Fantastic, both recordings! Wow, beautiful kit (love the blue light too).. geez, double Strike modules? plus those GenZ cymbals (i think that's what they're called). Amazing setup and awesome playing brother. So glad you've recovered from your health issues (at least from the coma that you mentioned). Drumming keeps us active and sane and I'm sure it promotes health. Thanks so much for sharing and hope you keep getting well-er and beating those drums.. Boston.. man, love that band. Super job on the covers!
Thanks man. Yeah, drumming has really helped with basic cardio and motor movement, both of which were pretty badly down after I got home. A lot better, and enjoyable to work on getting back to health again.
Thanks for the compliments. Both on the playing and kit.

Those are Zildjian L80 cymbal and hihat. (Low volume) I could never get the right feel/reaction with the regular electronic hihat's, and tried several. I got this idea off YT, and I love it. The larger L80 cymbal is just for cymbal swells. Another limitation of E-kits, and I don't use it a whole lot.

Luckily, while I'm not in a housing position to have an acoustic kit, those L80's are not a problem at all, noise wise.
Those lights were a Christmas gift like 2 years ago and hadn't come up with a use. LOL
I got the second module when I started running out of "space". (Chaser explained what was happening.) I decided to just get another, split them between cymbals and toms, then have plenty of room to add anything else.

Thanks again, brother.