Author Topic: record with backtrack  (Read 2109 times)

record with backtrack
« on: July 16, 2023, 03:51:08 PM »
I just joined to the Alesis Family by buying the DM10 MKii Pro.
i connected a USB with some songs and i want to record myself playing with the song at the same time but i can't figure out how to do that.
what i mean is that i want to hear the song from the USB while recording the drums.
is that even possible from a USB or do i have to use midi to a computer and a software?

Offline Chaser

Re: record with backtrack
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2023, 12:05:15 PM »
I just joined to the Alesis Family by buying the DM10 MKii Pro.
i connected a USB with some songs and i want to record myself playing with the song at the same time but i can't figure out how to do that.
what i mean is that i want to hear the song from the USB while recording the drums.
is that even possible from a USB or do i have to use midi to a computer and a software?

Welcome to the Forum !..

You can't Play(Stream) and Record simultaneously using a USB Flash drive...You can do one or the other..not both.
You can't load MP3 or WAV songs into the Module..only MIDI Songs.
You can load a MIDI Song from the USB Flash drive to the Modules memory and create a User Song (5 User Songs TOTAL) then Playback using the Module and Record to the USB Flash drive.The MIDI Song uses the Instruments from the modules GM Section to create the User Song.
If No USB Flash Drive is connected Recording defaults to MIDI/Module..if Connected Recording defaults to MP3/USB.

You can use the Aux input (Connect Audio..a phone etc etc using 1/8' TRS cable) or USB Cable (The DM10 MKII Pro is the only Alesis Module with Bi-Directional USB Audio)to PC to input Audio (Aux Input) and record Audio to the USB Flash Drive while performning.
You can record your MIDI performance and save it to the module as a User Song..then transfer the MIDI recording to the USB Flash drive.

There is a 15,000 note limit for "Real Time" Recording Directly on the module.
The module has 16MB..TOTAL MEMORY..up to 99 User Voices TOTALING 16MB..or 16MB for 1 sample....16MB is also the Maximum for one Kit..
You can only use WAV files for VOICES.
You can use Loops..same process as VOICES set Velocity Points to the Memory Limit.
A Full Song in WAV format will generally be much larger than the 16MB memory Limit.
You can create multiple Folders on the USB Flash Drive and have up to 99 files in each.
No matter which way you choose to divide it up/use it..16MB is the TOTAL MEMORY Limit for the Module.

There is a limit and a procedure to delete them..basically "memory rearrangement"
After you delete a User Voice(s) (Under UTILITY) must also go back under UTILITY and Clear them before you can add new ones (if memory is full).
The module will rearange the memory and reboot...It's does take time based on how many samples are involved so be patient ..

The DM10 MKII Pro differs from the other Medeli modules as you can delete 1 sample , while the other Medeli Modules you have no choice but to delete all the samples when the memory is full , even if you don't like just 1 sample you uploaded or it has a problem.
Over the years I have requested a memory status feature but for the most part...been ignored.
You only find out when the message window pops up MEMORY other warning.

Bottom Line:
You can perform "Reatime" while Streaming a Song from the USB Flash Drive and output the Audio to computer for recording (USB Audio or Main outs to Audio Interface)
You can input Audio/Song from computer/phone etc to Module (Aux Input) and Record MP3 to USB Flash drive..
You can control the Aux In Volume on the DM10 MKII Pro for the Aux Input ONLY.
If using USB Audio You have to control the Volume from the Source.
If using USB Audio or MIDI you must set the DM10 MKII Pro as the Audio or MIDI device and set the Sample Rate.
The DM10 MKII Pro is Class Compliant..USB 1.1 (1999) so you must watch USB Cable length.
USB1.1 has a limit of 9'6" before communication errors pop up.
The DM10 MKII Pro USB Audio did well when checked with a 6 Foot USB Cable..Terrible with a 15 Foot..pops,clicks, stutter and eventually stopping no matter how high the sample rate.
Roland and others that are not Class Compliant use USB 2.0..but that requires a USB 2.0 Driver be installed..and not Plug-n-Play