Author Topic: Alesis Strata Prime kick drum double pedal alignment issue  (Read 1461 times)

Alesis Strata Prime kick drum double pedal alignment issue
« on: July 28, 2024, 10:09:08 PM »
Hello! New owner of the Strata Prime and loving it so far. I only really have one issue and it's the alignment of my TAMA HP600DTW double pedal. I cannot seem to get it centered. The left beater is on the left edge of the hit zone. That doesn't seem to cause any issues triggering hits, but just looks odd. Any suggestions on what to do to get things correctly centered? Thanks

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strata Prime kick drum double pedal alignment issue
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2024, 09:33:25 AM »
Hello! New owner of the Strata Prime and loving it so far. I only really have one issue and it's the alignment of my TAMA HP600DTW double pedal. I cannot seem to get it centered. The left beater is on the left edge of the hit zone. That doesn't seem to cause any issues triggering hits, but just looks odd. Any suggestions on what to do to get things correctly centered? Thanks

Welcome to the Forum !

Depends on Manufacturer/Brand..
Some have the cam centered over the clamp so the beater is off to the right and left for the 2nd beater/2nd pedal linkage/bearing etc...and some have the pedal plate/hoop clamp offset so the right beater is centered above the clamp and on the head.There are multiple clamping styles.(attached)
You can see how all are offset..aligned with the Beater not the Cam.

Otherwise there is not much for adjustment except maybe for moving the right beater out more on the shaft.
AXIS pedals have the cam and beater aligned/centered with the clamp and you can adjust alignment etc,however the 2nd beater on the Master ends up far left so they are better for Dual Bass/Kick Drums and using the Beater mount on the Slave.(up to 3 beaters on a setup)


I attached an example of a couple Pearl Pedals and the can see how the 2 beaters are separate and evenly spaced in relation to the cam..
One Pearl Pic shows the clamp centered with the Cam...hard to find photos showing the clamp/cam relation for various manufacturers/Brands.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2024, 12:54:43 PM by Chaser »

Re: Alesis Strata Prime kick drum double pedal alignment issue
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2024, 09:46:09 PM »
Thanks for the reply! It turns out there is a way to move the beaters into a different position. So, I have been almost successful at centering them. I suppose it's almost centered enough that at least each beater is directly within the hit zone.

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strata Prime kick drum double pedal alignment issue
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2024, 11:27:24 PM »
Thanks for the reply! It turns out there is a way to move the beaters into a different position. So, I have been almost successful at centering them. I suppose it's almost centered enough that at least each beater is directly within the hit zone.

Glad to hear it...

I have had questions for the PRIME Module that I can probably provide answers to and may be able to solve a problem...but no one has responded here
on this  Topic or asked at the BFD Drums Forum.

There aren't many users here for the Strata PRIME
I don't belong to Social media so I am not a member of the Facebook Group which is private