Hello all, I searched on the forum before to write here but I can't find a solution.
I have a Strike Multipad, with KU100 kick pedal and Alesis RealHat pedal.
I'm trying all solutions to send hh pedal position to CubasePRO from the multipad, but with no success.
No midi CC from the RealHat is sent to midi out, and only a same midi note of the hitten pad is sent, even using sync groups.
Anyone knows how can be possible to manage hh position to correctly use sampled libraries on computer?
The only solution I found (suggested here) was to use my digital piano sustain pedal and MidiTranslator to convert on/off piano pedal to close/open hat (different midi notes). This works, but it is not a clean solution (the sustain pedal is not comfortable as a hihat pedal, it's connected to the piano, and it's only on/off)
Any help is appreciated !
The pedal itself does not send CC4...Voltage (3.3v) is present from the module and the pedal provides a resistance range.
The module interprets the range (pedal position) and converts to CC4.
Unfortunately Multipads are not built/programmed like drum modules.
Multipads typically do not interpret or send CC4 as a drum module does.
The STRIKE Multipad pedal options are for Variable and Switch...that is for identifying the type of pedal so the SMP can determine what to expect for a signal coming in and interpret it...the pedal(s) can only work for open closed.
You can adjust the pedals travel to determine when it opens/closes along that resistance range.
You can use a pedal to MIDI Converter to Connect to the SMP and set MIDI to Thru.This will only send CC4 to where it works..out to software.The SMP cannot and does not recognize/interpret CC4 for pedal position.The SMP Firmware only translates pressure/resistance change to ON/OFF.The only way to add CC4 support (if possible) is a Firmware update..which there hasn't been an update for the SMP in years.
I attached images of a Hardware solution..using a pedal to MIDI converter and showing how it works through the SMP.
Images are of MIDIOX and EZ Drummer..using the Realhat with the Audiofront MIDI Expression I/O through the SMP to MIDI OUT.
I assigned General MIDI to a Pad and the Realhat Pedal..46-Open..44-Pedal..21 Splash.
In MIDIOX only STRIKE Multipad Output is selected..and EZ Drummer 3 showing CC4 recognized being sent from the STRIKE Multipad.
Audiofront MIDI Expression I/O
Note:The SMP must be set to MIDI THRU and 5PIN to USB = ON. for use with Vst/Software and USB MIDI.
Set 5 PIN to USB=OFF and use a 5 PIN OUT to an Audio interface to the Vst/Software and the Notes sent by the MIDI Expression will also trigger the pads on the SMP assigned with those notes.
If 5 PIN to USB is ON..SMP does not relay the MIDI from the 5 PIN to the Pads.
Use caution when shopping around for the Hardware as some of the pedal to MIDI converters are expensive (and have less features..For example: don't have 5 PIN MIDI and don't support Hi hat pedals or FSR.
Audiofront offers the
MIDI Expression I/O ($154.00) up to (4) pedals with USB MIDI that also has 5 PIN MIDI IN/OUT so you can chain it..(
DOREMidi offers one up to (4) pedals with USB MIDI but only 5 PIN MIDI OUT so you can't chain it..(currently on sale $65)..I have numerous DORE MIDI Products and have worked with them on projects including Firmware for one of my major projects nearing completion.
MIDI Solutions also offers a one or two pedal ($125-150) and even tho it has 5 PIN MIDI IN/OUT..it only supports footswitch/contact type..
not Hi Hat pedals.
They all have programming software..Audiofront also has an iOS app.
This type of converter box is nothing new they have been on the market since the 1980's,I don't believe most are aware they exist and there are many others out there however not all support Hi Hat pedals.
EDIT:Added Links..Images