Author Topic: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound  (Read 486 times)

14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« on: September 23, 2024, 11:48:28 AM »
Hello and I apoligize in advance if these questions have already been covered in the past.

I just picked up a used Crinson 2 SE kit that's a year old and was never fully set up or played.

My challenge is that the cymbals seems to be much less sensitive than the drums and I can only get a bell sound out of the ride cymbal randomly and I really need to hit it hard. And this is no matter which kit I choose.

I've been looking a how to adjust the trigger settings, looks like sensistifity and threshold are the two I should be adjusting...any suggestions?


Offline Chaser

Re: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2024, 11:29:43 PM »
Hello and I apoligize in advance if these questions have already been covered in the past.

I just picked up a used Crinson 2 SE kit that's a year old and was never fully set up or played.

My challenge is that the cymbals seems to be much less sensitive than the drums and I can only get a bell sound out of the ride cymbal randomly and I really need to hit it hard. And this is no matter which kit I choose.

I've been looking a how to adjust the trigger settings, looks like sensistifity and threshold are the two I should be adjusting...any suggestions?


Welcome to the Forum !

The Crimson II Module is based on the Medeli DD650.
The Crimson II SE is a Guitar Center Release through it's Brands..Guitar Center,Musicians Friend,Musicarts (WoodWind and Brass) is also available overseas,however the SE Kits are at a higher cost and they Do Not have sensitivity knob like the Crimson II.

You should set Trigger Sensitivity as Low as Possible and the Threshold as High as Possible..based on your Hardest Hit...otherwise too high sensitivity or too low a Threshold and you'll have mistriggering or light hits will trigger the high velocity articulations/samples.
There isn't a "one works for all" setting..this is dependent on playing style.

The Ride is a Triple (3) Zone Single cable type.
The Edge and Bell use switches and Velocity is determined by the Piezo.
There isn't individual Sensitivity setting for Bow, Bell and Edge switches as the Ride is a Circuit and uses a "Combination" of articulations/Samples and the Sensitivity setting is for the overall instrument..same applies for the Hi hat.
Trigger Model also plays a role.This kit comes with the DMPads which is an older design/generation.

Set the sensitivity when playing the Bow..once you are happy with that..raise the Rim Sens to will apply to both the Bell/Edge switches...change the Curve to 5...experiment with other curves.

The Bell and Edge zones require a sharp strike , usually the side of the stick or shank as being a switch they open close and the module determines velocity off of the Piezo at the time you hit/close the switch.

You can also raise the overall kit volume by increasing the EQ's.
The Module is Amplitude based so increase the EQ doesn't change the range,but increases it's volume.
Usually High is set at 4..Raise them all evenly +8..Low = 8,Med = 8,High = 12.

This will increase overall volume drastically and you won't need to hit as hard to be louder.
It also helps drown out stick noise.
Make sure if you are using Headphones you lower the Volume as both Headphones and Main Volume will get Loud...
Adjust,raise or lower All of the settings .. as needed.. as you become more and more familiar with playing the kit.

Re: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2024, 09:40:37 AM »
Thank you I will try those setting suggestions.

One last question I can not get the ride and crash cymbals to choke, and ideas how I can address that?

Much appreciated!

Offline Chaser

Re: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2024, 12:03:09 PM »
Thank you I will try those setting suggestions.

One last question I can not get the ride and crash cymbals to choke, and ideas how I can address that?

Much appreciated!

Make sure the 12"aren't mixed up..the 12" Hi hat is single zone..does not have edge/choke strip.
The "Older" 12" DMpads were marked Hi Hat..Cymbal or Crash cymbal..
There were (2) 14" Rides..a single cable and a dual cable with dummy plug.
The Ride Input does choke as I have tested with STRIKE 14" Cymbals which are are actually Triple Zone w/choke.
If the edge zone is triggering/working and when you grab/pinch it doesn't choke make sure you are grabbing/pinching hard enough.
It's odd for both the Crash and the Ride to not choke.For the Ride it's possible it wasn't wired for choking.
Under the Guitar Center Crimson II SE and overseas product description choke is only mentioned for the Crash..not the Hi Hat or Ride.
I don't know if it's a typo for the Ride or if the Cymbal isn't wired for 3 Zones + Choke as the Edge switch would also need to be connected to ALL Zones for Edge....Bell/Bow/Edge choking...There is no Official Alesis product page for the Crimson II SE.

The DMPad lineup was discontinued years ago and there are no references for the New Alesis Drums models..which are still Labeled DMPad in smaller print.
The older DMPads had many configurations...there were at least (3) different 12" cymbals..(3) different 14" including Dual Zone..Triple Zone Dual Cable (w/choke)..Triple Zone Single cable (possibly w/o choke)...some Dual Cable were labeled Rides..some Dual Cable just labeled Cymbals

Added images
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 07:01:08 PM by Chaser »

Re: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2024, 04:18:47 PM »
BINGO! I was not pinching the edge hard enough to choke the cymbals...I guess it's a literal term, lol! Now all three cymbals choke.

Really apprecaite your detailed explanations!

Still going to tweak all thye setting and I bought and downloaded the drum-tec Universal Sound Edition Alesis, the 10 kits are really nice.

If I tweak the settings at the Kit Menu Level will that also impact the drum-tec kits, or just the Alesis kits that camne with the controller??

Offline Chaser

Re: 14 inch ride cymbal... bell sound
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2024, 08:46:38 PM »
BINGO! I was not pinching the edge hard enough to choke the cymbals...I guess it's a literal term, lol! Now all three cymbals choke.

Really apprecaite your detailed explanations!

Still going to tweak all thye setting and I bought and downloaded the drum-tec Universal Sound Edition Alesis, the 10 kits are really nice.

If I tweak the settings at the Kit Menu Level will that also impact the drum-tec kits, or just the Alesis kits that camne with the controller??

I have never purchased or tried any of the DrumTec Kits for any of the Modules.
The Modules Presets/Kits (50) are write protected so you are saving Edited Kits as "User" Kits...
The DrumTec are for the most part..considered "User" Kits loaded into the Module.
The Crimson Module (based on Medeli DD650 Module) can accept up to 20 additional "User" Kits
If you Edit the Kits and have All 20 filled , you'll be prompted to overwrite/replace a Preset/Kit.
If you want the DrumTec Presets back to default/original settings they came with you will need to re-load from USB.