Author Topic: Medeli MZ92 flagship  (Read 4981 times)

Offline ChrisK

Medeli MZ92 flagship
« on: November 04, 2023, 01:00:55 AM »
Steve Fisher ex Roland\Yamaha now with with Medeli​

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2023, 10:47:43 AM »
Steve Fisher ex Roland\Yamaha now with with Medeli​


Medeli comes out swinging hard. This kit looks very impressive. The I/O on the module checks all the right boxes. I still would like to hear the sounds in the module.

Here's a link to the kit info:

And here's a link to the manual (I've not really looked at it yet):

I did see that there is only 128MB of space for user sounds. That kind of sucks, but I do understand it. The vast majority of drummers really don't know how to handle custom sounds.

I do wounder if/when the kit will be available in the USA.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 11:23:13 AM by Hellfire »

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2023, 11:26:12 AM »
Here's a few more images (might need to be logged in to see):

« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 11:46:33 AM by Hellfire »

Offline ChrisK

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2023, 01:55:36 PM »
Steve Fisher ex Roland\Yamaha now with with Medeli​


Medeli comes out swinging hard. This kit looks very impressive. The I/O on the module checks all the right boxes. I still would like to hear the sounds in the module.

The price is apparently 3500$, 128MB user import same as  Roland TD50

« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 02:02:01 PM by ChrisK »

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2023, 08:28:20 PM »
The price is apparently 3500$, 128MB user import same as  Roland TD50

Interesting...Maybe the new Alesis kit that I'm hearing about might be a rebrand of this kit? Just speculating.

I hope it isn't. I would like to see Alesis come up with their own module design. Heck, the current Strike module can load more than 128MB.

Of course not many edrummers load their own multi layered sounds anyway so, maybe Medeli has the right idea just allowing one shot samples.

I do know that Simmons allows users to change the sound sets in the newer Simmons modules (at least the Titan 50, I'm sure Titan 70 soon). Honestly, this is probably the best way to handle users putting sounds in their modules. Heck, I think the sound sets are free.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 08:36:14 PM by Hellfire »

Offline ChrisK

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2023, 11:18:21 PM »
The price is apparently 3500$, 128MB user import same as  Roland TD50

Interesting...Maybe the new Alesis kit that I'm hearing about might be a rebrand of this kit? Just speculating.

I hope it isn't. I would like to see Alesis come up with their own module design. Heck, the current Strike module can load more than 128MB.

Of course not many edrummers load their own multi layered sounds anyway so, maybe Medeli has the right idea just allowing one shot samples.

I do know that Simmons allows users to change the sound sets in the newer Simmons modules (at least the Titan 50, I'm sure Titan 70 soon). Honestly, this is probably the best way to handle users putting sounds in their modules. Heck, I think the sound sets are free.

I don't think the new Alesis will be this, and if similar memory will be more, also different finish.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 03:34:53 AM by ChrisK »

Offline Chaser

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2023, 11:24:14 PM »
There is an article in latest digitalDrummer (Nov 2023)..
This is the 2nd attempt at marketing a kit under it's own name.....YoDrum Pro was the 1st.
I never seen the kit..or any re-brands..I remember when it came out...but never seen one in the US.

digitalDrummer: Medeli debuts full size kit

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2023, 11:38:30 AM »
It is probably a very good Edrum, but 3500$ is really too high for an unknow brand. For this price we can buying very famous brand (with great resale values) like VAD504, Gewa G5 pro, Efnote 5...!!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 12:08:20 PM by Mikevdrums »

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2023, 07:55:30 AM »
Medeli isn't an unknown brand.

They have been in the Market for years, and they are one of (if not the) biggest kit sellers (even though most are rebrands) in the world.

Now their main thing was synths and keyboards (they have great sounding soundbanks in them), but seeing them getting serious on the edrum market is refreshing. I hope they bring their A-game from the synths side and compete with Roland and Yamaha.
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2023, 09:34:17 AM »
There is an article in latest digitalDrummer (Nov 2023)..
This is the 2nd attempt at marketing a kit under it's own name.....YoDrum Pro was the 1st.
I never seen the kit..or any re-brands..I remember when it came out...but never seen one in the US.

digitalDrummer: Medeli debuts full size kit

What caught me by surprise was the "positional detection" on the snare. Outside of the really big edrum companies (like Roland), this is new. This might push small players (like Alesis, Simmons, KAT, or Ddrum) to up their edrum game.

Now that I said that out loud, I just realized that KAT would be a good company to rebrand this kit for the USA market. Or maybe Ddrum. Having a kit like this with one of those names on it would instantly make that company seem to be on the same level as a Roland or Yamaha.

I'm pretty sure it will not be Simmons as they pretty much cut ties with Medeli a few years ago. But the other companies I list are still working with Medeli (I think all of them are).

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2023, 09:40:34 AM »
I know the brand Medeli, they made quality product without a doubt, but In my country, Medeli are unknow. we can find cheap beginner drums from Medeli in some music stores here, but no one want them because all drummers in my country (beginner or advanced) prefere buying (for the same price) entry level Edrum from ROLAND, YAMAHA or Alesis Edrum.

Offline Chaser

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2023, 11:28:05 AM »
There is an article in latest digitalDrummer (Nov 2023)..
This is the 2nd attempt at marketing a kit under it's own name.....YoDrum Pro was the 1st.
I never seen the kit..or any re-brands..I remember when it came out...but never seen one in the US.

digitalDrummer: Medeli debuts full size kit

What caught me by surprise was the "positional detection" on the snare. Outside of the really big edrum companies (like Roland), this is new. This might push small players (like Alesis, Simmons, KAT, or Ddrum) to up their edrum game.

Now that I said that out loud, I just realized that KAT would be a good company to rebrand this kit for the USA market. Or maybe Ddrum. Having a kit like this with one of those names on it would instantly make that company seem to be on the same level as a Roland or Yamaha.

I'm pretty sure it will not be Simmons as they pretty much cut ties with Medeli a few years ago. But the other companies I list are still working with Medeli (I think all of them are).

There are some Videos that have been out since Sept...Chinese.(most browsers still can't translate Chinese)
This Video shows the Kit breakdown /setup at the beginning and starting at 23:00 Demos of the Presets/Kits..To the right is a column with more Reviewers/Videos.
I see comments about the 128MB limitation..but the module has the ability to blend User Samples with the Internal.Since it's not rack based , I wonder if there will be another Floor Tom for the Floor tom 4 expansion...probably the smallest Mini Floor Tom I have seen.

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2023, 05:39:36 PM »
There are some Videos that have been out since Sept...Chinese.(most browsers still can't translate Chinese)
This Video shows the Kit breakdown /setup at the beginning and starting at 23:00 Demos of the Presets/Kits..To the right is a column with more Reviewers/Videos.
I see comments about the 128MB limitation..but the module has the ability to blend User Samples with the Internal.Since it's not rack based , I wonder if there will be another Floor Tom for the Floor tom 4 expansion...probably the smallest Mini Floor Tom I have seen.

The kit sounds good. I wouldn't say it sounds great, but it does sound good. For those interested I did grab a couple internal pics:

« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 05:41:29 PM by Hellfire »

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2023, 03:54:44 AM »
That snare/tom internal trigger looks kinda messy, with the foam remnants on the piezo, not gonna lie. But it follows a bit of my design as well, where I have two piezos for the rim, to guarantee equal playability around the rim.

Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2023, 01:38:18 PM »
That snare/tom internal trigger looks kinda messy, with the foam remnants on the piezo, not gonna lie. But it follows a bit of my design as well, where I have two piezos for the rim, to guarantee equal playability around the rim.

Diffidently nothing new under the hood. All tried and true DIY stuff for trigger bars, but at least we know it is a solid design.  ;)

Your right about the foam remnants. If I was to guess all their piezo elements have foam cones on them in the assembly line and they just ripped off the cones that were not needed. Typical Medeli stuff. I don't really like the lack of presentation of the inside electronics/wiring. I get it, most are not going to see this stuff, but its not that hard to hide the wiring and make it look a little more finished.

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2023, 07:12:52 PM »
This is not foam remnant, is just foam disc for protec the piezo!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 09:20:34 PM by Mikevdrums »

Offline Chaser

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2023, 09:33:06 PM »
it's just really , really , really cheap (almost transparent) cloth electrical tape...Also used to hold the wires down.
If you look closely 1st pic (I adjusted the image color) you can makeout/see the ceramic/brass.
Along with gobs of epoxy Alesis STRIKE products also have the cheap cloth tape.
The 2nd pic are Piezo's removed from STRIKE Cymbals.(I remove all the reflector Plate Tech from all my STRIKE products and replace with my own.)
3rd pic is STRIKE Cymbal...Piezo and wiring with cloth tape...before removal.

Offline ChrisK

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2023, 10:23:34 PM »
There is an article in latest digitalDrummer (Nov 2023)..
This is the 2nd attempt at marketing a kit under it's own name.....YoDrum Pro was the 1st.
I never seen the kit..or any re-brands..I remember when it came out...but never seen one in the US.

digitalDrummer: Medeli debuts full size kit

What caught me by surprise was the "positional detection" on the snare. Outside of the really big edrum companies (like Roland), this is new.

Since patent expired, now all possible, latest Yamaha have it on snare and ride, mimic module on snare center foam or 3\4 sided foam.

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2023, 03:57:36 AM »
it's just really , really , really cheap (almost transparent) cloth electrical tape...Also used to hold the wires down.
If you look closely 1st pic (I adjusted the image color) you can makeout/see the ceramic/brass.
Along with gobs of epoxy Alesis STRIKE products also have the cheap cloth tape.
The 2nd pic are Piezo's removed from STRIKE Cymbals.(I remove all the reflector Plate Tech from all my STRIKE products and replace with my own.)
3rd pic is STRIKE Cymbal...Piezo and wiring with cloth tape...before removal.

Oh wow, looks nastier than I thought lol.

I mean, for the price, I hoped that the internals would look more... professional. But yeah, as long as it works, it's all good, i believe.

Though I managed to have a way cleaner and professional looking triggers on my own, but I digress.
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Offline Hellfire

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2023, 10:39:54 PM »
I had a chance to look at the manual for the module a bit more tonight. I'm shocked with what Medeli has done! This is on a whole new level for them. I would really like to see someone in the US brand this kit. This is easily on the same level (function wise) as Roland or Yamaha. It is nothing like what Medeli has put out in the past.

I would love to try this kit out just to see if it lives up to the way it appears on paper.

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2023, 04:08:37 AM »
I had a chance to look at the manual for the module a bit more tonight. I'm shocked with what Medeli has done! This is on a whole new level for them. I would really like to see someone in the US brand this kit. This is easily on the same level (function wise) as Roland or Yamaha. It is nothing like what Medeli has put out in the past.

I would love to try this kit out just to see if it lives up to the way it appears on paper.

Well, I for one miss your reviews and drum content, so I do hope you have access to one of these badboys so that we can have your input in it.
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2023, 09:27:33 AM »
The module of the MEDELI MZ928 seems to have great features like positional sensing, 8 mix Out, faders. The sounds from the video seems nice. if this Edrum is available soon in Europe and have the right price, I will certainly buying it!

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2023, 04:15:26 AM »

And honestly I am glad that Medeli finally became serious about their own e-drum brand. I mean, some may argue that what held Medeli back was the Roland patents, but those were only valid for the US, and we had kits in the past that had similar features years back.

I believe this is the dawn of a new age, where lesser people see e-kits as toys or practice tools, but rather great tools for recording drums, and for small venue live shows where noise is a concern.

Yesterday I actually saw a metal band that did Pantera covers in a local pub and the guy was rocking an original Alesis DM8, and it sounded quite great. When the show ended, the guy simply folded the kit, loaded it up with the rest of the gear in their small Renault Kangoo, and left.
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Offline ChrisK

Re: Medeli MZ92 flagship
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2023, 01:11:47 AM »
New Demo
"First launched on the Chinese market, the MZ928 will soon be available on the international market."

Offline ChrisK

« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 05:48:31 AM by ChrisK »