Author Topic: Help with drumsplitter & more  (Read 517 times)

Help with drumsplitter & more
« on: October 15, 2024, 03:38:44 PM »
Hello my fellow drummers! I have a few questions. I bought a crimson ii set originally, replaced the module with a DM10 mkii pro. I have two cash cymbals, one ride & I bought 2 Roland Tom?s. I wanted to make the Ride a 3 zone so I bought an extra piezo with 1/4 input to try to add to the cymbal. I haven?t gotten to mess with it yet & realize it may not work, but it was 8$ & I like to doing stuff like this, any general knowledge about how to set that up would be appreciate. My problem is that for some reason & from either input Tom4 or crash 2 whenever I plug the splitter in and try to hook everything up, instead of splitting the head/rim or edge/bow it just splits the sound like head/head or edge/edge and disregards the other zone completely (no rim/bow) So therefore when I try to change the sounds for one of my new pieces, it changes the sounds for both of them. I?m including pictures of the cords and piezo?s purchased any help is greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 09:41:52 PM by JustinMayhem »

Offline Chaser

Re: Help with drumsplitter & more
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2024, 11:10:55 PM »
Hello my fellow drummers! I have a few questions. I bought a crimson ii set originally, replaced the module with a DM10 mkii pro. I have two cash cymbals, one ride & I bought 2 Roland Tom?s. I wanted to make the Ride a 3 zone so I bought an extra piezo with 1/4 input to try to add to the cymbal. I haven?t gotten to mess with it yet & realize it may not work, but it was 8$ & I like to doing stuff like this, any general knowledge about how to set that up would be appreciate. My problem is that for some reason & from either input Tom4 or crash 2 whenever I plug the splitter in and try to hook everything up, instead of splitting the head/rim or edge/bow it just splits the sound like head/head or edge/edge and disregards the other zone completely (no rim/bow) So therefore when I try to change the sounds for one of my new pieces, it changes the sounds for both of them. I?m including pictures of the cords and piezo?s purchased any help is greatly appreciated.

Those arent pics..they are extremely short Quicktime Videos that have to be downloaded then viewed

The Video I had to pause.. the product description shows TRS Male to (2) TRS female..
That is the wrong splitter....
It should be TRS (Tip Ring Sleeve) to (2)TS (Tip/Sleeve)...Not TRS to (2) TRS which is just duplicating the input.
Tom inputs are Piezo/Piezo and there is no choke support.

Cymbal inputs are Piezo/Switch and there are issues when splitting.
Typically (Depending on the Module) a splitter on a cymbal P/S input and connect two pads hitting one will trigger the bow sound, hitting the other will trigger nothing (or a VERY faint edge sound), and hitting both at exactly the same time will trigger the edge sound.

Also note when splitting Triggers you are splitting one cannot hit 2 triggers simultaneously on one zone as one will cancel the other out.

Here are some links for the basics when it comes to splitting triggers..

Splitter Cables

Split the difference

Added Links
« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 11:33:16 PM by Chaser »

Re: Help with drumsplitter & more
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2024, 09:02:48 AM »
Thank you very much for the info. My bad in the videos I had to upload the originals to make the quality worse so i could post them altogether here & must have selected the wrong version somehow.

Offline Chaser

Re: Help with drumsplitter & more
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2024, 11:04:35 AM »
The DM10 MKII Pro Ride Inputs can be used Independently and a single cable Triple Zone Cymbal can be used for the Ride..

Ride 1 is Dual Zone Bow/Bell..No Edge..No Choke
Ride 2 is actually Triple Zone w/choke..Full Options settings in the Trigger menu etc..All work.
Unfortunately the Ride1 input articulations cannot be reassigned..they remain the same as Ride 2 assignments

Many modules including the STRIKE... Ride1 and Ride2 are a Circuit and cannot be used as independent inputs.
The Original DM10 had a setting to change the Ride from Triple to Dual Zone so you could use the other Percussion Input for an additional Trigger.

All of the Crash Inputs are capable of Single cable Triple Zone Cymbals..there are Bell settings under the Trigger menu , however it is a Firmware Limitation (No MIDI assignment) and No Bell articulations for the Crashes...
The Module supports a Dual Zone Hi Hat (comes with a single Zone) and has the option of Pedal (Realhat-Continuous/variable..or Pro-X (FSR..same as STRIKE Controller).
The Snare Has Head..Rim..Side Stick and Strainer settings which you can set different Strainer settings for each
The Rimshot/Side Stick is based on Velocity switching

The Module is an advanced Module based on the Medeli DD680..which for some reason was exclusive to Alesis and you won't find in the Medeli Database..or offered in the Medeli lineup of 30+ Modules for Re-branding.
The Module has the A5 Processor(same as STRIKE Multipad)..BlueTooth (Not Implemented)..USB Audio and has a lot of Features/Potential including a large FX section with Group Options,EQ's with actual Freq ranges (Not Amplitude) and Compressor and with the ability to save/share trigger settings for different Kits.
There are 150 Patterns that can be assigned to any trigger..not all are patterns/loops/songs but are Velocity Switching Sequences.

The Module can also receive (Based on the DD680 manual)
Control Changes -  0. 1,5,6,7,10,11,64,65,66,67,80,81,91,93,120,121,123
Program Changes - 0-127

The complaints I seen were mainly about the bad trigger design and older cymbal models along with Sounds out of the Box , which like every other module..are typically generic as are most including High End Modules..Roland etc  ..but if you aren't an advanced user and experienced with "how to" then you will get discouraged.
I think too many New Users purchased an advanced Module and being inexperienced there just hasn't been that much interest generated and along with the Trigger issues it got the same bad rep as the original STRIKE Kits.The DM10 MKII Pro Kit/Module is well past the typical 5 year EOL (End Of Life) and had No updates...which is too bad

Added image
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 05:20:13 PM by Chaser »