Author Topic: Snare Rim and Center reversed?  (Read 263 times)

Offline stylazyn

Snare Rim and Center reversed?
« on: October 30, 2024, 10:43:31 AM »
Hi All,

I set up for a gig the a few weeks ago encountered something really odd. I play on a Surge Kit with the snare and bass drum replaced with the Strike versions. I also use a Strike Pro module. Lemon cymbals all the way around.

When I plugged in everything and tested my connections, only on the snare were the triggers for the rim and center hit reversed, for all my USER kits. The Alesis factory kits all worked perfectly. I unplugged and plugged the cable back in for the snare and rebooted as well, a few times at that! I finally replaced the cable with a different one and everything worked. Cables are all Alesis "made".

It happened again at a gig last Friday. I had to replace the cable to get it to work correctly.  ???

Any idea what might be up? I guess I will permanently swap the cable at this point.