Author Topic: Alesis Strata and Strike Pro User kits interchangeable?  (Read 362 times)

Offline stylazyn

Alesis Strata and Strike Pro User kits interchangeable?
« on: October 30, 2024, 10:51:54 AM »
As the subject says, are the User kits interchangeable? I am interested in using my current Strike kit for my band rehearsal space, and purchasing a Strata Core kit for gigs. If I make a new kit or modify an existing kit at rehearsal, I would like to copy it to the Strata. I realize I may need a PC to move from SD card to USB.

Thanks for any insight!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2024, 04:15:06 PM by stylazyn »

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strata and Strike Pro User kits interchangeable?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2024, 11:58:27 AM »
As the subject says, are the User kits interchangeable? I am interested in using my current Strike kit for my band rehearsal space, and purchasing a Strata Core kit for gigs. If I make a new kit or modify an existing kit at rehearsal, I would like to copy it to the Strata. I realize I may need a PC to move from SD card to USB.

Thanks for any incite!

Short Answer ..No.

Strata PRIME and CORE..are based on BFD3...

To date..No One has ever responded to my request(s) for User presets etc from the Strata Modules , so I can take a look at them.I have been using BFD3 since the beginning 2003 and create Instruments,Expansions, presets,Kits,Custom Instruments etc etc..