Author Topic: Open E-Drums project  (Read 1712 times)

Offline Sharkuel

Open E-Drums project
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:32:00 AM »
Hello people.

Yesterday I have stumbled across this project called Open E-drums. The website for the curious:

This technically has nothing to do with Alesis or Alesis kits in general, but the resources available there are quite awesome, and if you have a 3D printer, you can print some pads for you.

They also have a trigger-module project that you can use the code on an Arduino board, so for all those who rock the Alesis DM10 module (people here had monster kits wit a DM10 + Trigger I|O for example), and aren't aware of its awesome expandability potential, you should look into that as well!

All and all, I have printed a small 10' pad to use as a second snare on my Megadrum kit, and I gotta say, this open source project is quite genius indeed!
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever

Offline Chaser

Re: Open E-Drums project
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2023, 09:23:35 AM »
Hello people.

Yesterday I have stumbled across this project called Open E-drums. The website for the curious:

This technically has nothing to do with Alesis or Alesis kits in general, but the resources available there are quite awesome, and if you have a 3D printer, you can print some pads for you.

They also have a trigger-module project that you can use the code on an Arduino board, so for all those who rock the Alesis DM10 module (people here had monster kits wit a DM10 + Trigger I|O for example), and aren't aware of its awesome expandability potential, you should look into that as well!

All and all, I have printed a small 10' pad to use as a second snare on my Megadrum kit, and I gotta say, this open source project is quite genius indeed!

Ryo Kosaka has been working on this project for a few years with some good results..
I haven't finished up on my latest optical design which is different than his but also using the TCRT5000 module..and I rarely post DIY Projects in Forums anymore as DIY info seems to be used these days for profiting others and rarely is credit or reference given to the originator.
The original DM10 produces enough voltage to power it without the need for separate power..Check this Topic

Offline Sharkuel

Re: Open E-Drums project
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2023, 12:27:53 PM »
Hey Chaser, thank you for your informative response!

Indeed, regarding the DIY nowadays, too many designs were stolen and sold as their own, and it is a shame, since the whole DIY modus operandi is to provide solutions to either hardware limitations that brands seem NOT to address properly, or to find cheaper alternatives.

I am now starting to follow this project, and your response to the post you provided is also quite informative! At the moment I have no Alesis Edrums, but it is cool of you that you shared such wealth of information here!

Regardless, I will keep an eye on projects like these, as aside from playing edrums, tinkering with them is also my jam.
Megadrum 32 inputs with positional sensing add-on.

Cone centered DIY triggers in snare and toms.

8" racktom
10" racktom
12" racktom
14" floortom

Roland VH13
Lemon Cymbals

"Life is short, death is near, but one's word lives forever