Author Topic: Alesis Strata Prime Midi "drum map" in a DAW (Cakewalk in particular)  (Read 1071 times)

Hi there

I'm exploring options around sending midi from  my Alesis Strata Prime electronic drum kit into Cakewalk.

I have 2 different drum plugins installed: the generic SI ones and Steven Slate 5.5 free version.

What I'm noticing is that only a few of the midi "impulses" created from the kit are currently "mapped" to drum notes, and I wondered if anyone had already created a fully functioning "Drum Map" for Alesis Prime please?

If not (given its pretty new to market) what would you say is the simplest way to pick through and create a new fully mapped "drum map" to resolve this issue please?

Many thanks in advance


Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strata Prime Midi "drum map" in a DAW (Cakewalk in particular)
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2024, 01:06:19 PM »
Hi there

I'm exploring options around sending midi from  my Alesis Strata Prime electronic drum kit into Cakewalk.

I have 2 different drum plugins installed: the generic SI ones and Steven Slate 5.5 free version.

What I'm noticing is that only a few of the midi "impulses" created from the kit are currently "mapped" to drum notes, and I wondered if anyone had already created a fully functioning "Drum Map" for Alesis Prime please?

If not (given its pretty new to market) what would you say is the simplest way to pick through and create a new fully mapped "drum map" to resolve this issue please?

Many thanks in advance


Drum maps are per Software/Developer..there isn't a "Drum Map for All solution"
You'll either have to wait for the Developer (Bandlab/Cakewalk) to provide one in an update or do it yourself.
You can also check the Forum
Slate SSD5.5 and most others you can create a Map manually or using the MIDI Learn Feature (if available) to create a Map..

Bandlab/Cakewalk you use the Drum Map Manager...there are multiple options for outputs etc.
It's a bit more involved than using a Vst that may have MIDI learning such as SSD5.5..SD3..BFD3.. Addictive Drums etc etc.


CAKEWALK (Legacy) The Drum Map Manager

I posted the MIDI Map reference for the Strata PRIME in this topic along with Maps for use with BFD

Strata PRIME Audio outs and Drum Map