BFDDrums BFD PlayerI have used BFD for over 20 years and currently active in the BFD Forum.
I am also one of the very few using/supporting e-drums.
I have a lot of experience with BFD3 including modifying Instrument files..organization..presets..macros..trouble shooting etc etc and have re-organized the current Database and have created my own Expansions/libraries.
I checked the BFD Player Core Library and the samples are the same compression as BFD3..I noticed Instruments have BFD2 info.The Hi Hat has samples for the recently
upgraded Hi Hat engine which goes into 1/8 and currently only available in the Dark Farm Expansion.
The Core Library is basically a smaller version of the DW Collectors Kit from the
Dark Farm BFD3 Expansion.

There isn't a proper installation page as of yet..and currently No BFD Player Category in the
BFD Forum.
The current
BFD Player install instructions in the InMusic/BFDDrums support section are for the BFD Player (Serial Numbered) which came with the Newer Alesis Kits and required serial number registration..then downloading..then installing..then authorizing with the License Manager.
This is going to cause a lot of confusion...
Follow the instructions below and you'll be up and running with minimal time and effort.
You are going to need an
inMusic can also create at the
InMusic Store.Create InMusic ProfileSetup AudioIf you don't have an audio interface.There is support for Windows Audio or you can install
ASIO4ALL.or if advanced user look into FlexASIO.
FlexASIO is a flexible universal ASIO driver which doesn't have the "exclusive" limit.
I created a detailed Post
Here.Download/Install BFD PlayerOnce installed you will need to be online as upon initial startup you will see a Sign In Prompt which will take you to the InMusic Profile Login.
After the BFD Player is checked/registered etc in your profile you do not need to be online and it will start without the Sign In Prompt.
InMusic has implemented a 90 day Licensing Model..after 90 days you will need to be online for a Serial Number check.
Setup the Audio/MIDIThe Audio/Midi setup Icon is lower left.

To the right of "Preset" is a small box that opens the Menu..there you can scale the GUI and under the Engine parameters select the Keymap,perspective (Drummer or Audience) and profile based on your machine.
Click on the Expansion in the left column and the Preset drop down Menu will show.
There is a Play Icon to the left of each Preset to Audition
MAIN SCREENDrum Icon = Kit View
Mixer Icon = Mixer View
Folder Icon = Grooves
Plus/+ Icon (Lower Left) = Expansion Browser
Exclamation Icon (Lower Left) = MIDI PanicBFD Player | TutorialsEventually there will be a BFD Player category at the BFD Drums site.The BFD Player Tutorials is currently a blank/empty page..
Any issues..keymaps are wrong etc etc..or just share your Kits/Presets here.
I see some of the keymaps don't include my suggestions which I offered a year ago in my 1st post and was the main reason I joined the "New" BFD Forum.
I should also Note..The Core Library and the 2 available expansions are 5pc..(3 Toms) and are not cannot add kit pieces.
The majority of e-drum kits..including entry level have 4 toms or 6pc as the modules have the option to add a tom/cymbal which is the 1st thing users do...most e-drummers want more drums...not less.
BFD Player is a very basic player and other than some routing options in the mixer there is no editing of any type other than the 4 Macros at the top for some fine tuning of the overall Kit... basically WYSIWYG.
MIDI is limited to the keymaps available (which cannot be edited) ..nothing else..users will need to be familiar with the modules MIDI abilities to dial in
according to playing style.
Maybe in the future there will be the ability to create/edit presets in BFD4 and export.