel and spin left to BPM 30 (lowest you can go).BPM is on the Display.
I don't know why there wasn't a 0 BPM..


I am disappointed the Strike has the same kind of stinginess of midi notes as other newer modules. Yamaha, Roland, Pearl. Found out on forums they are all what you need for the physical kit, no more, no less.

That's pretty much how all Modules are today...
The STRIKE has the Feature of Velocity Splitting/Switching.


The cymbals sound nice. At this point, I see no reason I could not use this unit to record my drum/cymbal/percussion tracks. All I will need to do, song to song, if things go beyond what my layout requires, like gongs, cowbells, etc., is change sounds on pads and either use the kit that way or record extra tracks.

Ultimately, anything the Strike cannot do, which will be minimal, apparently, I'll do with the DM PRO or 10 to make up any loss of notes in playing. I can live with that. Plus I have some extra trigger pads I can plug into something.

Don't forget the Import Feature...and the STRIKE EDITOR


As far as size limits, I'll be recording everything dry. I imagine that will afford me some space. Before I reinitialized, yes, the screen stating too much data appeared several times when I switched to user kits. I'll have to go back and reread the thread about that.

The Kit size limits has nothing to do with recording...size limits are the amount of Instruments/samples that is loaded into the Kit.

You can record Performance,create a loop..Instrument..etc then Edit or slice it on screen,also create Kit Pieces without using the STRIKE Editor ("Quick Instruments") directly from the Module.Quick Instruments are not Multi-Velocty/Layered.

Press the Record Button'll see Recording Time Available..Mono is Double Stereo Time.
Time depends on SD Card size and the SD Card Streaming...
For example a 32GB SD Card recording time...  Stereo 6.5 hours....Mono (Left..Right..Summed) 12.5 hours.
You can even place entire songs on it and use an instrument to start stop it....unfortunately it starts from the beginning , most Features that were requested went unanswered..

There are multiple options offered while saving...

Familiarize yourself with the User Guide..I am working on the Topic.
I created one of the Layouts I would do..if I ever get a hold of a TrapKAT XL.
The we will find out what can and can't be done.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 12:55:49 AM by Chaser »

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2024, 12:33:58 PM »
Interesting. Thus far, scrolling through notes on the TK, I can only find 21 active notes, which corresponds to the number of active zones on the screen's drum set components.

From your list - 07,08,26,31,33,34,35,37,54 - have no reaction on the TK. Of course, the choke notes wouldn't. I figure 07,08 would only work with an Alesis or comparable h-h pad and trigger system? That leaves splash and cross stick. And a non-activated #35-kick note. 

I don't know what I read where I thought the Strike had the same kind of 'pick a note, assign a sound' as all their earlier modules; the much larger array of available notes. So, the only way a player could add another component to the set is to split the trigger connections from the back ports. Not being able to do that with the TK, I am once again, defeated by modern modules. I can activate the other kick note, giving me 22. I'll have to use the second module to make up for the other 4, which is doable, for what I use, as far as instruments. Still, a disappointing purchase.

The 65 Drums, YT channel, has a video of a bunch of players with massive set-ups, as far as the number of triggers and they all use multiple modules to pull it off. Imagine the DM PRO with modern, layered sounds. It would be a literal edrum treasure chest.

Yeah, I'll spend the day reading the manual.

I'm still waiting on those "Power Dots" for the TK. I am now informed the manufacturer is currently making them. Maybe I'll have them by the end of the month. Can't play the unit until I get them.

Offline REF

Re: General Question about new modules
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2024, 01:58:15 PM »
One thing to add. In looking for something on YouTube, I saw a video in the sidebar of a guy who demonstrates the sound of his acoustic set vs. the Strike PSE, both recorded into his ZOOM H8 recorder (which is what I use) and listening from the monitor output, aside from differences in some pitches, head timbre and cymbal model-types, I can hear no significant, discernible differences between the sounds of drums and cymbals. That was using the Big Bird kit for the video comparison.

That is a weight off my mind, to be sure. I now have no doubts the module's sounds can be used for recording purposes. No VSTs or DAWs required. Especially not in the context of guitars, bass and vocals added into the soundfield.