Author Topic: Replacemetn Foam for Crimson Snare  (Read 1652 times)

Offline DannyM

Replacemetn Foam for Crimson Snare
« on: May 15, 2023, 05:36:50 PM »
Hello Everyone.

Can anyone tell me the best foam to use to replace the foam layer underneath the strike plate on a Crimson Snare?

Over time, it is getting real spongey and deteorating so I want to replace it before it gives way and causes the strike plate to break.
The strke plate has cracked before, but I was able to repar it for a while, but the foam replacement would help alot.

Any suggestions or shared experiences is greatly appreicaited.

Thankls in advance.

Offline Chaser

Re: Replacemetn Foam for Crimson Snare
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2023, 10:53:45 AM »
Hello Everyone.

Can anyone tell me the best foam to use to replace the foam layer underneath the strike plate on a Crimson Snare?

Over time, it is getting real spongey and deteorating so I want to replace it before it gives way and causes the strike plate to break.
The strke plate has cracked before, but I was able to repar it for a while, but the foam replacement would help alot.

Any suggestions or shared experiences is greatly appreicaited.

Thankls in advance.

Unfortunately there is no direct replacements foam or internals which was why Alesis typically replaced the whole trigger..if under warranty..
Which Crimson?,..the original?..they changed Pad designs at least 2x's..
I have one of the Originals that was also on the Command and a couple others (Fig 18 in the Patent)..the Plate was attached to a Tube glued directly to the bottom shell enclosing the Rim Piezo also..inside a foam ring glued to a Metal triangle Plate..1.75"OD..1.128" ID and .750 tall
Attached pic of one I lifted to check and it was also the model with the sensitivity knob.Here is the InMusic Patent to all the designs..
The foam Tube looks like open cell really cheap stuff..this one was deteriorating bad..I may try closed cell like Pipe Insulation to replace it.
It may be a little firmer.

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« Last Edit: May 18, 2023, 11:33:02 AM by Chaser »

Offline DannyM

Re: Replacemetn Foam for Crimson Snare
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2023, 01:24:27 PM »
Thanks for the info Chaser.

I have the same one you have with the sensitivity knob.
I will have to do a little surgery on it.

Thanks again !