Author Topic: Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums  (Read 1391 times)

Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums
« on: August 12, 2024, 04:58:43 PM »
Hi there. I'm wondering if anybody has tried or successfully mapped an Alesis Strike Multipad to the Cubase Groove agent so they can play the drum sounds?
I'm hoping that I can use a kick pedal for, well, kick. Duh! the hi hat pedal to operate one of the pads as a hi hat, snare for snare, etc.

If anybody has done this, I'd really like to chat with you just to get a grasp ho what's the best way to do it.

Thanks in advance!


Offline Chaser

Re: Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 12:23:38 PM »
Hi there. I'm wondering if anybody has tried or successfully mapped an Alesis Strike Multipad to the Cubase Groove agent so they can play the drum sounds?
I'm hoping that I can use a kick pedal for, well, kick. Duh! the hi hat pedal to operate one of the pads as a hi hat, snare for snare, etc.

If anybody has done this, I'd really like to chat with you just to get a grasp ho what's the best way to do it.

Thanks in advance!


The Pads on Multipads are Not like Drum Modules with Multiple Zones (No Rims..Edge..Bell etc).
Some Mulitpads have external trigger inputs that can be setup as dual the SMP..
Trigger In 1 is a single-zone connection and Trigger Ins 2/3 and 4/5 are dual-zone connections that can be split.
The HH Input can be set to Switch or Variable , however that is only for the SMP to determine what signal to expect/Interpret.It is not for selecting between Open/Closed or Variable Hi Hat pedal variable Hi hat will not give you a Variable Hi Hat as the SMP HH does not have Variable Articulations/Samples which typically are linked as a circuit in a drum Module.
The SMP allows you set up any pad as an Open/Closed Hi hat.

For Groove Agent you'll have to use "Drum Maps" feature in the Editor.
There isn't a standard layout for MIDI Controllers and different Patches/Sample Libraries have different mapping or key layouts.
I would start with the GM Map..and modify to the layout you want.

Everyone uses a different layout and/or may not even use the external mapping is a case by case basis on personal preference and Groove Agent has mappings for In/Outs per MIDI Note and the Hihat may have 20+ MIDI Notes assigned to it in some Patches/Libraries etc.

Check this Tutorial...

Re: Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2024, 03:52:24 PM »
This is great! Thank you very much. It's going to take a fair bit of time but eventually I think I'll get there.
Hope you don't mind if I ask you a few more questions along the way.


Offline Chaser

Re: Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2024, 05:33:27 PM »
This is great! Thank you very much. It's going to take a fair bit of time but eventually I think I'll get there.
Hope you don't mind if I ask you a few more questions along the way.


You should be able to create a MIDI Map rather quickly as the SMP Default Mapping is for the most part the GM Standard except for the Foot Controllers (Switches)

P1 -  36
P2 -  37
P3 -  38
P4 -  40
P5 -  41
P6 -  42
P7 -  44
P8 -  45
P9 -  46

T1 -  51
T2 -  39
T3 -  48
T4 -  49
T5 -  50

FC1 -  124
FC2 -  125
FC3 -  126
FC4 -  127

HH  -  43

Re: Mapping your Alesis multipad to Cubase drums
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2024, 09:10:28 PM »
Thank you for this! I'll have to try and get to it tomorrow.
Wish me luck because I'm a bit new at this but it shouldn't be too hard.
I've pretty much always finger played my drum parts on a Korg Nanopad II.
