Ok so this cable should work?
Even if there is a difference regarding resistance value in the piezo line?
I've ordered stuff to build one, I'll see...
I'd wait for the Cymbal to arrive and see how it's wired...more than likely are similar if not the same as the images I attached.
Lemon Cymbals in the past had optional ports inside and you could unplug from one and plug into another.
Some of the earlier Cymbals the Edge/Bell would be reversed depending on the Module being used and you could change it..reportedly..some were Dual Zone and you could move to a plug to make it 3 Zone.
I don't believe there are schematics for all the versions of lemon Cymbals out there yet.
Alesis Dual Jack you just run a jumper wire from the Edge Jack Ring to the Bell/Bow jack Ring..as long as there is a 10kOHM resistor to separate the switches..you are just eliminating a jack and wiring direct...the Sleeve and Tip are connected/shared between jacks as they are on the same board on Alesis Dual Cable Rides.
That's the main difference between single cable and Dual cable cymbals...(2) Jacks separate the 2 switches or a resistor separates the 2 switches.
Both read off the same Piezo into 1 input or 2...Yamaha Cymbals and Pads are wired the same..
Interestingly enough(at least for me)..Lemon uses separate Boards and they appear to be the same board used for single and dual cable cymbals..each with a ribbon (Bell or Switch) going to it and you change the plug from one board to the other if the Bell and edge are switched in the Module you are using.The Plug is just the Piezo..there is also another location for a 2nd Piezo (Not Used).
I can't see where the 2 boards are connected or sharing connections and wonder what would happen if you could add the 2nd Piezo and plug into the other board...I also don't see any resistors...may be underneath the PCB boards if there are any...a number of Manufacture's these days are not using the older style and instead using SMD type.
Resistors on the Piezo was to cool it down..
The DMPads are an older Design 10 years+ and the Alesis Modules (They were Not Re-Branded Medeli) back then had inputs that were considered too hot..so the Cymbals output were probably lowered.The Realheads also had resistors which many removed doing the Hellfire mesh Conversion as the Piezo was moved deeper into the shell.This was before the Mesh Kits and specific Firmware for Mesh Heads was released.
The Crimson Kits and the DM10 MKII Pro (ALL Medeli Re-Brands)were released with the DMPads.
That is probably the reason so many complaints about having to hit so hard using the Medeli Modules.
The Medeli Modules respond very well to the STRIKE Cymbals and FYI the 14" STRIKE Cymbal is actually Triple (3) Zone Single Cable...although marketed as Dual Zone...The 12" is Dual Zone.(No Bell)
EDIT:Added Images