Hi all, thanks for allowing me to post an issue here. I have an alesis strike pro se. I also have ezdrummer 3 and seems the mapping on crash1 and tom1 are mixed up.
When I correct the mapping on the module to correct notes I can't seem to save the change. Save button has no effect. I have changed to utility settings > midi and save but again takes no effect. Perhaps I'm just doing something silly but any strike module owners out there have the same issue?? Thanks again for your help
Welcome to the Forum !!
The Internal Voices are write protected..
MIDI edits are under Voice...Voice Edits are saved as User Kits.
After changing the MIDI Note and/or MIDI Channel you can only save as a "User Kit"
Edit the MIDI note..press Kit...SAVE.
You will be prompted to save a User Kit.
OREZDrummer 3 has multiple MIDI Notes assigned for some Triggers...I believe they were using a Generic Alesis map and just adding MIDI Notes.
Also other than the Ride and the EZ3 Kits (Bright Room ,Main Room, Tight Room) the majority ,if not all of the expansions (even the most recent releases) do not have multiple zone cymbals but you can experiment and add the Edge Notes etc to the same articulation or in the case of Kits with Multiple Cymbals..(some have 6+.. Cymbals 1-6,couple of Chinas,Splash,Spock etc etc)..you can assign the Bow Note to one.. the Edge Note to another etc ...so you would need to create a Custom MIDI Map or "E-Drum Preset".
On the Main screen bottom right..click on MIDI.
Edit MIDI Mapping E-Drums..Window/Menu will appear on the left of the screen..
Select Trigger..Cymbal 1..Floortom 1 etc
Mapping (There is also a Velocity Curve Editor)
Select Articulation..Center..Alt Center..etc..You'll see multiple MIDI Notes assigned..
In the Articulation Window to the right of the MIDI Note number is a drop down menu where you can..Learn.. Add..or clear.
You can clear ALL Notes or just a single note.
Check the assignments...Add , Change or Clear the Note not used.
You can also Clear all and use the MIDI Learn.

Once completed..click on the Preset Menu in the Center of the screen..
SAVE AS..Name the new Edrum Preset..Alesis STRIKE Pro 2 etc...or whatever you want.
You will have Created/Saved an EzDrummer Edrum Preset which will be placed under....C:\Documents\Toontrack\EZdrummer 3\EdrumPresets
You can then got to the Preset Menu (Middle screen) and load your own Edrum Preset whenever you change kits etc..it will be under "
User Presets"

Don't Forget to Set the Hi Hat to
Note:The Alesis STRIKE Module has 2 Kick drums..the 2nd Kick can be activated check this
Topic..in EZDrummer the assignments are Left(35) and Right(36)
Here is the
MIDI MAP for the STRIKE Module ..including the Choke Notes sent
EDIT:Added Images