Author Topic: Crimson II SE with Roland TMC-6  (Read 1855 times)

Crimson II SE with Roland TMC-6
« on: January 12, 2024, 04:39:06 AM »
I have the Alesis Crimson II SE, and I really want to expand the kit.  Someone on FB Marketpace is selling the Roland TMC-6 for quite a good price, but before I considered anything I would.come here and.ask the experts lol.

Is it possible to link the TMC-6 to the Crimson module and use the internal sounds of the module on new pads? 

(Before anyone says anything - No I do not want to use VSTs.  I was a DJ and had a computer crash on me mid-gig a few times, and I don't want that to happen again. I want to use the module.)

Offline Chaser

Re: Crimson II SE with Roland TMC-6
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2024, 12:40:27 PM »
I have the Alesis Crimson II SE, and I really want to expand the kit.  Someone on FB Marketpace is selling the Roland TMC-6 for quite a good price, but before I considered anything I would.come here and.ask the experts lol.

Is it possible to link the TMC-6 to the Crimson module and use the internal sounds of the module on new pads? 

(Before anyone says anything - No I do not want to use VSTs.  I was a DJ and had a computer crash on me mid-gig a few times, and I don't want that to happen again. I want to use the module.)

The only Alesis module that was expandable/internal sounds (Extra MIDI assignments/Notes) is the Original DM10.
DM10 Expansion with Trigger I/O & ControlPad

If you just add a TMI it will trigger the same MIDI Note assignment to the Digital section you can use the TMC6 as a Splitter and assign the MIDI Notes used for the rims etc but  the rims will still sound if you hit them on the pads connected to the Kit to answer your question..No you can't expand the module using the Digital Section.

You can however access/trigger the GM Section in Medeli Modules when GM Mode is turned ON and have both of the sound bases play..
Same principle as stacking only instead of the MIDI connect the TMI to the MIDI Input only.

The TMC-6 was released around the time of the Alesis TriggerIO...2008/2009ish.
So it's older Tech..
There are 6 inputs..however 1 is for pedal..4 are single zone..1 is dual zone.

Modules/TMI's can be used to connect to modules with the "Percussion" set..AKA GM Section.
Medeli Modules have a GM Section so you could use to access it and play the GM Instruments etc.
Some of the older Tech allowed Program Changes..but not Bank the Program Change coming in affected the internal sounds and the GM Section..not separately.
The TMC-6 has Program Changes but I believe is only "Fixed" per kit so the Kits in the Digital Section would change also.
I found this to be the case with the TriggerIO also.The TriggerIO can assign a separate Program Change(specific Kit number) per Kit preset..but the Kit would also change in the Digital Section.
The older Roland Modules had settings that supported the TMC-6 and you could setup Percussion groups etc and adjust the percussion instrument.
You'll have to check the TMC-6 Manual for Program Changes but as far as I remember it was similar to the TriggerIO 0-127.

The eDRUMin 4 is  current Tech has 4 inputs..dual zone and more features including using a Dual Button Pedal for assignable Bank Changes and Program Changes....2 MIDI Notes X 4 Bank Changes X 2 Program Changes per input so 8 different assignable GM sounds are available per MIDI Note or 16 per input.The inputs can also be split to 8 and using Bell/Edge sense you can get Multiple Zones out of single Zone trigger.

In GM Mode you don't have the ability to edit any of the GM Instruments , but in the eDRUMIN you can "Gainstage"..control the volume of the input.
I have set the eDRUMIN up on Medeli Modules and it works quite well.

The TMC-6 was discontinued.
The New TM-6 Pro has the ability to add users samples and is more of a Mini Drum module with pricing around the same as Full Modules.. $900.00

I don't know the price of the TMC-6 you are looking at but the eDRUMIN 4 is $159..delivered to the US..which is in the price range I keep seeing the older Tech... TriggerIO's... TMC-6....DDTI etc go for..
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 04:26:26 PM by Chaser »

Re: Crimson II SE with Roland TMC-6
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2025, 02:25:41 PM »
Hey dude, I know this is a year later since your question, but the guy who replied with all the long info is correct, however, if u want to keep it simple, then , yes, just hook up whatever triggers u want to tmc6, plug into midi in on alesis module, assign and edit whatever sound the module has, piece of cake, or go the split cabling head/ rim deal.lits if info on that here too, if u don't want trigger to midi box, plus going that road, save u a little cash.